April 2016 K-6 Lunch Menu


ca = calories grams
cb = carbohydrates grams
so = sodium mg
Fat Free Chocolate Milk or 1% White Milk Offered
All bread items whole grain
1% white or 0% chocolate offered every day / m = meat/protein
wg = whole grain
r = red/orange
l = legume
o = other
s = starchy
gl = green leafy
/ 1
Tony’s WG Beef Pepperoni Pizza (2m, 2wg, 1/8r)
Fresh Broccoli (3/4gl)
Ranch Dressing
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 644 cb=97 so=1074
WG Pizza Sticks (2m, 2wg)
Italian Green Beans (3/4o)
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Ranch Dressing
Milk (1c)
ca= 618 cb=87 so=1196
/ 5
Chicken Patty & WG Bun (2m, 1.75wg)
BBQ Sauce
Baked Beans (3/4l)
Fresh Cut Melon (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 620 cb=103 so=1008 / 6
Los Cabos Burrito (1.5m, 1.5wg)
Taco Sauce
Corn (3/4s)
Ranch Dressing
Fresh Cut Pineapple (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 607 cb=98 so=1141 / 7
Beef Meatballs & Spaghetti (1.6m, 1/2r marinara)
WG Pasta (1/8wg)
Carrot Sticks (1/2r)
Ranch Dressing
Fresh Melon (1/2c)
WG Roll (1wg) Milk (1c)
ca= 625 cb=64 so=1169 / 8
Tony’s WG Beef Pepperoni Pizza (2m, 2wg, 1/8r)
Fresh Broccoli (3/4gl)
Ranch Dressing
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 644 cb=97 so=1074
WG Chicken Corndog (2m, 2wg)
Baked Beans(3/4l)
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 620 cb=109 so=1016 / 12
Hamburger Patty & WG Bun (2m, 1.75wg)
Mashed Potatoes (3/4s)
Fresh Cut Pineapple (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 610 cb=89 so=1108 / 13
Beef Meatball Sub & WG Bun (2m, 1.5wg, 1/4r)
Carrot Sticks (1/2r)
Ranch Dressing
Orange Raisels (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 630 cb=97 so=954 / 14
Chicken Nuggets (2m, 1wg)
Italian Green Beans (3/4o)
WG Bear Grahams (1wg)
Fresh Cut Pineapple(1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca=618 cb=82 so=1209 / 15
Tony’s WG Beef Pepperoni Pizza (2m, 2wg, 1/8r)
Fresh Broccoli (3/4gl)
Ranch Dressing
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 644 cb=97 so=1074
Beef Meatballs & Gravy (1.6m)
Mashed Potatoes (3/4s)
WG Bear Grahams (1wg)
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 610 cb=101 so=1167 / 19
Walking Taco Beef (1m)
WG Doritos (1wg)
Refried Beans (1/2l)
Cheddar Cheese (.5m)
Fresh Cut Melon (1/2c)
Romaine (1/2gl) Milk (1c)
ca= 618 cb=76 so=763 / 20
Chicken Patty & WG Bun (2m, 2.75wg)
Fresh Celery Sticks (3/4o)
Ketchup Ranch Dressing
Fresh Cut Melon (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 620 cb=67 so=971 / 21
Sloppy Joe & WG Bun (2m, 1.75wg, 1/4r)
Carrot Sticks (1/2r)
Ranch Dressing
Fresh Cut Pineapple(1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 600 cb=89 so=1122 / 22
Tony’s WG Beef Pepperoni Pizza (2m, 2wg, 1/8r)
Fresh Broccoli (3/4gl)
Ranch Dressing
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 644 cb=97 so=1074
WG Pizza Sticks (2m, 2wg)
Italian Green Beans (3/4o)
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Ranch Dressing
Milk (1c)
ca= 618 cb=87 so=1196
/ 26
Chicken Patty & WG Bun (2m, 1.75wg)
BBQ Sauce
Baked Beans (3/4l)
Fresh Cut Melon (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 620 cb=103 so=1008 / 27
Los Cabos Burrito (1.5m, 1.5wg)
Taco Sauce
Corn (3/4s)
Ranch Dressing
Fresh Cut Pineapple (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 607 cb=98 so=1141 / 28
Beef Meatballs & Spaghetti (1.6m, 1/2r marinara)
WG Pasta (1/8wg)
Carrot Sticks (1/2r)
Ranch Dressing
Fresh Melon (1/2c)
WG Roll (1wg) Milk (1c)
ca= 625 cb=64 so=1169 / 29
Tony’s WG Beef Pepperoni Pizza (2m, 2wg, 1/8r)
Fresh Broccoli (3/4gl)
Ranch Dressing
Whole Banana (1/2c)
Milk (1c)
ca= 644 cb=97 so=1074

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