Sample Preparation Tips for ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay): A White Paper
ELISA is an essential analytical technique in many labs, with broad applications inmolecular diagnostics, medicine, plant pathology, and basic life science research. Due to the exquisitely high sensitivity and specificity of ELISA, it is widely considered to be the “gold standard” for macromolecule quantification in biological fluids.
Maximizing ELISA’s accuracy and sensitivity is highly dependent on the composition, handling, and storage of the sample being tested. Unlike Western blot, ELISA is conducted under non-denaturing conditions, detecting proteins directly in solution in their native state. Because ELISA can accommodate a wide variety of aqueous biological matrices, the researcher may encounter many potential pitfalls when acquiring specimens of an unfamiliar type. How should fresh biopsy tissue be extracted to maintain the native state of the target protein? How should body fluids be prepared and stored to prevent matrix effects in the assay? Guidelines for sample preparation and storage will be discussed here for the sample types most commonly used with ELISA.
Since 2001, RayBiotech has established a leading reputation for high quality and innovation in immunoassay development. Our ELISA kit line has expanded to include over 1000fully validated, GMP-compliant ELISA kits for efficient analysis of proteins involvedin inflammation, angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell growth, and signal transduction. Every ELISA kit we manufacture is backed by our90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee so you can evaluate our kits with no risks, no worries.
Preparing cell culture media samples for ELISA
We recommend preparing serum-free or low-serum medium samples, as serum tends to contain cytokines which may produce significant background signals. If it is necessary to test serum containing medium, we recommend also running an uncultured media blank to assess baseline signals. This baseline can then be subtracted from the cultured media sample data.
- On day 0, seed ~1 million cells in 100 mm tissue culture plate with complete medium.*
- On day 3, remove medium and replace medium with 6-8 ml of serum-free or low
- serum containing medium (e.g. medium containing 0.2% calf serum).
- On day 5, collect medium into 15 ml tube. Centrifuge at 2,000 rpm in centrifuge at 4ºC for 10 minutes. Save the supernatant. Transfer the supernatant into 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes. Store supernatant at -80ºC until experiment. Most samples can be stored this way for at least a year.
*The optimal number of seeded cells varies from one cell type to another and may need to beempirically determined.
Preparing plasma and serum samples for ELISA
For plasma:
1. Collect whole blood into an EDTA, Citrate or Sodium heparin tube (e.g. BD vacutainer, Cat # 8001302 or 16852).
2. Centrifuge 10 minutes at 3,000 rpm
3. Aliquot into small tubes and store at -80°Cuntil use.
For serum:
- Collect whole blood into a tube without additives (e.g. BD vacutainer, Cat # 8002527).
- Keep at room temperature for 20 minutes.
- Centrifuge 10 minutes at 3,000 rpm.
- Aliquot into small tubes and store at -80°C until use.
Preparing urine samples for ELISA
- Collect urine without adding stabilizers.
- Centrifuge the samples hard (eg. 10,000 x g for 1 min or 5,000 x g for 2 min).
- Aliquot, quick freeze in dry ice/methanol bath, and store at -80°C until use.
Preparing cell or tissue lysates for ELISA
Cell or tissue lysates for use with RayBio® ELISA kits and Antibody Arrays can be prepared usingmost conventional methods, e.g. homogenization of cell or tissue in RayBio®Lysis Buffer. You mayalso use your own lysis buffer, such as RIPA or other formulations optimized for immunoprecipitation.
Please note the following guidelines on lysis buffer composition:
- Avoid using >0.1% SDS or other strongly denaturing detergents. In general, non-ionicdetergents such as Triton X-100 or NP-40 are best, although zwitterionic detergents such asCHAPS, or mild ionic detergents such as sodium deoxycholate will work.
- Use no more than 2% v/v total detergent
- Avoid the use of sodium azide
- Avoid using >10 mM reducing agents, such as dithiothreitol or mercaptoethanols
We strongly recommend adding a protease inhibitor cocktail to the lysis buffer prior tohomogenization. Most general biochemical supply companies including Roche, Sigma-Aldrich,Pierce, and Calbiochem stock a wide variety of these products. Since susceptibility to proteolyticcleavage and the type of proteases present in the lysate vary, we do not recommend a specificproduct. Instead, your choice of which combination of protease inhibitors to use should be basedupon a literature search for your protein(s) of interest and/or tissue or cell type. Phosphataseinhibitors may be used but are not necessary unless the antibodies used in the kit specificallyrecognize phosphorylated forms of the protein.
Choices of the method for lysis and homogenization include glass-bead “smash,” douncing, freeze-thaw, sonication and crushing frozen tissue with a mortar and pestle, or even a combination of these.There is no best method for all sample types; your choice of method should be made following a briefsearch of the literature to see how samples similar to yours have been prepared in previousinvestigations.
After homogenization, centrifuge the lysates to remove cell/tissue debris (5 min @ 10,000 x g or 10min @ 5,000 x g) and save the supernatant. Unless testing fresh, lysates should be frozen as soon aspossible and stored at -20°C (or -80°C, if possible). Centrifuge them again before incubating with anyimmunoassay. Next, determine the protein concentration of your lysates using a total protein assaynot inhibited by detergents (such as the Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay) and normalize the volume ofeach sample used to deliver the same amount of total protein for each assay.
Note:The Bradford assay is not recommended as it can be inhibited by the presence of detergents.
Since different cells and tissues may contain different amounts of protein, as starting point, wesuggest using 500 µL of lysis buffer per 1x106cells or 10 mg tissue. You may have to adjust thisbased upon your results. Your target total protein concentration of the homogenate should be at least1,000 µg/mL, but 2,000 µg/mL or more would be better.
Final remarks
Regardless of the sample type you have, it is strongly recommended that you sub-aliquot all samples afterpreparation to minimize protein degradation from multiple freeze-thaw cycles. This also ensures availability of sample for further experiments.
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