"[click to insert course name]"
James Clemens High School / Teacher: / Shane Medlen11306 County Line Road
Madison, AL 35756 / Email: /
Phone: / 256-261-5313 ext. 95204
I. / Course Description: / Geometry provides a student with knowledge about shapes, properties, and assists with the development of spatial sense critical for further study in mathematics and for everyday life. Because of the importance in the development of mathematical empowerment, this course is required for all students. This course includes consistent use of Algebra to reinforce the skills and concepts developed in the Algebra 1 courses. The course work provides an excellent context for developing students’ abilities to reason. Problem solving skills in the development of geometric concepts are integrated throughout the course. Trigonometry is included to prepare students for the development of circular function trigonometry in later courses.
II. / Course Objectives: /
- Students will have an understanding of different kinds of shapes and the properties that are associated with those shapes.
- The students will be able to apply the theorems and postulates to problems.
III. / Classroom Expectations: /
- Be in class on time and in your seat.
- Bring all materials to class with you everyday.
- Be respectful of other.
- Participate in class daily
- Follow directions when given, they will only be given ONCE.
- No food or drinks, WATER ONLY and it must be in a bottle or sealed container.
- NO CELL PHONES unless specified for use in class.
Requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents.
Concerning laptop utilization:
1. Student laptops should not be hard wired to the network or have print capabilities.
2. Use of discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will not be allowed on Madison City computers.
3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.
4. Laptops and other electronic devices will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.
IV. / Grading Policy: / Test grades will account for 70% of the 9-weeks grade, with the remaining 30% being determined by quiz/daily grades. The grading scale is as follows: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (65-69), and F (below 65). Grades will be a reflection of mastery of the standards. Make sure all absences are excused as class work can be made up and graded for excused absences only. The Final Exam counts for 1/5 of final grade.
V. / Make-up Test Policy: / Make up test will be given before school at 7:15, this is not negotiable unless there are extreme emergencies. No make ups will be given during school. A student must make arrangements with me before they take a make-up test. Students will have two weeks from the time they return to school to take their make up test.
VI. / Text and Other Required Reading: / Geometry Holt McDougal
VII. / Materials and Supplies Needed: / Three ring binder with loose leaf paper (it is preferred that students not use spiral notebooks). A Scientific calculator (sin, cos, tan functions). I would prefer that students use pencils, but if they use pens they must understand that work is to be legible and anything I can’t read will be marked wrong.
Week 1 / Foundations of Geometry
Week 2 / Geometric Reasoning
Week 3 / Parallel and Perpendicular Lines/Equations of Lines
Week 4 / Triangle Congruence/Triangle Proofs
Week 5 / Properties and Attributes of Triangles/Relationships in Triangles
Week 6 / Relationships in Triangles/Polygons and Quadrilaterals
Week 7 / Special Quadrilaterals/Similarity
Week 8 / Similarity
Week 9 / Right Triangles
Week 10 / Right Triangle Trigonometry
Week 11 / Geometric Formulas
Week 12 / Geometric Formulas
Week 13 / Three Dimensional Figures/Volume
Week 14 / Three Dimensional Figures/Volume
Week 15 / Circles: Lines, Arcs, Angles, Segments in Circles
Week 16 / Probability
Week 17 / Semester Review
18 / Semester Exams
* The syllabus serves as a guide for both the teacher and student; however, during the term it may become necessary to make additions, deletions, or substitutions. Adequate notice will be provided to students of any necessary changes.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I look forward to having a great year! I feel fortunate to have your son/daughter in my class this semester and hope that you will contact me should you have any concerns about the progress of your son/daughter or any aspect of the instruction. With your son/daughter, please read the attached policies, then sign and date this signature page and have your son/daughter return this form. Please provide a current email address and phone number at which I can contact you should the need arise. Please contact me at school with any concerns.
Thank you,
My child and I have read and discussed the classroom syllabus.
Student Name (Print) ______Date______
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Email address______(w) ______(h)
Phone number______(w) ______(h) ______(c)
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