Wildlife Acoustics Scientific Product Grant | Application

Send the completed application to

Summary Information

Date Submitted:
Primary Researcher:
Organization Affiliation:
Project Title:
Total amount requested in USD:
List the specific equipment and quantity requested. If you have any questions about what may be needed, please contact for clarification. Please check the website for eligible equipment for the program.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Latest date equipment is needed for project:
Project Web Page (if available):
Person completing application (if different than above):
Email address

o  I give permission to Wildlife Acoustics to publish my story and findings on their website and/or materials.

o  I understand that Wildlife Acoustics only grants its own products and does not give funding or products manufactured by other companies.

If you are awarded this grant, you agree to:

o  Start your project within one year of the time you are awarded

o  Provide a name and the contact information of someone who will be the principle investigator of your proposed project if you are unable to continue it

o  Submit quarterly progress reports on time for one year

Background Information

In 200 words or less, please give a biography of the primary researcher.

In 200 words or less, please describe the sponsoring organization.

Project Description

Please answer each question with a maximum of 200 words.

1.  What is problem being solved or nature of the research?
2.  What are the objectives of the project?
3.  How will the results of this project be used?
4.  What is the location of the study/project?
5.  How does the project impact and/or expand wildlife conservation or research?


In 200 words or less, describe how the project will be conducted, including how the Wildlife Acoustics equipment will be used for the project.
In 200 words or less, describe how the data collected will be managed and analyzed.

Project Timeline

What are the phases of the project and when are they expected to start and complete? (Include a summary time line of the project with the dates and phases indicated).


1.  Provide a budget that clearly indicates the complete project budget, including the amount of equipment from Wildlife Acoustics being requested. Please indicate the budget in US dollars.
2.  Other than the Wildlife Acoustics equipment being requested, what else is needed to ensure the project is a success? Resources, equipment, travel arrangements, etc.
3.  What other resources/funding are secured for the project?
4.  If this grant is not awarded, will the project proceed? If so, how?

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