A British journalist, with wide experience as a reporter and news editor on leading British newspapers – for the last dozen years, an editorial consultant, training journalists and advising news organizations around the globe.

l  Brings enthusiasm as well as expertise to media training

l  Clear-sighted about what can be achieved

l  Practical rather than theoretical

l  Sympathetic to local needs – recognizing that outside experts don't have all the answers.

Roles in the last few years have ranged from managing editor of the newly-launched Afghan national news agency to running training courses in investigative reporting around the Middle East.

The author of The Net for Journalists, the UNESCO guide to the Internet for reporters in developing countries; also involved now in judging the effectiveness of training, serving as the evaluator for a study of the Knight Foundation's International Journalism Fellowships.

ACTIVITIES have included:

Evaluating journalism training in Romania and Moldova (2006-7) (MSI for ICFJ/Knight Foundation)

Program to improve reporting on tolerance issues in Macedonia (2006) (British Council for EU)

Training provincial journalists across Russia on ethical issues (2003), for Internews (EU-TACIS project)


From 2005 to 2007, editorial director of the human rights reporting programme, working with the Great Britain-China Centre and Tsinghua University, producing the first manual of human rights reporting for Chinese journalists.

Half a year in Afghanistan (2004-5) as managing editor of the new national Pajhwok news agency (IWPR for USAID)

UN media consultant in Bangladesh (2001-2), for the UNDP's Parliament and Democracy project


Training press and TV journalists in investigative reporting, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Jordan (2008)

Training for online journalists at Al-Jazheera Television, Qatar

Courses on referendum reporting for journalists in Guatemala & Belize

Launched journalism training in Sierra Leone after the end of the civil war


UNDP project in Belgrade, to train Serbian journalists in coverage of government reforms

Also: Providing training in media relations for British academics; UK seminars for postgraduate journalism students.

Career as a journalist included:

Editor of The Prague Post, the English-language paper of the Czech Republic (1992-6)

Foreign News Editor of The Observer (1989-92), running coverage of the collapse of the Soviet Union, First Gulf War etc

Reporter and news editor at The Times (1972-86), including political reporter, night news editor, foreign desk


The Net for Journalists, A handbook on the Internet for journalists in developing countries, published by UNESCO (2006), as a printed book and in CD and electronic formats. A revised version is planned.

Education and personal:

BA honours (History/American Studies), Keele University, UK (1963-67)

Certificate of the National Council for the Training of Journalists, UK (with distinction) (1969)

Born August 16, 1945, single, and a British citizen

Address: 272 Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0RP, England

Telephone: 020-7733-8324 Mobile: 07905-120293

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