Confirmation of Candidature

It is the joint responsibility of the Primary Supervisor and the Candidate to ensure that the Confirmation of Candidature is completed and submitted for confirmation of candidature. For Doctoral candidates this will take place within twelve (12) calendar months after the census date closest to commencement and for all Masters by research candidates within six (6) months after the census date closest to commencement. Failure to submit within this timeframe may lead to a candidate being placed “At Risk”.


Title: (select one, delete others)

/ Dr / Mr / Ms / Miss / Mrs
Family Name: (As per AMS)
Given Name(s): (As per AMS)
Student Number:
PhD / Master / Prof. Doctorate:
Program Code: i.e. DR085
Direct Entry or
Transfer from Master:
Study Load:
Start Date: Start date can be obtained from myRMIT at http://www.rmit.edu.au/students
(A student transferring from a Master to a Doctoral program or vice versa, or one program to another, should indicate the start date of the first program. If you had a previous enrolment in an incomplete research Masters or PhD program in the past 3 years use the date of commencement of that program.)
Due Date: (School target date)
Names of Supervisors, Consultants:
(including their affiliations) / Primary Supervisor:
Second Supervisor:
Consultant: / □ On register?
□ On register?
□ On register?
□ On register?
Research Methods Course: / Currently Enrolled: / YES / NO / Successfully Completed: / YES / NO / Exemption Granted: / YES / NO
sert text (box will expand)"
2.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED RESEARCH (1 page) Please provide a brief summary of the proposed research program in language which is understandable to people outside the discipline area. Indicate the scope, objectives, expected deliverables and in particular, research questions to be addressed. Where appropriate, major references should be cited to situate the research proposal within the current body of knowledge.
sert text (box will expand)"
2.3 RATIONALE FOR THE RESEARCH (1 page) State why it is important to undertake this research, in terms of the field of study involved and anticipated benefits to the community and industry. Specific questions include how the research will build on the current body of knowledge, significance & original contribution to knowledge, which make the program appropriate for the degree pursued. Where appropriate, major references should be cited to situate the research proposal within the current body of knowledge
sert text (box will expand)"
2.4 RESEARCH METHODS (1 page) Provide a brief description of the overall framework of the research method for the project, organised in several major planned research steps in the program. Give each step a title and in the description of the activity explain how answers to the research questions listed earlier are to be obtained.
sert text (box will expand)"
Step No. / Title of Activity / Activity Description & Relation to Research Questions
2.5 RESEARCH TIME LINES Gantt Chart showing shaded time lines. Overall time span for PhD must equate to school target date. If transferring from Masters to PhD please indicate the time lines already achieved.
Title of Activity / Timelines
PhD Quarters (School target time)
Masters 8 Quarters (School target time)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
sert text (box will expand)"
2.7 RESEARCH COMPLETED TO DATE (1 page) Provide a brief description of the components of your research project that you have completed.
sert text (box will expand)"
sert text (box will expand)"

3. ETHICS APPROVAL (Refer to Section 20 of the HDR Policy and Procedures)

By completing and signing this form, you acknowledge the existence of RMIT University’s ethics regulations/procedures and agree to comply with them.

Does this Confirmation of Candidature require approval from one of RMIT University’s Ethics Committees? (Candidates are obliged to check the current guidelines of the RMIT Human Research Ethics Committee and RMIT Animal Experimentation Committee). If subsequent research requires Ethics approval, this must be obtained.

YES / NO / In Progress? Date sent .…/..../…. / Select one and delete others
YES / NO / Application to be submitted by ..…/…./….

If YES, attach a copy of the approval letter or the application number if “in progress”.

Go here http://www.rmit.edu.au/governance/committees/hrec for information on how to obtain the ‘Human Ethics’ approval and here http://www.rmit.edu.au/governance/committees/aec for information on how to obtain ‘Animal Ethics’ approval.

NB: The final approval of Confirmation of Candidature is subject to Ethics Clearance.

4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) (Refer to Section 19 of the HDR Policy and Procedures)

In accordance with the RMIT Intellectual Property Policy approved by Council in 2004, RMIT University does not normally claim ownership rights in the intellectual property which results from a program. Circumstances may exist, however, where RMIT University or another body may have an interest in that intellectual property. In order that such circumstances may be explained or anticipated, the matter of intellectual property should be discussed and agreed upon by the candidate, the primary supervisor and an external party/parties at the commencement of the program. Advice should be sought from the relevant business development unit of the College or the University’s Office of Research & Innovation if clarification is required.

4.1 / Is there an external party involved in your project that:-
-  is funding the project?
-  owns Intellectual Property that is to be used in the project?
-  expects to own or license intellectual property that you will develop in the project?
YES – Appropriate agreements will be required. Please ask your Supervisor to arrange a meeting for you with the College Business Development Manager to get the agreement signed. A copy of this must be attached.
NO – Proceed to question 4.2. / YES / NO
4.2 / Is your project part of a larger joint project involving University staff, as distinct from a project in which your supervisors solely provide supervision of your work?
YES – An appropriate agreement will be required. Please ask your Supervisor to arrange a meeting for you with the College Business Development Manager to get the agreement signed. A copy of this must be attached
NO – proceed to question 4.3. / YES / NO
4.3 / Does the University have an interest in the future application of the intellectual property to be developed in your project? This can include its use for future research, commercial application, etc.
YES – Supervisor and student to consult Discipline Head. If Discipline Head agrees, an appropriate agreement between the student and the University may be required. Please ask your Supervisor to arrange a meeting for you with the College Business Development Manager to get the agreement signed. A copy of this must be attached
NO – Proceed to Question 5 / YES / NO

5. Student Induction Sessions:

School Induction Session Attended? Yes No
If Yes, specify date:
College Induction Session Attended? Yes No
If Yes, specify date:
Safety Induction for Labs ………………………….. Yes No
(complete if applicable)
If Yes, specify date: Run by (staff): ______
Research Student Induction
These pages are a guide for research students to RMIT website. Included is all the information we think you need to find your way around RMIT: academic support, IT, changes to your candidature, ethics applications, milestones and time lines http://www.rmit.edu.au/graduateresearch/induction
Candidate's Signature: …………………..……………………………Date: ……/ ……/………
Please note that the completed & endorsed Needs Analysis must be attached to this Confirmation before submission. Supervisors’ loads must be completed in the box below i.e. Number of students currently being supervised by the senior and second supervisors.

Primary Supervisor to P and check off that the following are attached to the Confirmation:

Needs Analysis Form (to be completed by Candidate, Senior Supervisor & Discipline Head)
Senior Supervisor’s Brief CV
Second Supervisor’s Brief CV
Consultant’s Brief CV
Supervisor Load
Supervisor Load as Primary Supervisor (number of students) / Supervisor Load as Second Supervisor (number of students)
F/T Students / P/T Students / F/T Students / P/T Students
Primary Supervisor
Second Supervisor
Primary Supervisor (compulsory)
Name / Signature / Date
Second Supervisor (compulsory)
Name / Signature / Date
School HDR Committee Chair or Coordinator
Name / Signature / Date
College HDRSC Chair or Delegate
Name / Signature / Date

Confirmation of Candidature

Last updated 16/03/2012

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All sections need to be filled in by Student, Primary Supervisor and Discipline Head or authorised Nominee. It should be reviewed every six months.

Student Full Name: / Student Number: / s / Program Code:
School: / Discipline: / Program Load: / Full-time / Part-time
Student / Primary Supervisor Comments / Discipline Head Comments
i.e. Agreed Action or NA (not applicable)
A. GENERIC NEEDS / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
1. English Language Skill Needs: / YES or NO
If Yes, please specify:
2. Writing Skill Needs: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
3. Library and Data Accessing Skills Needs: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
4. Computer and IT Skills Needs: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
5. Project and Time Management Skills Needs: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
B. THESIS / PROJECT NEEDS / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
1. Any Special Project Requirements? eg. materials, laboratory, library resources / YES or NO
If YES, please specify:
2. Computer and IT Needs: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
3. Any Specific External Facilities: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
4. Occupational Health & Safety: / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
Completion Date of Safety Induction Workshop
C. PERSONAL NEEDS / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
1. Disability or Child Care Advice: / YES or NO
If YES, please specify:
2. Has a schedule of meetings been agreed with supervisors? / YES or NO / sert comments here" / sert comments here"
If YES, please specify:
Student’s Signature: / Date: / /
Primary Supervisor Name: / Signature: / Date: / /
Discipline Head Name: / Signature: / Date: / /

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Shown below is the proforma to be used for the Curriculum Vitae of the supervisors and consultant(s) and which is to be attached to Confirmation of Candidature. The Curriculum Vitae should not exceed one page.

Full Name: / sert Name here"
Present Position/Institution: / sert Present Position/Institution here (box will expand)"
Address / sert Address Details here (box will expand)"
Contact numbers / Work: / Fax:
Email address / sert Email address here (box will expand)"
Qualifications: / sert degrees here and include institution and year completed here (box will expand)"
Membership of Professional Organisations: / sert Memberships here (box will expand)"
Teaching Experience: / sert Teaching Experience and years here (box will expand)"
Professional Experience: / sert Professional Experience and years here (box will expand)"
Research Experience: / sert Research Experience here (box will expand)"
Experience in Supervision of Research Candidates: i.e. does not include Honours students
Master Students / In Progress / Completed / Doctoral Students / In Progress / Completed
Full-time / Part-time / Full-Time / Part-time
Primary Supervisor / Senior Supervisor
Other Supervisor / Other Supervisor
Publications, Exhibitions or Professional Works (Show total number and provide details of only the last two or three applicable to the candidate's research program)
sert total number of publications etc here (box will expand)"
sert last 2-3 publications applicable to candidate's research topic here (box will expand)"

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