Honors College Advisory Board
Candidate Application
Due: April 4th, 4pm
To be eligible to run and serve as a member of HCAB, a student must:
- Be a Honors College student in good standing (3.4 UIC GPA, no DFR grades in Honors courses)
- Be on campus for the entire duration of the 2014-2015 academic year
- Be able to fulfill the obligations of the office (see HCAB MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES)
Name:______UIN: ______
(last) (first)
Academic college: ______
* if undeclared, please indicate your anticipated major
Expected semester of graduation: ______
Phone #: ______UIC Email:
Essay Questions
On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following:
- Please list your previous leadership experience, including dates of service:
- Please list your anticipated involvement at UIC next year and describe how you will be able to balance these commitments with HCAB.
- In 100 words, please describe what skills/experience you would bring to HCAB if elected. This will be used in election promotion materials.
- Please describe one idea you have for HCAB and why it would be valuable to implement.
Profile Picture
Please include a recent picture of yourself for use in advertising your campaign. Profile pictures (head and upper torso) preferred. This picture will be used in election promotion materials.
Academic Advisor Recommendation
Please have your preferred Honors College Advisor sign the following:
_____ This student is in good standing with the Honors College
_____ I recommend this student to run in the HCAB Elections
HC Academic Advisor Signature: ______
HCAB Member Responsibilities (Please read before completing your application!):
- Attend weekly meetings (currently Wednesdays from 5-6PM)
- Servelounge hours three times per semester (5-8PM Mondays – Thursdays)
- Attend all HCAB-sponsored events (Luncheon, Ball, social events), special circumstances can be considered
- Read all HCAB communications (email or text), and respond appropriately
- Join and participate in 1committee, fulfilling appropriate expectations.
- If elected to an Executive Office (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), must be able to fulfill the additional obligations of this office
- In total, you should anticipate that membership in HCAB will take up twoor more hours of your time per week.
Checklist(cross off these items to ensure your application is complete!):
- Completed application
- Recommendation from advisor
- Profile photo
Please return to the Honors College no later than 4PM Friday, April 4th. Mailbox is in 109 Burnham Hall (HC student lounge). Please send any questions or concerns to .
I have read the HCAB Member Responsibilities. I understand the obligations I will be held accountable to if elected to serve for the 2014-2015 Academic year.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Revised 3/16/14