RMS Board Meeting
August 24, 2009
Meeting beginning time: 7:30
Attendance: Jaynie Beauchamp, Sharon Gustenhoven, Ann Lachmann, Heidi Namin,
Katie Paz, Mary Silverman
Binders were distributed to each Board Member, which contained a copy of the by-laws.
Binders will be used to collect all activity during the year and will be passed down to new Board Members from year to year, as a resource guide.
By-law changes include: 3 Vice President positions to focus on
Booster Club
Member at Large
Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
Committee Guidelines and Procedures
*Please see by-laws for additional changes and updates.
Motion to approve by-laws as written: Heidi Namin
Second: Katie Paz
Sharon Gustenhoven
Approval: Unanimous
The school networking system can be used to inform students and staff of upcoming events.
Event forms were distributed to be used for planning events and to be included in the binder as a sample for future committee chairperson.
PTO will now only use paper stored in the PTO closet for making copies, and not paper in the main office.
Upcoming fundraising events include: Pasta Sale
Bulb Sale
Direct donation
Information will be sent home explaining the purpose of each fundraiser.
A faculty staffed breakfast fundraiser may be planned for February 2010.
- RMS Parent Nights are scheduled for 6th grade September 9th
7th and 8th grade September 23rd
Volunteers will be available to discuss: Odyssey of the Mind
Booster Club
Volunteer Opportunities
Spiritwear and school notepads will be for sale at that time.
The RMSPTO is looking to purchase a helium tank to be stored in the Booster Club room. Estimates are beginning gathered at this time.
The following forms were reviewed: PTO Welcome Letter
Volunteer Form
Fundraising Form
Direct Donation From
Perpetual Fund Form
All forms will be sent home and available on the website.
Buzz Book will be completed this year.
Garden Club is forming to include students and parents who are interested in working to beautify the RMS school grounds. Anyone interested in participating should contact Mary Silverman at HYPERLINK "mailto:" . A meeting will be held once school begins, with that date to be announced.
Motion to Adjourn: Mary Silverman
Second: Ann Lachmann
Sharon Gustenhoven
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm
Respectfully Submitted: Mary Silverman