[Gardner & DeMar: Appendix 9] 1
Appendix 9. Sources for taxonomic identifications of late Palaeocene (Tiffanian and Clarkforkian NALMAs) lissamphibians listed in Table 9, arranged by NALMA (Tiffanian: 1–15; Clarkforkian: 16–21; late Palaeocene or early Eocene: 22) and north to south within each province and state. Arabic numbers denoting localities are same as those used in the corresponding faunal list (Table 9) and locality map (Fig. 10).
Tiffanian (1–15)
1,UALVPSmokyTower #1 locality, west-central Alberta,Canada; Paskapoo Formation.
Urodela / Dicamptodontidae / Dicamptodon antiquus: Holotype incomplete skeleton (UALVP 32387) described and figured by Naylor and Fox (1993,fig. 1).
Urodela indet.: Two undescribed skeletons (UALVP 51909 and 51919) (Gardner unpubl. obs.). These may be the “Opisthotriton cf. kayi” specimens that Naylor (1981b,p. 3) mentioned as “several fragmentary specimens from the Paleocene Paskapoo Formation”.
2,DW localities along BlindmanRiver,central Alberta,Canada; Paskapoo Formation.
Albanerpetontidae / Albanerpeton sp. nov.: Undescribed jaws and frontals (all in UALVP collection). Vouchers are: dentary (UALVP 39939) from DW-1; and dentary (UALVP 39940) and frontals (UALVP unnumbered: Gardner 2000c,fig. 1C) from DW-2. This taxon was first reported as “Albanerpeton sp.” in a distribution table by Fox and Naylor (1982,table 1), and subsequently has been mentioned under a variety of informal names, including the “Late Paleocene species”, the “Paskapoo species”, the “unnamed Paskapoo species”, and the “unnamed Albanerpeton sp.” (e.g., Gardner 2000c, 2002; Venczel and Gardner 2005; Gardner and Böhme 2008).
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Scapherpeton sp.: Reported by Fox (1984,table 2) in preliminary faunal list for UALVP loc. DW-2, based on unspecified specimens in UALVP collection.
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae / Opisthotriton sp.: Reported by Fox (1984,table 2) in preliminary faunal list for UALVP loc. DW-2, presumably based on unspecified specimens in UALVP collection.
Anura indet.: Reported by Fox (1984,table 2) in preliminary faunal list for UALVP loc. DW-2, based on unspecified specimens in UALVP collection.
3,Canyon Ski Quarry along Red Deer River, central Alberta,Canada; Paskapoo Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Dentary (UALVP 14306) listed by Naylor and Krause (1981,p. 511).
4, Cochrane 2,south-central Alberta,Canada; Paskapoo (= Porcupine Hills) Formation.
Albanerpetontidae / Albanerpeton sp. nov.: Undescribed jaws and frontals (all in UALVP collection). Vouchers are: premaxillae (UALVP 16243 and 16244) and dentary (UALVP 16245). This taxon was first reported as “Albanerpeton sp.” in a distribution table by Fox and Naylor (1982,table 1), and subsequently has been mentioned under a variety of informal names, including the “Late Paleocene species”, the “Paskapoo species”, the “unnamed Paskapoo species”, and the “unnamed Albanerpeton sp.” (e.g., Gardner 2000c, 2002; Venczel and Gardner 2005; Gardner and Böhme 2008).
5, Roche Percée localities, southeastern Saskatchewan,Canada; upper part of Ravenscrag Formation.
Urodela / Amphiumidae / Amphiumidae indet.: Left dentary (UALVP 14316) described and figured by Gardner (2003b,fig. 6A–C) from an undocumented Roche Percée locality. Note that this specimen initially was thought to have come from the Bug Creek Anthills (Hell Creek Formation, McCone County, Montana) by Naylor (1978a) and Gardner (2000b), which is the type locality for Proamphiuma cretacea (see Gardner, 2003a for a discussion).
Urodela / Cryptobranchidae / Cryptobranchus saskatchewanensis: Holotype left dentary (UALVP 14858) described and figured by Naylor (1981b,fig. 1) from UALVP loc. UAR 2. Referred dentaries (UALVP14852,14870: Naylor 1981b,fig. 2), maxilla (UALVP14866,14867; Naylor 1981b,figs. 4 and 5, respectively), and trunk vertebral centrum (UALVP 14875; Naylor 1981b,fig. 6) described and figured by Naylor (1981b). Other referred specimens listed by Naylor (1981b,p. 79) are dentaries, maxillae, an exoccipital, and a vertebra.
Urodela / Proteidae / Necturus krausei: Holotype trunk vertebra (UALVP 14310) described and figured by Naylor (1978b,fig. 1A) from UALVP loc.UAR 2g. Referred trunk vertebra (UALVP 14311) described and figured by Naylor (1978b,fig. 1B) from UALVP loc.UAR 2g. Other unfigured vertebrae (UALVP 14312–14315) were described by Naylor (1978b) from UALVP loc.UAR 2 and 2g.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / cf. Scapherpeton: Reported as “cf. Scapherpeton” by Naylor (1981b,p. 76), presumably based on specimens in UALVP collection.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Atlantes (UALVP11771,11766) briefly described and figured by Gardner (2012,fig. 2A, B–D, respectively). Unfigured atlantes (UALVP 11767–11770, 11772) reported by Naylor and Krause (1981) and Gardner (2012). Trunk vertebrae (UALVP 11757 [= UA 14800]; Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 2C, D; UALVP 11758 [= UA 14810]; Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 2E, F) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981) from UALVP loc. UAR 2 and 2h. Dentary (UALVP 14818; Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 3D) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981) from UALVP loc.UAR 2. Premaxillae (UA 14834; Naylor and Krause 1981,pl. 1, fig. 1, 2; UA 14865; Naylor and Krause 1981,pl. 1, fig. 3, 4) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981) from UALVP loc.UAR 2. Maxilla (UA 14911; Naylor and Krause 1981,pl. 1, fig. 5, 6) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981) from UALVP loc.UAR 2a. Additional trunk vertebrae, premaxillae, maxillae, and exoccipitals are listed in Naylor and Krause (1981) and Gardner (2012). Note that atlantes “UA 14809–14815” and trunk vertebrae “UA 14800–14808” originally reported by Naylor and Krause (1981) have been changed to UALVP 11766–11772 and UALVP 11757–11765, respectively (Gardner 2012,p. 614).
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae /Opisthotritonkayi: Reported as “Opisthotriton cf. kayi” in distribution table by Naylor (1981a,table 1) and as “Opisthotriton” by Naylor (1981b,p. 76); both reports presumably based on specimens in UALVP collection.
Urodela indet.:Naylor (1981b,p. 76) stated that one or two other urodele taxa were present in the Roche Percée assemblage, but no further details were provided.
Anura indet.: Naylor (1981b,p. 76) mentioned “rare frogs” from the Roche Percée localities. Voucher specimen is undescribed ilium in UALVP collection (Gardner unpubl. obs.).
6, Almont locality,MortonCounty, central North Dakota,USA; Sentinel Butte Formation.
Urodela indet.: Undescribed, incomplete skeleton (NDGS 245) (Gardner and Newbrey unpubl. obs.).
7, Wannagan Creek Quarry,BillingsCounty, southwestern North Dakota,USA; Tongue River (= Bullion Creek) Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Trunk vertebrae (SMM P76.28.237, P76.28.238:Gardner 2012,fig. 2E–H) described and figured by Gardner (2012). These specimens were first reported by Naylor and Krause (1981,addendum) and subsequently were listed by Erickson (2012,p. 25). The species also was reported in faunal lists for the Wannagan Creek Quarry by Erickson (1991,table 3; 1999,table 2; 2012,appendix II)
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Scapherpeton sp.: Reported in faunal lists for Wannagan Creek Quarry by Erickson (1991,table 3; 1999: table 2; 2012,appendix II), based on unspecified specimens in SMM collections.
Urodela indet.: Mentioned in text and reported in faunal list for Wannagan Creek Quarry by Erickson (2012,p. 25 and appendix II, respectively). Voucher specimens include the “series of 9 articulated vertebrae [SMM] P95.17.1 and a skeleton with skull and mandible” mentioned by Erickson (2012,p. 25); the latter specimen was figured by Erickson (2012,fig. 23) as an unidentified salamander.
Anura indet.: Reported in faunal lists for Wannagan Creek Quarry by Erickson (1991,table 3; 1999, table 2; 2012,appendix II), based on unspecified specimens in SMM collections.
8,Brisbane locality,GrantCounty, southwestern North Dakota,USA; Tongue River Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Trunk vertebra (SMM P77.8.282) reported by Naylor and Krause (1981) and Gardner (2102).
9,Unspecified locality,Bear Butte,SweetgrassCounty,south-central Montana,USA; Fort Union Formation.
Urodela / Dicamptodontidae / Ambystomichnus montanensis: Ichnotaxon named for one trackway collected in three pieces (USNM 7635; Gilmore 1928b,pls. 1–3; see also Peabody 1954,pl. 16, fig. A–C), described and figured by Gilmore (1928b) and Peabody (1954, 1959). This ichnospecies originally was assigned by Gilmore (1928b) to the Permian ichnogenus Ammobatrachus, but later was erected by Peabody (1954) as the type species of the new ichnogenus Ambystomichnus.
10, Highway Blowout locality,CarterCounty, southeastern Montana,USA; Tongue River Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Dentary (YPM [= PU] 16946) originally described and figured by Estes (1976,text-fig. 3H, I) as Lisserpeton bairdi from the older, Torrejonian age Medicine Rocks I locality (see Naylor and Krause 1981,p. 511 for remarks).
11, Olive locality, southeastern Montana,USA; Tongue River Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Naylor and Krause (1981,p. 508) mentioned that additional specimens of P. willwoodensenot included in their study had been collected from the Olive locality and were under study by Richard Estes. We are unaware of those specimens having been described and we do not know their whereabouts.
12,UM loc. SC-198 (Fossil Hollow) and UM loc. SC-273, both ParkCounty,northwesternWyoming,USA; Polecat Bench Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Jaws reported by Naylor and Krause (1981): dentary (YPM [PU] 17838A), premaxilla (YPM [PU] 17838B), and maxilla (YPM [PU] 17838C), all from UM loc. SC-198; and dentary (UM 73660) from UM loc. SC-273. Krause (1980,table 1) also reported occurrences at the same two localities and cited as their source Naylor and Krause’s (1981) paper that was in press at that time.
13, Princeton Quarry local fauna (Princeton [= Silver Coulee], Fritz, and Schaff quarries),ParkCounty, northwesternWyoming,USA; FortUnion(= Polecat Bench) Formation.
Urodela / Amphiumidae / Amphiuma jepseni: Holotype, incomplete skeleton (YPM [PU] 14666) and a referred anterior portion of a skull (YPM [PU] 14668), both described and figured by Estes (1969c,figs. 3a–f and 4–5, respectively). Estes (1975,p. 373) subsequently reported, but did not describe or figure,YPM (PU) 16788 as a “group of dislocated vertebrae from [the] sacral region of [a] young individual mingled with vertebrae of Opisthotriton kayi”; the latter specimen is YPM (PU) 21781 (see below). All specimens are from Princeton Quarry (= Silver Coulee Quarry of Estes 1969c)
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Scapherpeton tectum: Atlas, three broken vertebrae, an ilium, and a rib (bulk numbered as YPM [PU] 20583) from Princeton Quarry and a humerus (YPM [PU] 19500) from Schaff Quarry. All specimens reported, but not figured, by Estes (1975).
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae / Opisthotriton kayi: Two incomplete skeletons (YPM [PU] 14575 and 14643),briefly mentioned by Estes (1969d), then later described and figured by Estes (1975,figs. 1, 4B–C and 2–4A). Also fused articular-prearticular and otoccipitals (YPM (PU) 20584) and two vertebral centra (YPM [PU] 21781) reported, but not figured,by Estes (1975). All four specimens are from Princeton Quarry.
Anura / Rhinophrynidae / Eorhinophrynus sp.: Three specimens described by Estes (1975) from Princeton Quarry: a sacral vertebra (YPM [PU] 14669: Estes 1975,fig. 5A–D) and two humeri (YPM [PU] 14664: Estes 1975,fig. 5E–H; and YPM [PU] 14664: unfigured). Two specimens described by Estes from Fritz Quarry: a fibulare (YPM [PU] 21773: Estes 1975,fig. 6A) and an unnumbered humerus.
Anura indet: Estes (1975) reported two incomplete radioulnae (YPM [PU] 14662 and 14663), an incomplete phalanx (YPM [PU] 14669), and a right maxilla (YPM [PU] 13372) as Anura incertae sedis. He also figured the distal portion of a right humerus (YPM [PU] 14670: Estes 1975,fig. 5I, J) that he identified as “Discoglossidae, undescribed genus and species”. None of the reported specimens appear diagnostic beyond Anura, so we list them as such here.
14, Cedar Point Quarry,BighornCounty, northwesternWyoming,USA; FortUnion (= Polecat Bench) Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Atlas (YPM [PU] 21241A:Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 2G–K), trunk vertebra (YPM [PU] 20788: Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 2A, B), and a dentary (UM 64569: Naylor and Krause 1981,text-fig. 3A–C) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981). Additional specimens listed by Naylor and Krause (1981) and Gardner (2012) includedatlantes and trunk vertebrae.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Lisserpeton bairdi: Occurrence reported by Krause (1980,table 1) based on a personal communication with Richard Estes in 1980. This may be the same occurrence in the Polecat Bench Formation reported by Naylor and Krause (1981,table 1), because they also cited a pers. comm. (undated) from Richard Estes as their source.
15, UM loc. SC-270,ParkCounty,northwestern Wyoming,USA; Fort Union Formation.
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae / Opisthotriton kayi: Reported by Krause (1980,table 1) based on a specimen (UM 73575) for which no other details (i.e., kind of element) were provided.
Clarkforkian (16–21)
16, Bear Creek local fauna,CarbonCounty, south-central Montana,USA; Willwood Formation.
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae / Opisthotriton sp.: Trunk vertebra (CM 6469) described and figured by Auffenberg (1961,fig. 5). In the published description, Auffenberg (1961) was not convinced that this specimen belonged to his new species Opisthotriton kayi, which was named in the same paper, so he conservatively identified CM 6469 simply as “Opisthotriton sp.”. Because Auffenberg’s (1961,fig. 5) line drawing is not particularly informative and because we have not examined the specimen in person, here we follow Auffenberg’s (1961) identification. According to A. Henrici (pers. comm. 2013), the specimen cannot be located in the CM collections.
17,UM loc. FG-6,Foster Gulch,BighornCounty, northwestern Wyoming,USA; ?Polecat Bench Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Exoccipital (UM 74067) described and figured by Naylor and Krause (1981,pl. 1, fig. 7) and trunk vertebra (UM 74066) listed by Naylor and Krause (1981) and Gardner (2012).
Urodela / Batrachosauroididae / Opisthotriton sp.: Reported by Krause (1980,table 1), based on a specimen (UM 74126) for which no other details (i.e., kind of element) were provided.
18, UM loc. SC-171 and unnamed locality (= type locality for P. willwoodense),ParkCounty, northwestern Wyoming,USA; Willwood Formation.
Urodela / Scapherpetontidae / Piceoerpeton willwoodense: Holotype trunk vertebra (YPM [PU] 18021) described and figured by Meszoely (1967,figs. 1, 2, 3c) from an unknown locality. According to Naylor and Krause (1981,p. 508) the type locality is in the vicinity of UM localities SC-50, 55, and 56 and may be one of these. A referred trunk vertebra (UM 68429) reported by Naylor and Krause (1981) is from UM loc. SC-171.
19, ?UM loc. SC-227,ParkCounty, northwestern Wyoming,USA; Willwood Formation.
Urodela / Cryptobranchidae / Cryptobranchus saskatchewanensis: In a table summarizing occurrences of early Tertiary amphibians from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Krause (1980,table 1) listed “Cryptobranchus sp.” for the early Clarkforkian; his footnote 10 identified the occurrence as UM loc SC-227 and he cited an in press paper by Naylor as the source for that identification. The published version of the cited paper mentions only one cryptobranchid specimen from the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming—a maxilla (UM 71316) from Sand Coulee in the Willwood Formation (Naylor 1981b,p. 77). Naylor (1981b,p. 80) noted that the maxilla was fragmentary and worn, and he tentatively referred it to Cryptobranchus saskatchewanensis. Here we assume that the maxilla listed by Naylor (1981b) comes from the locality reported by Krause (1980), but because we are not certain of that we prefix the locality with a question mark.
20,SC-29 Discovery Site (carbonate lens J),ParkCounty, northwestern Wyoming,USA; Willwood Formation.
Urodela indet.: Gingerich (1987,table 1 and p. 298) reported multiple vertebrae, individually numbered as UM 76871(a–j), of a “small salamander”.
Anura indet.: Gingerich (1987,table 1 and p. 298) also reported the distal end of the humerus (UM 76883) of a “small frog”.
21, Big Multi Quarry,SweetwaterCounty, southwestern Wyoming,USA; Forth Union Formation.
Urodela indet.: Wilf et al. (1998,p. 523) mentioned “salamanders” as part of the herpetofaunal assemblage from the locality.
late Palaeocene or early Eocene(22)
22,Sheep Pass Canyon, southern Egan Range, east-central Nevada, USA; Member C, Sheep Pass Formation; note this member straddles the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, but the occurrence is included here for completeness.
Anura / Family indet. / Eorubeta nevadensis: Preliminary identification presented in conference abstract by Shirk et al. (2009), on the basis of vertebral features in three undescribed, articulated skeletons. Eorubeta nevadensis was described by Hecht (1960) for a poorly preserved skeleton recovered from a drill core in the Sheep Pass Formation,and was assigned by him to Leptodactylidae sensu lato.E. nevadensis is now regarded as an incertae sedis anuran, but it continues to be accepted as a diagnosable genus and species (Holman 2003; Lynch 1971; Sanchiz 1998). Assignment of the skeletons mentioned by Shirk et al. (2009) to E. nevadensis awaits verification.
Remarks: A bonebed of isolated anuran bones also occurs at the same locality and horizon (i.e., Member C), but no taxonomic identifications have been provided for those fossils (Bonde et al. 2011; Shirk et al. 2009). Additional anuran fossils have been reported from the same locality and formation,in the underlying Member B (see Appendix 8, number 11).