October 13, 2016
Location: 9441 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75243 – 6:30 PM
The meeting was called to order by President Becky Jones at 6:39 PM. President Jones welcomed all in attendance.
Changes to the August 25th minutes were read and approved as well as the Minutes of the September 8, 2016 meeting. Motion made by David Harrison and second by Bob McClure.
Treasurer Report: David Kirkland stated that the PayPay monies were taken into our account and total liabilities and equity at this time is $20,804.03.
Membership: No chairman at this time.
Activities: David Kirkland discussed the preparation for our “Movie in the Park” night (10/15/16), renting of the generator and that we would have a cotton candy machine and popcorn. Planning on around 300 to attend. Also discussed checking on cost to possibly purchase our own generator.
David stated that for our National Night Out approximately 100 people attended and that 180 lbs of canned goods were received.
Block Captain: Jeana Dickerson was not present.
Crime Watch: Bob McClure discussed burglaries in neighborhoods and the need for more people in Crime Watch as there are 34 now but that number is dropping.
Web & Social Media: Barry Propes stated he needs to get with Khalid Hussain so admins can log on and discussed need to add all members.
Database: Discussed directory and talking to Bill Brollier to see about getting it printed and hope to have for our November 10th general meeting. Also need discussion with Charlie at Acri Windows.
Newsletter: Karla Weesner discussed possibility of colored newsletter and whole newsletter might be too expensive, but we could do front and back. Also that we had gotten more advertisers. Also car stickers for the general meeting.
Beautification: Millie Harrison has contacted Lynn Brollier who has acknowledged that she will help and also spoke to Michael Bahr and he says he will assist as much as he can. She is going to get with Michael and discuss cost, plants, etc. She will also check on a new person to help with the entrances. There was some discussion about the Christmas Parade, but nothing decided.
New Business: Discussed General Meeting for Election of new Officers/Board scheduled for November 10, 2016 at Richland Elementary and By-Laws and Nominating Committee. Ballots will be available at this meeting.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:06 PM. Motion made by David Harrison and seconded by Bob McClure.
Meeting attended by: Becky Jones, Millie Harrison, David Harrison, David Kirkland, Bob McClure, Barry Propes, Karla Weesner, D’Nell Lyons and Judy Brennan
Meeting Adjourned at 8:06 PM.
Next Meeting is General Meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 10, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM. Location: Richland Elementary School, 550 Park Bend Dr., Richardson, TX