Here are the instructions on how to find video clips of SMP and CCSS math tasks.
Google: RCOE CCSS or
Scroll to the bottom of the page (blue section).
Click on “Common Core Standards” (second item listed).
Scroll down to the “Mathematics” section.
Under “Article and Resources,” click on the sixth bullet: Inside Mathematics.
Once on the Inside Mathematics website, click on “Common Core Standards” at the top of the page.
For video clips of the standards for mathematical practice, go to the first section titled, “Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice.”
Click on the RED “>more” link at the end of the paragraph.
You will see eight icons; one for each standard for mathematical practice.
Click on the icon to view videos.
If you’d like to see the entire lesson, click on the red link under the video screen.
For the tasks by grade level, go to the top of the page and click on “Common Core Standards.”
Go to the third section titled, “Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content.”
Click on the RED “>more” link at the end of the paragraph.
On the left side, you can find tasks by “By Grade” or “By Mathematical Progression” (domains).
Some standards have both the MathematicsAssessment Resource Service (MARS) tasks, and Problems of the Month (POM).
The MARS tasks can be used as a formative and summative assessment. Included in each MARS tasks are: 1) identified content standards for the task, 2) identified standards of mathematical practice for the task, 3) rubric, 4) sample student work, and 5) teacher support information.
Problems of the Month (POM) offer opportunities to engage students in SMP 1: make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. The goal is for all students to have the experience of attacking and solving non-routine problems and developing their mathematical reasoning skills. Although obtaining and justifying solutions to the problems is the objective, the process of learning to problem solve is even more important. POM items include multilevel tasks for multiple grade levels. Included for each task are 1) identified content standards, and 2) identified standards of mathematical practice.