Alexios Antypas

Associate Professor

Central European University

Nador utca 9
Budapest 1051
Hungary / Home: 36-30-215-51-66
Work: 36-1-327-3091


Ph.D., Environmental Policy and Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1998.

Dissertation: “Translating ecosystem science into ecosystem management and policy: a case study of network formation.”

M.S., Environmental Science, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York, 1991.

B.A., History, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1986.

Junior year abroad, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 1984-1985.

Current Position

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (2000-present).

Past Positions

Director, Center for Environment and Security, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (2008-2012).

Director, Center for Environmental Policy and Law, Central European University (2002-2008).

Visiting Professor, Economics Faculty, Rezekne University, Rezekne, Latvia (1999-2000).

Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York (1999).

Research Associate, Syracuse University, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration, Syracuse, New York (1997-1998).

Research Associate and Instructor, Institute for Resources in Society, University of Washington, Seattle Washington (1992-1996).

Teaching Assistant, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York (1989-1992).

Project Coordinator, Safe Energy Communication Council, Washington, DC (1988-1989).

Intern, National Audubon Society, Washington, DC (1987-1988).


Researcher, Environmental Civil Society in an Illiberal Democracy: The Case of Hungary (2016-present).

  • Organize Hungarian Environmental Civil Society Research Group.
  • Conduct research.
  • Supervise student research.
  • Prepare articles and other publications.

Consultant, Project on Natural Resources Management in EECCA. Organization for Economic Cooperation in Europe (2011-2012).

  • Write report, “The Economic Significance of Natural Resources: Key Points for Reformers in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia.”
  • Write report, “Information for Sustainable Natural Resources Management: Key Points for Reformers in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.”

Consultant, Danube Macro-regional Strategy, European Committee of the Regions (2010-2011).

  • Write assessment of environmental implications of the proposed Danube Macro-regional Strategy.
  • Report to the Committee of the Regions and participate in roundtable discussions.

Lead Scientist, AquaTRAIN, Geogenic Chemicals In Groundwaters And Soils: A Research Training Network, FP7, European Commission (2008-2011).

  • Coordinate 4 institution work package aimed at analyzing policy and social aspects of geogenic groundwater contamination in Europe.
  • Supervise Ph.D. thesis, write reports, and produce academic articles analyzing geogenic groundwater contamination policy issues.

Project Leader, Rio Conventions Project, Develop a Training Program Package on Integrating Global Environmental Objectives into Regional Development Policy and Spatial Planning in Bulgaria. UNDP (2007-2008).

  • Manage team developing training materials/manuals for integrating the Rio Conventions (Climate Change, Biodiversity, Desertification) into regional and spatial planning in Bulgaria
  • Develop training materials related to sustainable development for the project
  • Develop indicator set for measuring integration of Rio Convention objectives into regional and spatial planning in Bulgaria

Consultant, Environment and Security Initiative. UNEP, UNDP, OSCE, REC, UNECE, NATO (2005-2007).

  • Co-author assessment of environment and security risks and opportunities in Eastern Europe (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova)
  • Participate in country-level consultations
  • Participate in development of work programmes

Course Director, Sustainable Human Development and the Millennium Development Goals: How to Go from International Frameworks to Regional Policies. Central European University Summer School in cooperation with the UN Development Programme, the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, and the Italian Trust Fund (2006-present, each summer).

Develop course curriculum integrating environmental and social frameworks for meeting MDG targets in Central and Eastern European Region, the Caucasus, and Central Asia

Instructor/Lecturer, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe & Venice International University, Venice, Italy. Course forSustainability (2003-2007).

Coordinate people and activities between CEU and REC

Provide training in environmental policy, sustainable development strategies, and sustainability indicators for middle and high level officials from Central and Eastern Europe.

Principal Investigator, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation in Transboundary Contexts: The Lake Ohrid/Prespa Watershed (2004-2006).

  • Analysis of transnational environmental governance, Albania and Macedonia
  • Project development with Alliance for Lake Cooperation in Ohrid and Prespa and other regional partners

Project Leader, Central European University. Environmental Justice in Central and Eastern Europe. This project is supported by grants from the European Commission and the Open Society Institute (2003-2006).

  • Develop theoretical basis for environmental justice in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Develop case studies of environmental injustice.
  • Organize workshops on environmental justice.
  • Develop and implement policy strategy for environmental justice in Central and Eastern Europe.

Consultant, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Szentendre, Hungary. International Law and the Baia Mare Cyanide Spill Follow-Up (2004-2005).

  • Participate in REC delegation at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe sponsored negotiations of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Civil Liability.
  • Develop and promote “Governance Principles for Direct Foreign Investment in Potentially Dangerous Activities in Countries in Transition.”
  • Facilitate workshops.

Project Leader, Central European University and the Hungarian Ministry of Environment. Environmental Policy Integration in Hungary. (2003-2005)

  • Conduct primary research on environmental policy integration in the energy, transportation, agriculture, and financial sectors in Hungary
  • Conduct research on environmental policy integration in the EU and selected member states
  • Write interim and final reports
  • Conduct two workshops on project findings for administrators from selected Hungarian ministries

Project Leader. Central European University. Independent Forest Monitoring in Central and Eastern Europe. This project is supported by grants from the Open Society Institute and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (2003).

  • Organize workshops on forest monitoring.
  • Research forest administration systems in selected countries.
  • Organize demonstration forest monitoring project.

Principal Investigator, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. The Role of Policy Networks in Environmental Policy Change: Baltic Case Studies. This project is supported by a CEU Research Grant (2002-2004).

  • Analysis of forest policy processes in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
  • Assessment of sustainable forestry in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
  • Analysis of air and water pollution policy change in Latvia.

Consultant, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Szentendre, Hungary (2001-2002). International Law and the Baia Mare Cyanide Spill.

  • Analyzed international regimes for industrial accident prevention, transboundary watercourse management, and direct foreign investment in environmentally hazardous activities
  • Edited and co-authored report, published by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
  • Developed “Proposed Environmental Principles for Direct Foreign Investment in Potentially Dangerous Activities in Countries in Transition

Visiting Professor, Civic Education Project and Rezekne University, Rezekne, Latvia (1999-2000). Latgale Institute for Sustainable Development.

  • Founder of Latgale Institute for Sustainable Development at Rezekne University
  • Initiated research project on institutional barriers to sustainable development in Latgale region of Latvia with local faculty

Consultant, Great Lakes Research Consortium, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York (1998-1999). Ecological Economics.

  • Research in ecological economics
  • Write book chapter, The Institutional Development of the Commoditized Economy
  • Edited book, Privileged Goods, Lewis Publishers (2000)

Consultant, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Seattle, Washington (1998-1999). Interior Columbia River Basin Ecosystem Management Project.

  • Designed and conducted study of role of science in structuring implementation capacity of the Interior Columbia River Basin Ecosystem Management Project
  • Co-authored report

Consultant, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Seattle, Washington, (1996-1997). Adaptive Management Areas under the Northwest Forest Plan.

  • Co-designed and conducted qualitative study of ten adaptive management areas in Pacific Northwest
  • Wrote report

Consultant, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Seattle, Washington, (1995). Project on Integration in Natural Resources Management

  • Analyzed the intellectual foundations of integrated natural resources management
  • Wrote report

Consultant, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Walla Walla, Washington, (1995). Legitimacy and the United States Forest Service.

  • Analyzed legitimacy problems of US Forest Service
  • Wrote peer reviewed white paper (

Consulting Social Scientist, Federal Ecosystem Management Assessment Team, Portland, Oregon (1993). Social Assessment within the FEMATProject.

  • Helped conduct social assessment of rural communities in the Pacific Northwest of the US
  • Developed further social research needs for the Federal Ecosystem Management Assessment Team

Consultant, Alaska Wildlife Alliance, Anchorage, Alaska (1990). Marine Mammal Protection Campaign

  • Analysis of institutional structure of marine mammal management in Alaska.
  • Preparation of petitions to list species under Endangered Species Act.
  • Collaboration with Native Alaskan organizations on projects.


Stephen Stec, Magdalena Paszkiewicz, and Alexios Antypas (forthcoming). “Is the Time Ripe for Global Binding Norms for Corporate Accountability?” International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development.

Alexios Antypas (2016). “Going Green: The United States Department of Defense and Energy Security,” in Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Alexios Antypas (2016). “The Paris Agreement: A New Deal for the Climate Regime,” Environmental Liability, Vol 23 (1).

Alexios Antypas, Magdalena Paszkiewicz and Stephen Stec (2016). “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Accountability: A Historical Overview,” in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development: Exploring the Nexus of Private and Public Interests” (Lez Rayman-Bacchus and Philip Walsh eds.), Routledge: New York.

Alexios Antypas (2015), “Looking Forward to the Paris Climate Agreement,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 23 (3).

Alexios Antypas (2014). “The UN Climate Summit and the US-China Climate Agreement: Good News for 2015,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 22 (4).

Alexios Antypas and Shruti Neelakrantan (2013), “Not a 'Copout'” Small but Meaningful Progress Towards the 2015 Agreement in Warsaw,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 21 (4).

Alexios Antypas, (2013), “The Bonn Climate Conference and Anticipating the Warsaw Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 21 (3).

Alexios Antypas (2012), “Rio+20: The Future We Still Have to Fight For,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 20 (3).

Alexios Antypas, (2012), “A Desultory Morning-After at the Bonn Climate Change Conference,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 20 (1).

Julia Leventon and Alexios Antypas (2012), “Multi-level Governance, Multi-level Deficits: The Case of Drinking Water Management in Hungary,” Environmental Policy and Governance, Vol. 22 (4).

Alexios Antypas (2011). “The Economic Significance of Natural Resources: Key Points for Reformers in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia,” Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, EAP Task Force, Paris.

Alexios Antypas, (2011). “Information for Sustainable Natural Resources Management: Key Points for Reformers in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia,” Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, EAP Task Force, Paris.

Alexios Antypas, (2011), “Incremental Regime Building and Kicking the Can Down the Road: Action and Obfuscation at the Durban Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC,” Environmental Liability, Vol. 19 (5).

Brandon Anthony, Peter Scott, and Alexios Antypas, (2011), “Sitting on the Fence? Policies and Practices in Managing Human-Wildlife Conflict in Limpopo Province, South Africa,” Conservation and Society.

Dora Kulauzov, Alexios Antypas (2011), “Environmental Cooperation and Regionalization in the Middle East and North Africa,” in Comparative Regional Governance: Environment, Economics, and Security, Routledge: London.

Alexios Antypas and Bernadett Köles (2010), “Business Diplomacy in Countries in Transition,” Exchange: The Magazine for International Business and Diplomacy, V 1 (1).

Alexios Antypas, (2010). “Environment and the Purposes of a Danube Area Macro-Regional Strategy,” in The Second Term Contributions to the 2009 Ateliers, Committee of the Regions, Brussels.

Alexios Antypas (2010). “The Copenhagen Accord” Environmental Law and Management, V. 21 (6).

Maia Gachechiladze and Alexios Antypas (2009), “The Aarhus Convention in Georgia: The Long Road to Implementation” Environmental Liability, V. 17 (5).

Alexios Antypas, (2009), Hungary’s Ombudsman for Future Generations. Environmental Liability, V. 17 (4).

Alexios Antypas, et al. (2008), “Linking Environmental Protection, Health, and Human Rights in the European Union: An Argument in Favour of Environmental Justice Policy,” Environmental Law & Management, V. 20 (1).

Alexios Antypas, Plamen Peev, Keti Medarova-Bergstrom, (2008), “Integrating the Rio Conventions into Regional and Spatial Planning,” United Nations Development Program, Sofia and Bratislava.

Aleh Cherp, Alexios Antypas, Vicken Cheterian, Mykhaylo Salnykov. (2007), “Environment and Security, Transforming Risks into Cooperation: The Case of Eastern Europe.” Environment and Security Initiative (UNEP, UNDP, OSCE, NATO, REC, UNECE).

Alexios Antypas et al. (2007), “Making the Case for Environmental Justice in Central & Eastern Europe,” (Tamara Steger, editor), CEU Center for Environmental Policy and Law and The Health and Environment Alliance, Budapest.

Alexios Antypas, 2006, “Ukraine: Energy Policy,” Environmental Liability, V. 14 (4)

Alexios Antypas, 2006, “Moldova: Country Profile,” Environmental Liability, V. 14 (3).

Keti Medarova and Alexios Antypas, 2006, “Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Bulgaria: Limping towards Effectiveness,” Environmental Liability, V. 14 (1).

Stephen Stec, Alexios Antypas, Tamara Steger, 2006. “Transition and Environmental Governance: The Case of Post-Communist States,” in Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change, Gerd Winter (ed.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Silvia Rezessy, Alexios Antypas, 2004. “Renewable Energy Support Schemes in Central Europe: A Case of Incomplete Policy Transfer,” Energy and Environment V. 15 (4).

Stephen Stec and Alexios Antypas, 2004. “Globalizing Hazardous Activities: An Instrument for Investor Risk and Responsibility,” Environmental Policy& Law, V. 34 (3).

Alexios Antypas and Oliver Avramoski, 2004. “Polycentric Environmental Governance in the Western Balkans: Towards Stability and Sustainable Development,” Environmental Policy & Law, V. 34 (2).

Alexios Antypas, 2004. “Activists Link Human Rights and Environmental Wrongs,” Local Governance Brief, Summer.

Alexios Antypas, 2003. “A New Age for Environmental Democracy: The Aarhus Convention in Hungary,” Environmental Liability Vol. 11 (6).

Aleg Cherp and Alexios Antypas, 2003. “Dealing with Continuous Reform: Towards Adaptive EA Policy Systems in Countries in Transition”, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management Vol. 5 (4).

Alexios Antypas and Stephen Stec, 2003. “Towards a Liability Regime for Damages to Transboundary Waters by Industrial Accidents: A New Protocol in the UNECE Region” Environmental Law and Management 15 (5).

Alexios Antypas, 2003. “Renewable Energy Generation,” in “The Impact of Structural Changes in the Energy Sector of CEE Countries on the Creation of a Sustainable Energy Path,” (ed. Diana Urge-Vorsatz) a report to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France.

Alexios Antypas and Stephen Stec. 2003. “Proposal Targets Risky Facilities,” REC Bulletin, V. 12 (1).

Alexios Antypas, 2002. “Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Corporate Responsibility: A Report to the REC,” Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern, Szentendre, Hungary.

Stephen Stec, Alexios Antypas, Tonya Jansen and Eszter Gulacsy, 2002. “Transboundary Environmental Governance and the Baia Mare Cyanide Spill”, Review of Central and East European Law, Vol. 27.

Alexios Antypas, Rebecca McLain, John Gilden, and Greg Dyson, 2002. "Federal Non Timber Forest Products Policy and Management," in R. McLain, E. Jones, and J. Weigand (eds.), Non-Timber Forest Products in the United States," Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.

Alexios Antypas. 2000. "The Institutional Development of the Commoditized Economy" in J. Manno, Privileged Goods, Commoditization and Its Impact on Environment and Society, Washington, DC: Lewis Publishers.

Margaret Shannon and Alexios Antypas, 1997. "Open Institutions: Uncertainty and Ambiguity in 21st Century Forestry", chapter in Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century: The Science of Ecosystem Management, Jerry Franklin and Kathryn Kohm (eds.), Washington, DC: Island Press.

Amanda Graham, Alexios Antypas, Margaret Shannon, 1997. "Learning to Organize, Organizing to Learn: A Report on Adaptive Management in the U.S. Forest Service", University of Washington and USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, Washington.

Margaret Shannon and Alexios Antypas, 1996. "Civic Science is Democracy in Action, Northwest Science, Vol. 70, No. 1.

Alexios Antypas. 1995. "Integration: Synthesis and Analysis", USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, Washington.

Alexios Antypas, 1995. "Legitimacy and the U.S. Forest Service", peer reviewed white paper for the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, USDA Forest Service, Walla Walla, Washington.

Alexios Antypas and E.rrol Meidinger, 1995. "Technically Intensive Policy Disputes: A Review of the Literature", U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, Washington.

Alexios Antypas, 1995. "The Sociology of Science: A Review of the Literature", U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, Washington.

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