Osceola Campus Faculty Association
Regular Meeting
January 14, 2003
Present: Andres Abad, Diane Brown, Steve Cummingham, Jackie DiMartino, Raymond Enger, Betty Fenner, Donna French, Carmen Humphrey, Teresa Nater, Beth Nettles, Carole Nevels, Christie Pickeral, Rob Rigney, Gladys Stromberg, Marlene Temes, Dara Winfield
- Call to Order
- Provost’s Report
Dr Zapico discussed several items. She is still working with security on delaying the closing of buildings at night as requested. Osceola campus has a list of faculty positions available. We have 3 available that have been approved: biology, speech, and psychology. We have 2 empty positions which are to be filled: biology and English. We also have some conversions of positions to full-time: EMS, speech, psychology, and biology.
It was asked if we have space for all these people. Dr Zapico offered to have her conference room converted into offices if necessary, but asserted that we will have room for everyone.
It was asked when building 3 would be started. Thursday of this same week, there is a meeting with the architects. Dr. Zapico said to see Linda Swain and Donna Haskins to see the latest plans. She said that a three story building had been approved. Building 3 will be next to building 1, and the oak trees will be preserved.
- Approval of December minutes
December’s minutes were approved (with Gladys Stromberg’s name stricken as volunteering for secretary).
- Discussion and Action Items
- Email Automatic Purge revisited
Faculty present stated that a one year purge will be our starting point with us eventually moving down to six months be suggested to the FAB to suggest to Bill White’s committee.
It was stated that this was with the understanding that we need to have specific dates with adequate warning time for the purges, and all faculty should be trained on how to archive their email.
Several faculty members are having trouble with messages being labeled spam. This is an issue that will need to be brought before Bill White’s committee. One faculty member said that she was advised to tell students to correspond with us through their Atlas accounts or else there would be difficulties such as this.
It was also mentioned that some students are not receiving their Atlas messages because of student email addresses in the course email list are incorrect. It was noted that such students can call x5444 about that problem (or others).
Our 2 representatives for the Atlas Committee are Christie Pickeral and Ron Colburn.
- Wellness Committee
Marlene Temes is our rep for this committee. She reported that the committee is college-wide and meets once a month.
President wants feedback and needs to figure out budget needs. Marlene needs help with research, calls, etc… Any volunteers are welcome.
Focus: Faculty and Staff.
- Remarks
Marlene Temes gave reasons why workload committee was created. Lisa Armour will be launching this committee in February.
Ray Enger volunteered to be secretary for the Osceola Campus Faculty Association.
Copier issue is still being reviewed.
- Adjournment