December 2011 5

/ Calvin Chatter
The Newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church, Winchester, Virginia
Serving Christ & Neighbor in the Heart of Winchester since 1800
Vol. 43, No. 8 September 2012


September 2012

Christian Education for Adults at First Church

Adult Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 16

Sunday School Hour: 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

First Church provides Christian nurture through all of life and life’s transitions. Through its educational ministry, the church assists persons to claim their identity as believers in Jesus Christ and equips them to live as commissioned disciples in the world.

The Sunday morning learning opportunities are:

iDisciple: A gathering of young and middle-aged adults to discuss and explore the common threads of Christian faith and life. Paige and Brian Lineweaver coordinate the class’s leadership team. The class meets in the Graham Room.

Monday Connections: A small group opportunity for persons to discuss among friends, new and old, the joys and challenges in following Jesus Christ and to grow in faith not only by learning, but by socializing and serving with other Christians as well. Jenny and Woody Bousquet coordinate the leadership team. The class meets in Fellowship Hall.

Sycamore Class: A group of adult learners dedicated to intensive studies of books of the Bible, classic Christian literature, and doctrines of the Christian faith. Charlie Leeper, Marge Toxopeus, and Cindia Stewart lead the class. The class meets in Donegal House South.

Thoughtful Christian: A group of adult learners dedicated to the exploration of issues related to historic Christianity and contemporary Christian practice. Dan McCoig leads the class. The class meets in Donegal House North.

New Members Class: An eight-week orientation to the life and ministry of First Presbyterian Church. The class covers worship, education, service, and fellowship in the Christian life. The class is designed for persons exploring active membership in the congregation. Bob Lizer and Beth Kane coordinate the leadership team. The class meets in Loudoun Hall.

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The mid-week learning opportunities are:

Disciple I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study is a 34-week survey of the entire Bible. The class meets weekly on Wednesday evenings beginning September 19 from 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Donegal House North. Rich Reifsnyder leads the class. Please pre-register at dan@ Study manuals need to be pre-ordered. The cost for the manual is $40.

Disciple III: Remember Who You Are is a 32-week survey of the Old Testament prophets and the letters of Paul. The class meets weekly on Tuesday mornings beginning September 18 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon in Donegal House North. Dan McCoig leads the class. Please pre-register at Student study manuals need to be pre-ordered. The cost for the manual is $40.

Women’s Study is a weekly book study group for Christian women. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. in the Graham Room. For more information, please contact Maren Sonstegard-Spray at maren@

Men’s Study is a weekly Bible study group for Christian men. The group meets weekly on Fridays at 6:30 a.m. in the Graham Room. For more information, please contact Dan McCoig at .

Faith Stretchers is a monthly book study group. The group meets in the homes of participants at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month. For more information, please contact Rich Reifsnyder at .


Fall New Members Class

By Beth Kane

The next New Member/Inquirer’s class begins Sunday, September 16. In the spring and in the fall, classes are held on Sundays during the Sunday School hour for those who are interested inlearning more about First Church as well as becoming active members of the congregation. Why attend the class? The New Member class gives newcomers an opportunity to become acquainted with the programs, history, ethos, and people of First Presbyterian. While most people who participate in the class decide to join, it is not required. Each Sunday of the class a different topic is covered by various leaders of the church.

Why join a church? Becoming a member of the church involves “faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and acceptance of his Lordship in all areas of life” (The Book of Order G-5.0101). According to Susan Andrews, in her article “The Meaning of Membership,” “Our covenant to God is in response to God’s dependable presence in our lives. Every member of a church is a ‘minister’—one who serves God. Commitment is the fuel that energizes our ministry. Our covenant commitment is not just with God but with one another. And so as church members we admit our need for others and their need for us.”

If you are thinking about becoming joining First Presbyterian Church, consider attending the new member class. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Beth Kane, Minister of Welcome, at bethkane@ or 662-3824.

Children’s Sunday School


By Todd Bowman

2-Year-Old Class (Room #107) The Twos’ Class seeks to lay the foundation for the spiritual development of God’s precious little ones through sharing the stories of Scripture, helping young children know and experience the loving care of our great God and enabling them to experience a warm and nurturing place to learn about God.

3- Year-Old Class (Room #210) The Threes’ Class introduces students to an approach to children’s spiritual formation called “Godly Play”. Godly Play is an experiential “discovery” method that engages the whole child—hands, heart, mind, senses, and intuition.

In Godly Play rooms, a sacred space is created where the stories of our faith are presented to students, and then students have the opportunity to respond worshipfully. The class first has the opportunity to wonder together about the story and then engage in the story on their own terms through open-ended opportunities.

4-Year-Old Class (Room #212) The Fours’ Class also uses “Godly Play” as explained above, but with a different sequence of stories and a greater opportunity to come to the heart of the meaning and purpose of the stories so important to our faith.

Elementary K-4th grade (begin in Stine Room) Our elementary students are all part of the Workshop Rotation model of Sunday School, where they learn major Bible stories and concepts through kid-friendly multimedia workshops: art, drama, music, games, puppets, dance, storytelling, cooking, science and any other educational media that is appropriate for elementary age children. Students travel with other children in their grade to a new workshop each week. The model’s philosophy recognizes that kids not only love repetition, but they need it to develop a lasting memory and understanding of content.

This year our units will be:

Sep 16 – Oct 14, 2012: #1- The Promise Travelers: Abraham and Sarah
Oct 28 – Dec 2, 2012: #2- Great Balls of Fire: Elijah
Jan 6 – Feb 10, 2013: #3- New Teachings: Parables and Teachings of Jesus
Feb 17- Apr. 7, 2013: #4- Easter: I’m a Believer

Apr 14 – May 26, 2013: #5- Paul: Believers, You've Got Mail


Lots to Be Excited about in Children’s Ministry

By Todd Bowman

As another year begins we have a great deal to be excited about, and first and foremost we are excited to continue the work of sharing faith with young students and their families! We are thrilled to begin Sunday School on September 9th with a committed and loving team of teachers in all classrooms. We are ecstatic about our numerous volunteers who provide care to our youngest ones during worship and Sunday School. We are glad for new students to be part of a Sunday School setting as we welcome our new Twos’ class. We are eager for our rising first-grade students to worship alongside us as their time in Wee Ones Worship (W.O.W.) draws to a close. We are energized to see the wonderful opportunities planned in Children’s Ministry that will make a lasting impact for Jesus Christ. We are keyed up to share resources with families that will provide greater effectiveness in home-based discipleship. We are delighted to celebrate with our rising 5th graders as they move into youth ministry. We are pleased to launch Milestone Ministry at First Presbyterian as a model for greater intentionality in progressing through the stages of faith. We are SO EXCITED…..and it’s only September! God has even greater things to come this year!


By Roger Callis

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS resume on Wednesday, September 12. Parents, please keep Wednesdays “open” so that your children can be part of choir this year. We have some wonderful new music, some fresh ideas, and are ready for a super year for all of the choir members. Please encourage your youngsters to be in choir this year.

A SPECIAL INVITATION for all of the adults in the congregation. Our Chancel Choir resumes rehearsals on Thursday, September 6. The choir regularly rehearses on Thursday evening from 7:30-9 p.m. The choir always welcomes new singers to our ministry. We have some ambitious plans for this fall, and it would be great to have additional voices in all sections of the choir. Come sing and serve with us.

A SPECIAL THANKS to Christina Russell for all of her work, talent, and energy that went into our special summer ensembles. Christina is one of our Shenandoah singers, and she directed this group as a special project in her master’s degree program in church music at the university. We commend Christina and all those who sang with her for blessing our services this summer through music.

THE BIBLE and MUSIC CONFERENCES at MASSANETTA SPRINGS in August were a special blessing this summer. We had 20 participate, including children, youth, choir members, bell ringers, and elders. Four of our young people were selected by the clinicians working with their age group for “special” parts when their groups sang at the evening services and the Friday afternoon concert; the four were Colleen Stearns, Emma Callanan, Cody Williams, and Carly Blake.


Ladies Lunch Bunch and ROMEOs

The first lunch of the fall will be held on Labor Day, Monday, September 3, at 12:30 p.m. at Villa Donata Restaurant (Rt. 522 N). All ladies or ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out) are welcome. Any questions, please contact Robin Palmer at 665-8337.


Holy Grounds Coffee

More volunteers are need to keep this service going each Sunday. Please consider signing up to help serve coffee between services. Donations are always welcome to help defray the church’s costs for the coffee, snacks and supplies. If you have any questions or would like to help and need to learn to make the coffee, please contact Vickie Laird at or 667-9309.


Speaking of Coffee…

The volunteers who sell fair trade coffee, tea and snacks between services could also use some additional help. If you could spare some time for this important ministry, perhaps once a month or so, please contact Carolyn Thalman at or see her during the Opportunity Fair on September 9. She’ll be at the Guatemala table!


September 2012


By Lara Davis, Director of the Weekday School

September 10 marked the opening of the 2012-2013 Weekday School year! A total of 24 Weekday School staff members greeted and welcomed more than 130 families, and connections (or reconnections for many) began. How wonderful to once again have the church filled with the delightful sounds of children!

As a NAEYC-accredited school [National Association for the Education of Young Children], we believe in and support the value of play in a child’s life. Staff members participate in training, learning and discussing ways to intentionally support and scaffold children’s learning. In the spring of the 2011-2012 school year, one four-year-old class decided to “build” a Flower Shop. The children brainstormed, deciding on materials, signage, supplies, etc. Then they busily prepared for opening day, assigning each other “roles.” They even made money for the cash register!

In her article, “Play and School Readiness,” Sue Bredekamp tells us that play helps to develop the following skills:

·  Self-regulation (controlling emotions, behaviors, thought processes)

·  Language (developing and using a richer vocabulary, participating in conversation)

·  Social (taking turns, cooperating, working together, understanding others’ perspectives)

·  Early literacy (print awareness, symbolic representation, attaching sounds and letters to make words)

To support children in this learning process, teachers are actively engaged with the children: playing with them, observing, asking questions, providing materials, and extending learning. Teachers then plan activities to best support and scaffold this learning based on their observations, interactions, and knowledge of the developmental levels of their children. With this approach, learning becomes meaningful and authentic for the children. The stage is set for them to become life-long learners. A playful environment, which supports children’s development, must remain

and never


September 2012


By Daisy and Ken Fujishiro

Jubilee Kitchen continues to provide a nourishing meal every Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendance has been averaging 75 to 80 persons. We are seeing more families with small children coming. Our youngest has been under one and the oldest, Jack, just had his 96th birthday in June. Jack served in the US Air Force during World War II and is looking forward to reaching 100.