Sunday Service

August 11: 10:30 am


We Are All on a Journey Together, Anne Hillman


*HYMN #361 Enter, Rejoice, and Come In

WELCOME Mr. Freund & Rev. David Horst


Central Unitarian Church welcomes all

into a home of spiritual diversity

that challenges us

to become our best selves,

to minister to one another in love,

and to serve the greater community.


We’re Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table (traditional)

SONG FOR ALL AGES Rev. Horst & Robin Slaw

Under One Sky, Ruth Pelham


Unison words: We pass this flame of religious freedom from generation to generation

Song: This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine....

Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine....

Building up the world, I’m gonna let it shine....


*HYMN #34 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire


We Need One Another

ANTHEM Let ‘Em In, Paul McCartney The House Band

SERMON Opening the Door Rev. Horst

*HYMN #1018 Come and Go with Me


The Scintilla of Your Spirit, Thomas Moore Mr. Freund


*Please rise in body or spirit.


Worship Associate: John Freund

Music: CUC’s House Band: John Freund, Tom Gundling, Phil Sosinsky &

David Levy,

Welcome Hosts: Brooke & Robin Cannata, Marilyn Masur, Jeff Merrigan and

Pam Zeldin

From the Pulpit: How open is the church door? When we say ‘All are welcome!’ on our signs and websites, do we really mean it? The invitation to newcomers to enter our doors and discover our Unitarian Universalist faith challenges us to be as welcoming as we say we are. In his début sermon and conversation as Developmental Minister, Rev. Horst introduces the concept of the “ministry of hospitality” and asks us—members, friends, and staff—to identify the ways Central Unitarian Church is a welcoming congregation and the ways we could be even more welcoming.

Religious Education Program

Religious Education for people of all ages is one of our key ministries. Here young and old alike pursue spiritual growth through a personal search for truth and meaning – a search informed by our faith’s core principles and diverse sources of wisdom. Children join their parents for the beginning of service in the Sanctuary and will leave for classes together.


During Service:

Crib Room – childcare for all ages from 10:30 am to 11:45 am

Youth Group meeting – 10:30 am – Youth Room

Last day of Summer Class – 10:45 am

After the Service: Ice Cream Social for All Ages – Assembly Room

Other Important Programs

Registrations: It’s time to start getting ready for Fall Sunday School. You can fill out a paper registration at CUC (forms are on the RE bulletin board) or online from the CUC Faith Development pages at

Every Sunday in August Youth Group meeting, 10:45-11:45

Religious Education Teacher Luncheon & Training: Sunday, September 15th at 12 Noon-2:00 pm.

Have lunch with Robin and the RE Committee and learn how to develop a sparkle in the eyes of your Sunday school class!

Religious Education Parent Meeting: Sunday, September 29th at 12 Noon-2:00 pm.

Please join Robin and the RE Committee for lunch and a talk about how parents can support faith development at CUC!

Worship Attendance Last Sunday:

Adults: 56 / Children: 4

Next Week: “Bring Your Gifts” Rev. Horst continues the conversation and turns the focus on each and everyone in the congregation, asking “what gifts do you bring” to Central Unitarian. Each of us has a “giftedness” that contributes to a vibrant and engaging congregational life. The “ministry of gifts” is a creative and inclusive approach to church life, creating powerful synergies and shared purpose.

By Rev. David Horst, Developmental Minister

Today: Before and After the Service

·  Endowment Trust Fund meeting – 9:00 am – Annex

Covenant Circle [Sue Pearly] – has been moved to next Sunday, August 18th in Annex.

At the REAR of the SANCTUARY

● Listening Devices are available so you can hear every word.

● Grocery Cards for local grocery chains are available for purchase. You get the full face value of the card, and in return, CUC receives 5% on every dollar that you spend. The Center for Food Action will gladly accept donations of these cards to support our eight food pantries. These cards are particularly important during the summer months when actual donations of food decline dramatically.

● Curious about our Religious Education programs for all ages? Stop by the

Religious Education Table in the rear of the sanctuary and have a chat. Also RE

Committee members will be ready to help you register your children and youth for the 2013-2014 church year Sunday School classes.


Welcome all visitors! We invite you to make Central Unitarian Church your spiritual home. Come by to fill out a visitors form to receive our newsletter and other information. We will be there before and after service to greet you and answer any questions.

This Week’s Calendar

For more details go to

Monday, August 12th

·  Newcomers Covenant Circle – 7:30 pm – Lounge

Ever want to know what we are doing in Covenant Circles, but were afraid to ask? I have just the circle for you! I began facilitating a covenant circle for folks who are fairly new to us, or to the idea of covenant circles. Our covenant circles are usually a 12-month commitment, for 2 hours each month. This covenant circle will meet each 2nd Monday from 7:30 – 9:30, at CUC, and our commitment is for only that night to be present with the group. You should come as you are able. The plan, similar to our well-established circles is to join in deep conversation on topics of ultimacy (the universal “us”) and intimacy (the interpersonal “us”). Think about starting some new connections. After a few circles you may decide to be part of a 12-month circle, often the connections continue long after the year is through. Contact: Lisa Horton / 845-398-0141

Tuesday, August 13th

·  Covenant Facilitators meeting – 7:30 pm – Lounge

·  Lifespan Faith (children & youth) meeting – 7:30 pm – Annex

·  Threshold Team meeting – 7:30 pm – Assembly Room

Wednesday, August 14th

·  Pastoral Care meeting – 7:30 pm – Annex

Thursday, August 15th

·  Rummage Sale meeting – 10:00 am – Lounge

Sunday, August 18th

·  Crib Room care from 10:30 am to 11:45 am

·  Sunday Service – 10:30 am – Sanctuary

·  Covenant Circle [Sue Pearly] – 12 noon – Annex

·  Spring Fling planning meeting – 12 noon – Lounge

Fall Picnic

On Sunday, September 8th join our CUC family to welcome the Rev. David Horst and his family and enjoy a day of fun and food.

If your last name begins with:
A-L: Please bring a main dish (meat, fish, etc.) enough for 10 people
M-R: Please bring a side dish/salad or fruit for 10 people
S-Z: Please bring COLD drinks (buy 64 oz or case of 12).Drinks include

bottled water, soda,seltzer, ice tea, or lemonade.

Dessert, coffee & tea will be provided by the Church.

We need volunteers with set up/clean up or kitchen help. Please contact Shailja Rastogi at 201-262-6300, email .

Center for Food Action (CFA)

In 1897, a small group of folks founded the Hackensack Unitarian Congregational.

Next month starting September 1st, first Monday of each month, they will resume their monthly food/funds collection for the Center for Food Action. If you prefer not to bring food to CUC, please consider donating supermarket gift cards also.

Recommendation: Try to see the documentary "A Place at the Table" to get an excellent portrayal of the issue of hunger in the U.S.

Family Pasta Movie Night

On Saturday, September 21st at 5:30 pm, hosted by John and Andrea Freund here at CUC. Enjoy a variety of pastas, sauces, salads and breads while watching a movie together. This is a Spring Fling event offered at $15/per person or $40/for 3 or more in a family. Spring Fling is CUC’s Service Auction and all funds go to support CUC’s Operating Budget.

Have fun and support CUC. Contact the office at 201-262-6300 to reserve your spot. Only 3 seats are left so hurry…!

Checks can be made payable to Central Unitarian Church with Spring Fling in the memo.

Is CUC Place for You?

Q A session with membership at 11:45 am on Sanctuary stage on Sunday, August 25th.

Visitors grab a cup of coffee and join us on the stage to know about CUC. Every Unitarian Universalist congregation has its own personality and chooses different ways to serve its members and the greater community. As we talk about Central Unitarian Church, who we are, why we are and what we hope to be. This informal meeting is just one of the ways in which Membership can help you answer the question: "Is CUC the place for you?"

Childcare is provided. If you have any questions about the Path to Membership or the meaning of membership here at CUC, please leave your name and phone or email with the host at the Welcome Center on any Sunday, and we will contact you directly.

The Membership Team, Lisa Horton, Chair

Homeless Shelter

On Tuesday, October 1st we will once again be hosting and feeding homeless families at Good Shepherd Church in Glen Rock. We will need cooks to cook dinner for up to 20 people (guests and people from CUC) and two overnighters. If you can help out please contact Helen Brender at 201-569-2479 or .

Welcome to Central Unitarian Church

In 1897, a small group of folks founded the Hackensack Unitarian Congregational Church. By 1956, the congregation had outgrown its walls and moved to Paramus, changing the name to Central Unitarian Church (CUC). Our members come from all over Bergen and neighboring counties. CUC is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the UUA's Central East Regional Group (CERG) that includes congregations in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

Contact CUC

Central Unitarian Church OFFICE: (201) 262-6300

156 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652 FAX: (201) 262-6369


For Pastoral Needs:

Call: 201-262-6300 x 202 / Email:

For emergencies: 201-262-9595

Staff and Board of Trustees

Developmental Minister: Rev. David M. Horst –

Director of Music: Matt Anderson –

Director of Lifespan Faith Development: Robin Slaw –

Choir Conductor: Robert René Galván –

Youth Program Coordinator: Amy Panetta –

Service Coordinator: Jim Karabin –

Office Manager: Shailja Rastogi –

Board of Trustees –

President: Jeff Feinstein

Vice President: Merielle Lupfer

Secretary: Maria Nieves

Controllers: David Kraft & Anna Levy

Treasurers: Janice Pevide & Ruth Viera

Trustees: Zoe Fechner, Dawn Focaraccio, Amory Hartman, Kim Komonchak,

Herb Ouida, Phil Sosinsky, Gina Webb-Metz & Jill Wecht


Adopted by the congregation on June 10, 2012

We dream of a future in which ... CUC’s commitment to Unitarian Universalism as a union of reason and faith is a beacon to all who seek nourishment of the heart, mind and spirit in a life-changing religious home.

We dream of a future in which ... CUC is a loving community built on bonds of trust that offers powerful, tangible ways for every person who walks through our doors to work for a better world.

We dream of a future in which ... CUC offers multiple pathways to generous service in which all members and friends find personal meaning and share their abundant talents and ideas.

We dream of a future in which ... CUC celebrates the whole human experience, gathering many cultures and voices through our richly diverse programming.

We dream of a future in which ... CUC works passionately for justice and empowers each person to change lives within and beyond our walls every day.

We dream of a future in which ... Our past is honored and our resources enable this vision to flourish.




a welcoming congregation