East Yorkshire Group of the Long Distance Walkers' Association
invite you to celebrate Hull City of Culture 2017, by becoming
Part Of The Story
a one off, never to be repeated, c26 mile challenge walk.
In the seldom walked area of Holderness to the east of Hull
Starting from Hull's, Victorian East Park. GR 121308
Refreshments at 4 checkpoints and at the finish
Unique badge and certificate
- Sunday, 16th July 2017.
- East Park, Holderness Road, Hull, GR 121308
- start 8:30, do not arrive before 7:15, the park will be closed.
- entry £10 in advance. £13 on the day, if places still available.
Cheques payable to East Yorkshire LDWA.
- map Explorer 293, together with the ability to use it,
is an essential requirement.
- we do not supply drinking mugs / cups, so remember to bring one.
- you must carry sufficient clothing and equipment to keep you safe and comfortable throughout the walk.
- no space for baggage storage, please keep your gear in your car.
- registered assistance dogs only
Entries to;
Part Of The Story,
480 Southcoates Lane, Hull, HU9 3UB
Either enclose a SAE, orprovide a clear email address,
for acknowledgement of entry and event number.
Route descriptions available on the day and two weeks before the event by email from
Part Of The Story, 16th July 2017
Name (as recorded on the certificate, make it clear)
...... …………………
Date of Birth (if under 18 on day) ......
MaleFemale WalkerRunner
Address, including postcode
email (make it clear) ......
Home telephone …...... ………………………………….....…
Mobile telephone (carried on the event) ……………………………………………..……………………
Have you a medical condition that the organisers should be aware of?
Who should we inform in case of an an accident or emergency?
Please read and sign this obligatory statement
I agree to abide by the rules of this challenge walk and observe the Country Code throughout the event. I have sufficient knowledge, experience, equipment and navigation skills to safely participate in a c26 mile walk over open countryside in any weather.
I confirm that I am in good health and do not have any medical conditions that may cause concern to either myself or others. I understand that I participate in this challenge walk at my own risk and that no liability is accepted by the organisers or landowners for any injury, damage or loss sustained by me before, during or after the event. I know that some additional rules / regulations may apply to the event and confirm that I will make myself aware of them before I participate. I will be over 18 years of age on the day of the event, or I will be accompanied by a responsible (and identified) person over the age of 18 throughout the whole event.
Signed...... Date ...... …
Name and signature of person responsible, for entrants aged under 18 years
Don't forget to enclose the £10 entry fee. Cheques for EYLDWA