You and one to two partners will make the following 8 maps. On each map, you must write the type of map and the purpose of the map. Each map counts 12 points. Extra points will be awarded for neatness and creativity. If you follow directions and do the minimal work assigned, you will earn 9 points per map, or a grade of 72. You earn the extra 3 points per map by going beyond the simple directions (extra examples, color coding, pictures, etc). The options below are only ides to get you thinking. Be as creative and as thoughtful as you can! That equals a total of 96 points. You can earn the extra 4 points for a 100 total grade by making a colorful cover sheet with a clever title (names of group members should be included on cover sheet).

Choose one major character besides Odysseus and write the name in the middle circle.
In the big circle, list 10 words or phrases that define who he/she is.
In the outside square, list at least 4 people, places, events, or situations that influence who that character is. / TREE MAP
Make a tree map that shows different types of things in The Odyssey.
Under each branch, list examples of that type (ex: immortals, mortals, monsters).
At the bottom of each branch, make a box where you define the characters (who they are, what makes them special, etc).
Choose one antagonist, place, or experience from the story and make a bubble map to describe him/her/it.
Make at least 6 bubbles. Remember, the bubbles can only contain ADJECTIVES.
Use a thesaurus to find really great words!
(no words like big, mean, ugly, nice) / DOUBLE BUBBLE MAP
Make a double bubble map that compares two things (characters, places, etc).
Remember to only use adjectives.
If both have the trait, they share a bubble in the middle. If only one has it, the trait goes on the outside. Minimum of 11 bubbles total.
Make a flow map of 10 major events in the Odyssey. For three of the events, make smaller boxes underneath to break that event into smaller steps. / MULITFLOW MAP
Make a map that tells the causes and effects of Odysseus forgetting to thank the Gods for their help. On the left name at least 3 causes that lead to him forgetting, and on the right name at least 3 effects that occur as a result of him forgetting to thank them.
Make a map that tells the parts of the different settings in The Odyssey.
Break each part down as far as you can. / BRIDGE MAP
Make 5 Bridge maps that show relationships between characters, places and events in the Odyssey and other things in the world. Use the examples in class to help you.