(revised 8-18-16)
Academic Team
The Mission/Definition of our club: Academic team is a competitive knowledge-based team that participates in tournaments all around the state and the nation. The Academic Team currently competes at 4 events including Colorado State Knowledge Bowl, National History Bowl, PBS Matchwits Game Show, and NAQT National Quiz Bowl. We have Varsity and JV divisions
Students will engage in the following ways: Practice each style of game after school and during lunch, and travel to tournaments
Additional Information: JV Practice is during lunch Tuesday and after school Thursday, and Varsity practice is after school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (see room 205 for additional info)
Sponsor Contact: Coady Shawcroft ()
Advanced Leadership Team
The Mission/Definition of our club is:We work together as team to help fellow students (specifically freshmen) feel more comfortable when they come to GJHS. We are built on the belief that students help other students succeed. ALT leaders are student mentors who help freshmen have a successful and positive first year of high school.
Students will engage in the following ways:Run Freshman Orientation, Assist in Freshman Access period,
Team bonding exercises, and Help organize school activities
Additional Information:A joyful atmosphere, We do two lock-ins to bond as a group, Group of natural leaders in the school (This is a class at GJHS)
Sponsor Contact:
Chelsea Miller (970)254-6900 Ext: and Brandon Gregg (970)254-6900 Ext: 24252
Art Club
The Mission/Definition of our club: Art Club exists to promote art in a non-classroom environment, both on campus and in the community.
Students will engage in the following ways: Students have and will paint murals in the community and in the school. Students will and have raised funds by selling concessions at school activities. Students have and will create t shirt designs for specific groups in the school, such as prom. Students have and will contribute their artistic skills to some charities in the community, such as a mural at the Botanical Gardens, a banner for the Girl Scouts, face painting at for the Lions Club Carnival.
Additional Information: We meet the first and third Wednesday of every month in room 705, during lunch.
Sponsor Contact: Mrs. Wetherstein: Mr. Graham: , or Mr. Henry:
Band Program
The Mission/Definition of our club:
To include everyone in a positive, safe environment, and to create a greater appreciation of instrumental music.
Students will engage in the following ways: Please see website:
Additional Information: Jazz Band, Concert Band, Marching Band and Winter- guard are all included.
Sponsor Contact: Isaac Lavadie (970) 623-3223
Book Club
The Mission/Definition of our club: To read and talk books! We generally read whatever interests us, and then we meet over lunch about every two weeks to discuss and recommend those books to other students in book club.
Students will engage in the following ways: Reading! Sharing books!
Additional Information: We meet in the library during lunch time on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Last school year, the GJHS book club attended the Teen Literature Conference in Denver, and this year, we would like to do the same thing! We will be fundraising a bit this year with the Teen Lit conference in mind!
Sponsor Contact: Pam Middlemas, GJHS Librarian: and Tim Couch
Chess Club
The Mission/Definition of our club is: To create an open and friendly space for students of GJHS to meet and play Chess. To run competitive chess tournaments and to teach new players the game.
Students will engage in the following ways: Student can come play chess, meet other chess players, and learn more about the game. They can alsoparticipatein competitivetournaments.
- Additional Information: We meet in the library after school on Tuesdays from 3-4.
- If you want to learn to play, come to a meeting and talk to any club officer and they will gladly teach you the game.
- We also meet once a month on Thursday after school during club days.
Sponsor Contact: Tim Couchroom 502 ,
Choir Program
The Mission/Definition of our club is:To enrich students’ lives through vocal music.
Additional Information:We have a men’s choir, two women’s choirs, two mixed choirs, a jazz choir, and an a cappella group; students of all experience levels are welcome. Auditions for all ensembles for the following school year are generally held in March
This year, men’s choir will meet after school on early release Thursdays when there are no faculty meetings. Men not enrolled in the class are welcome to join for these after school rehearsals.
Sponsor Contact: Brad Hirsh:
DOTA 2 Club
The Mission/Definition of our club is:
To create a fun environment for students after school to play the video game DOTA 2, both recreationally and competitively that promotes accountability for academics.
Students will engage in the following ways:
Students are expected to complete school work before participating in club activities.
Most DOTA 2 club members are recreational players, who are more interested in having a good time with a safe group of people than playing competitively. However, a small group of members have chosen to play competitively and will be practicing with the end goal of earning college scholarships
Additional Information:
- Dota 2 club meets in the library after school on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Participation is limited to first come, first served, although students with highest grades earn priority.
Sponsor Contact:
Mr. Pacini – Room
The Mission/Definition of our club is: GJHS Drama Club is an exciting student-driven program that offers students the chance to write, direct, complete tech, or perform both original and professional caliber productions for the GJHS stage!
Students will engage in the following ways: Every year Drama Club allows students to audition for up to five show opportunities, including one musical and one One-Act Festival. Drama Club also offers monthly Drama events (such as movie, board-game, or bowling nights) that are free to any club member who'd like to participate! Drama Club students also have the ability to Letter in Drama and be inducted into our Thespian society simply through their continued participation in the club.
Additional Information: Full Drama Club meetings occur once a month to discuss club business. Check the Drama white board for daily updates.
Sponsor Contact: To join, contact Mr. Clingman in room , or a Drama Club Officer, and start your theatrical adventure today!
EDUKT- Educating Latinos for a better future
The Mission/Definition of our club is:To empower students to explore further opportunities for knowledge within their culture, their campus, and their community.
Students will engage in the following ways:
Attend meetings on a weekly or monthly basis, attend community functions and events, and engage in discussions.
Sponsor Contact: Yaneth Gutierrez: Room 206 254-6900 ext 24239
Family Career and Community Leaders of America
The Mission/Definition of our club: FCCLA is a national organization whose mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development, focusing on the multiple roles of the family. Club members develop life skills through character development, creative and critical thinking, and interpersonal communications.
Students will engage in the following ways: Students will engage in a variety of projects and fund raisers to benefit the community. Students will also create a service project that they will present at the State Conference in a competitive format.
Sponsor Contact: Kasey Barnes and Jen Campbell-Wilson jen.campbell-
Future Business Leaders of America
The mission/Definition of our Club: FBLA-PBL is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Students will engage in the following ways: FBLA is the premier student business organization of young people preparing for success as leaders in business, government, and communities. Our mission is to bring business and education together through innovative leadership and career development programs. Students have the opportunity to earn regional, state, and national recognition. Our activities include lock-ins, community service projects, tours of businesses, and travel to competitions and conferences in and out of Colorado.
Additional Information: Meetings take place at lunch in room 104. Tuesday: Grades 10-12. Thursday: Grade 9
Sponsor Contact: Ms. Nelms room 104
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Mission/Definition of our club: FCA is designed to create a student lead forum where students can share and develop their faith as Christians. The club is open to anyone interested in exploring this faith.
Additional Information: The club meets at Lunch on the Monday in room 304 – we are working on arrangements for a Freshmen group.
Sponsor Contact: Steve Brown: Room 304,
French Club
The Mission/Definition of our club :French Club offers a weekly meeting opportunity for French students, exchange students, and all francophiles (people who love all things French).
Students will engage in the following ways:The club participates in several service projects, plays games, watches French films, eats French food, listens to French music, and hosts a district-wide Mardi Gras celebration each year with live music, dancing, games, and amazing food. French Club students also have the opportunity to travel to France.
Additional Information:We willmeet in room 116. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors meet Wednesdays @ lunch and Freshmen will meet every third early release Thursday.
Sponsor:Contact: Jodee Cronk
Gay Straight Alliance
The Mission/Definition of our club is: In this club we will discuss the struggles and successes in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community in the United States and around the world.Grand Junction High School Gay Straight Alliance (GJHS GSA), where everyone is welcome.
The GSA is a fun, supporting, accepting, and informational club where we educate students on events within the LGBTQ community while helping to make our school an environment where bullying and harassment are not tolerated. This is a positive atmosphere and hate will not be tolerated. The GSA club would like these meetings to be positive and respectful for all. Debate is encouraged.
Students will engage in the following ways: Discuss information relevant to the LGBTQ community and work to make our school a safe and accepting place for all students
Additional Information: Meetings will take place at lunch on Thursday’s and after school one Thursday per month (location TBA).
Sponsor Contact: Justin Whiteford , Serenity Santistevan , and Stefani Backes
German Club
The Mission/Definition of our club is: to further the study of German and German cultures through out of class activities
Students will engage in the following ways: participate in cooking nights, caroling in German, and competing in foreign language fairs.
Additional Information:Meetings will take place on Thursday designated club time Room 101
Sponsor Contact: Ralph Wahlers Room 101
Granola Club
The Mission/Definition of our club:
Granola Club – this is the school’s environmental sustainability club.
Students will engage in the following ways:
We are concerned with engaging the students on a variety of levels, including the school’s recycling program, reducing energy usage, developing the school garden, along with looking at other fun and engaging projects. Additional Information:
Sponsor Contact: Steve Brown: Room 304,
Interact Club & Sources of Strength
Interact Club is about discovery!
- Leadership skills for students, ages, 12 to 18.
- Volunteer opportunities for local, national and international projects.
- Making new friends
- Learning how you can make a difference in your community & the world.
- Supporting other students while learning about how to be a positive leader in our school
- President’s Award winner two years in a row
As an Interactor, you can improve your community and inspire positive change around the world. Interact clubs benefit from the guidance and support of being sponsored by local Rotary clubs.
Sponsor Contact: Cheyanne Gentry at or Steve Langley at
Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement
(M.E.S.A./Science Club)
The Mission/Definition of our club:
Colorado MESA's mission is to increase the numbers of economically disadvantaged and underrepresented students in colleges of engineering, mathematics and science based fields. The vision for Colorado MESA is grounded in our belief that all children deserve a bright future and that children's expectations and attitudes will grow and expand when teachers, advisors, parents and the community come together to create unique ways of learning and achieving.
Students will engage in the following ways: STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) learning-based activities help MESA middle and high school students understand concepts introduced in the classroom while science and engineering professionals invited to speak as role models help them understand the importance education will play in their career choice. Field trips to industry sites, colleges, universities, and engineering and science-related competitions excite students, sharpen their skills and increase MESA students’ awareness of career opportunities. The CU MESA Center provides resources and support to a growing number of Western Slope schools and students.
Additional Information: Club will meet on Wednesdays at lunch in room 301. Lunch will be provided.
Sponsor Contact: Matt Garhart Room #403 and Jake Wilbert
Mock Trial
The Mission/Definition of our club:
To provide a competitive and interactive mock trial competition with other schools across the state.
Students will engage in the following ways:
Students will serve as attorneys and witnesses in a Mock Trial competition.
Additional Information:Mock Trial will meet during each of the monthly club activity times through March. We will increase the number of meeting times/practices beginning in early October through end of competitions (March or April depending on regional results).
Sponsor Contact: Mark Carris
Mountain Biking Club
Grand Valley Youth Cycling has been supporting and developing high school mountain bike teams in the Fruita, Grand Junction and Palisade areas since 2011.
We are an independent 501(c)3 IRS charitable organization. Our funding comes from individuals and businesses who support our mission to empower youth through cycling
Our teams compete in the Colorado High School Cycling Leaguerace series in the Fall. We strive to develop riders with exceptional mountain bike skills in an environment that is inclusive and fun.
Contact: Melissa Pipkin GJHS Contact: Joanna Woodruff
National Art Honor Society
The Mission/Definition of our club: The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) was established to recognize outstanding high school art students. NAHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the arts as and in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
Students will engage in the following ways: Students involved in National Art Honor Society meet to develop different ways to reach out to the GJHS art community – and beyond -- via performing various service learning projects, as well as maintaining academic excellence in their art studies.
Additional Information: Students are invited to join NAHS upon achievement of a benchmark GPA in the number of art courses taken, as well as other criteria as established by the local chapter and national organization.
Sponsor Contact: Mary Lou Wetherstein: and Joe Graham:
National Honor Society
The Mission/Definition of our club:The National Honor Society (NHS) was established to recognize outstanding high school students. NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
Students will engage in the following ways: Students involved in National Honor Society meet to develop different ways to reach out to the GJHS community – and beyond -- via performing various service learning projects, as well as maintaining academic excellence.
Additional Information: Students are invited to join NHS upon achievement of a benchmark GPA, as well as other criteria, as established by the national organization.NHS meets one Wednesday a month after school in the Library. Please see the GJHS website activities calendar for dates.
Sponsor Contact: Lori A. Alpino-Holloway: and
Carla J. King:
Orange and Black Newspaper