invited / Name / Response / e-mail
1 / 19 July / Paul Dunbar / x / Yes Bio /
2 / 21 July / Joe Shaeiwitz / x / Yes, design or teamwork /
3 / 21 July / Marina Miletic / Yes, any of the Chemical Engineering Division sessions as well as
Design in Engineering Education, New Engineering Educators,
and Women in Engineering. /
5 / 21 July / Adrianne Minerick / x / Yes, Chemical Engineering Curriculum Topics
€ The Biology-ChE Interface
***** Micro- and Nano-technology-ChE Interface
Faculty & Departmental Topics
€ Contemporary Issues Facing Faculty
€ Young scholars: Teaching, Research, Service
Course Topics
€ Hand- on Activities and Classroom Demonstrations
€ Innovative Classroom learning activities
€ Innovative Laboratory learning activities
Student Topics
***** Better serving non-traditional and under-represented student
€ Recruitment/Outreach To High School and Community College Students
€ Developments In The Graduate Program /
6 / 21 July / Jason Keith / x / Yes, fac dev & mentoring or hands-on
And co-sponsor with New Educators /
7 / 21 July / Don Visco / x / Yes, Young scholars or advising issues /
8 / 21 July / Polly Piergiovanni / x / Yes, innovations in the laboratory is the most interesting session to me, although the biology / environmental one would also be interesting. I will do any of the sessions, though /
9 / 21 July / Paul Blowers / x / Yes, * Curriculum Enhancements
* Young scholars: Teaching, Research, Service
* Innovative Classroom learning activities /
10 / 21 July / Helen Qammar / x / Yes, Curriculum Enhancements
Recruitment/Outreach To High School and Community College Students
Assessment of ChE Programs
Innovative ChE design experiences /
11 / 22 July / Sundar Madihally / x / Yes, "Innovative
Classroom learning activities" or "Innovative Laboratory learning
activities". /
12 / 22 July / Doug Ludlow / x / Yes, "curriculum enhancement" "Advisory Boards:" and "hands-on activities" /
13 / 22 July / David Silverstein / x / Yes, CHED3-Innovative Classroom Learning Techniques or Research on Learning in
the ChE Program
CHED1- Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Education /
14 / 22 July / Scott Moor / x / Yes, Sessions 2:Innovations in
the ChE lab and 4: ChE's in Outreach, recruitment and community /
15 / 22 July / Randy Lewis / x / Chemical Engineering Curriculum Topics
a.. Curriculum Enhancements
b.. The Biology-ChE Interface
Faculty & Departmental Topics
a.. Assessment of ChE Programs
b.. Mentoring and Professional Development of Faculty
Course Topics
a.. Hand- on Activities and Classroom Demonstrations
b.. Innovative Classroom learning activities
c.. Green Engineering
Student Topics
a.. Advising Issues for Undergraduates and/or Graduate Students /
16 / 22 July / David DiBiasio / Yes to moderate
No to review
1. CHED 3
2. CHED 1 /
17 / 22 July / Al Carlson / x / Yes, "Chemical Engineering
"Frontiers" in the curriculum Chemical Engineering "Frontiers" in the
curriculum", a second is "The Biology-ChE Interface", and the third is
"Teaching as Research, or Research on Learning in the ChE Program". /
18 / 22 July / Dave Miller / Yes, I could even review some papers if you find you need a few more people /
19 / 22 July / Dana Knox / x / Yes, I don't have a strong preference for any of the area;
feel free to plug me in wherever you need someone.
outreach /
20 / 22 July / Sharon Sauer / x / Yes, CHED8 and CHED3 - only one
session please. /
21 / 22 July / Stew Slater / x / Yes, Innovation in labs /
22 / 28 July / Kevin / x / Yes, Teamwork and Assessment
session, the Design Innovations session, or the Outreach/Recruitment /
28 July / Stephanie / x / Review Abstracts only
Chemical Engineering "Frontiers" in the curriculum
Curriculum Enhancements
The Biology-ChE Interface
Micro- and Nano-technology-ChE Interface
Faculty & Departmental Topics
Hand- on Activities and Classroom Demonstrations
Innovative Classroom learning activities
Novel Elective Courses
Innovative ChE design experiences
Innovative Laboratory learning activities /
Chuck C / X / Design
22 July / Bob Barat /
22 July / Wallace Whiting /
22 July / Barry Johnston /
21 July / Lisa Bullard / NO, out of the country /
22 July / Jimmy Smart / No. /

ASEE 2005 Portland meeting

Greetings, Jason,
I would like to invite you to be a moderator and a reviewer
for the technical sessions in the Portland (June 2005) meeting
of the ASEE. The reviewing starts in October or November.
Look at
and tell me if there is one of the proposed ChE sessions
that you feel particularly drawn to as a moderator and/or
Also, the Southeast section of ASEE is having
its annual meeting in April, 2005 in Chattanooga.
I'd like to see a good session at that meeting focusing
on ChE education in the SouthEast.
Chemical engineers are usually in short supply at the
regional meeting.
If you and your colleagues could submit a paper and visit Chattanooga
it will be great.

Greetings, XXX,
It was great to see you again, in Salt Lake City.
I want to explore working with you in improving
your laboratories at UIUC. I've been quite busy and
have not done waht I'd like in that regard. Maybe soon.
On another topic, I would like to invite you to be a
moderator and a reviewer for the technical sessions in
the Portland (June 2005) meeting of the ASEE.
The reviewing starts in October or November.
Look at
and tell me if there is one of the proposed ChE sessions
that you feel particularly drawn to as a moderator and/or

Adrienne Minerick
Jason Keith ,
Don Visco ,
Polly Piergiovanni ,
Paul Blowers
Helen Qammar at Akron
Lisa Bullard ,

Randy Lewis ,

Jimmy Smart ,

Kevin Dahm

Chuck Coronella ,


Paul Dunbar

Joe Schaeiwitz

Marina Miletic

Frank Bowman

Adrianne Minerick

Jason Keith

Don Visco

Polly Piergiovanni

Paul Blowers

Helen Qammar

Lisa Bullard

Dana Knox

Stew Slater

Sundar Madihally

Doug Ludlow

Barry Johnston

David Silverstein

Wallace Whiting

Scott Moor

Randy Lewis

Bob Barat

David DiBiasio

Jimmy Smart


advising issues

Advising Issues for Undergraduates and/or Graduate Students

Advisory Boards:"

any of the Chemical Engineering Division sessions as well as
any of the sessions,

Assessment of ChE Programs

Assessment of ChE Programs

biology / environmental one would also be interesting.

Biology-ChE Interface

Biology-ChE Interface

Biology-ChE Interface",

Contemporary Issues Facing Faculty

curriculum enhancement" "

Curriculum Enhancements

Curriculum Enhancements

Curriculum Enhancements
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Education

Frontiers" in the curriculum Chemical Engineering "Frontiers" in the curriculum

Design in Engineering Education,


Graduate Program

Green Engineering

Hand- on Activities and Classroom Demonstrations

Hand- on Activities and Classroom Demonstrations


hands-on activities"

Innovations in the ChE lab

Innovations in the ChE lab

Innovative Laboratory learning activities".

Innovative Laboratory learning activities

innovations in the laboratory is the most interesting session to me,

Innovative ChE design experiences

Innovative Classroom learning activities

Innovative Classroom learning activities

Innovative Classroom learning activities

Innovative Classroom learning activities" or "

Innovative Classroom Learning Techniques or

fac dev &

Faculty & Departmental Topics

Faculty & Departmental Topics

New Educators

New Engineering Educators,
Mentoring and Professional Development of Faculty

mentoring or

Micro- and Nano-technology-ChE Interface

Better serving non-traditional and under-represented student

Outreach, recruitment and community populations

Recruitment/Outreach To High School and Community College Students

Recruitment/Outreach To High School and Community College Students

Research on Learning in

Student Topics

Student Topics

Teaching as Research, or Research on Learning in the ChE Program".


-teamwork and assessment

the ChE Program

Women in Engineering.

young faculty issues or CHED8

Young scholars or

Young scholars: Teaching, Research, Service

Young scholars: Teaching, Research, Service

Username : * / 190993
Password : * / Sauer
Re-entry Password : * / Sauer
Email : * /
Username : * / 48937
Password : * / Bowman
Re-entry Password : * / Bowman
Email : * /
Username : * / 300063
Password : * / Minerick
Re-entry Password : * / Minerick
Email : * /
Username : * / 173552
Password : * / Carlson
Re-entry Password : * / Carlson
Email : * /
Username : * / 34839
Password : * / Coronella
Re-entry Password : * / Coronella
Email : * /
