The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County presents its’ 2011calendar of training workshops. We are pleased to be able to offer opportunities for professional development in
critical subject areas such the most current research on autism spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders, working with children with challenging behavior and domestic violence and
its impact on the social and emotional development of young children. The ECC continues its training series on Infant Mental Healthwith IMH & Sensory Processing II, IMH: Principles and Practice, and Best Practices in Early Childhood and Infant Mental Health.
In addition, the Early Childhood Council is excited to announce early registration for its 15thMeeting the Needs of Young Children and Families conference in June of 2011. The theme
for this conference is “The Building Blocks of Early Childhood” with current research and
theoryand a focus on strategies for promoting the physical, social, emotional and mental health
of children birth to eight years of age.
The Florida Association for Infant Mental Health offers a one day conference and its annual meeting as a prelude to “The Building Blocks of Early Childhood” conference on June 1st.
Developed in coordination with the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, the Training Institute plans, coordinates and conducts training and professional development for early childhood practitioners who wish to gain knowledge and expertise in working with a broad spectrum of children. Workshop subject matter focuses on enhancing physical, social and emotional development of infants, toddlers and young children.
The Early Childhood Training Institute has three primary goals:
- To increase awareness and expand the knowledge base in the community with respect
to early childhood development and infant mental health
- To increase the expertise of early childhood professionals and caregivers
- To advance advocacy efforts for early childhood and infant mental health
January 14, 2011Infant Mental Health & Sensory Processing II
Presenter(s): Sandy Adams, Ph.D., MOT, OTR/L & Janice Renee Owens,MHS, OTR/L
Time: 9:00am-4:00pmCost: $35.00 / ECC Members $50.00 / Non-ECC Members *Includes lunch
Location: NOVA Southeastern University Tampa Student Educational Center
3632 Queen Palm Drive, Tampa, FL 33619
This is Part II of the SI workshop offered in last year’s IMH lineup. This workshop will provide brief background on SI theory and an overview of the sensory systems as well as the role of sensory processing in all domains of development including early attachment relationships; there will be discussion of terms and categories used to describe sensory processing problems in children; presenters will also touch on controversy regarding treatment and relevant research on the topic. Total of 6 CEUs possible for social work, marriage & family, psychology and mental health counselors
February 25, 2011Infant Mental Health: Principles & Practice
Presenter(s): Anne Hogan, Ph.D. FSU/CPEIP
Time: 9:00am-4:00pmCost: $35.00 / ECC Members $50.00 / Non-ECC Members *Includes lunch
Location: Shriners Hospital Auditorium / Campus of USF
12502 Pine Dr., Tampa, FL 33612
This workshop will provide an overview of how key IMH principles provide a foundation for developmentally-informed and relationship-based practice. We will also review examples of models for prevention, intervention and treatment approaches for young children and their families, and highlight how they reflect an IMH approach. Total of 6 CEUs possible for social work, marriage & family, psychology and mental health counselors
March 25, 2011Autism 2011: Current Research and Strategies
Presenter(s): Karen Berkman, Ph.D, Mary Reed, M.A., Shelton Gilyard, MSW
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
Time: 9:00am-4:00pmCost: $35.00 / ECC Members $50.00 / Non-ECC Members *Includes lunch
Location:Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Avenue Tampa, Fl 33605
This workshop will focus on current research and trends regarding the autism spectrum disorder including an overview of autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, strategies for increasing social and communication skills, literacy strategies and a “make and take” exercise.CEU’s To Be Determined.
April 8,2011BestPractices in Early Childhood and Infant Mental Health
Presenter(s): Locally selected best practices
Time: 9:00am-4:00pmCost: $30.00
Location: Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Avenue Tampa, Fl 33605
Some of the best and brightest programs from around the Tampa Bay area and beyond will present strategies for working with infants, toddlers, young children and families in this round robin lineup of presenters. Consider this a warm up for the ECC conference in June. Watch for the flyer in March which will detail subject areas and programs presenting. Not to me missed.
April 29, 2011 DomesticViolence and the Effects on Raising Young Children
Presenter(s): Nikki Daniels, Family Justice Center
Time: 9:00am-12:00pmCost: $20.00 / ECC Members $35.00 / Non-ECC Members
Location:Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Avenue Tampa, Fl 33605
Participants will learn about the dynamics of domestic violence, and the pattern of power and control in these relationships. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding the impact on children, and methods to support the children in their healthy development.
June 1stFlorida Association for Infant Mental Health (FAIMH)
One Day Conference
Presenter(s): Several activities scheduled. Please contact Leslie Allen for more information at or (904) 755-6013
Time: 10:30am-4:30pm Cost: Early Registration $75.00 – make check out to: FAIMH
Location:Embassy Suites / USF 3705 Spectrum Blvd. Tampa, Fl 3361
This is the annual meeting of the Florida Association for Infant Mental Health and will provide breakout sessions from 1:30-4:30 on all things ‘infant mental health’. As a prelude to the ECC Conference on June 2nd and 3rd, this is a must for FAIMH members and those interested in the statewide infant mental health organization. Opportunities for networking and collaboration.
June 2-3, 2011The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County, Inc. presents:
“Building Blocks of Early Childhood” Conference
Presenter(s): Full slate of presenters includes keynote speakers, Ellen Galinsky & Naomi Haines-Griffith
(See Conference Program for details)
Time:Registration begins at 7:30 both days
Cost: Early Registration$139 for ECC and FAIMH members; $169 for non- members
Location:Embassy Suites / USF 3705 Spectrum Blvd. Tampa, Fl 3361
Please join us for what promises to be another exciting conference event featuring keynote speakers, Ellen Galinsky and Naomi Haines-Griffith, as well as a number of breakout sessions in the areas of maternal & child health, early learning & education, health and nutrition, best practices, and infant mental health. For this amount of learning and professional development opportunities, the rates are incredibly low.
June 24, 2011Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD):Current Research and Practice
Presenter(s): Dr. Anika Trancik, The Florida Center for Child & Family Development
Time: 9:00am-4:00pmCost: $35.00 / ECC Members $50.00 / Non-ECC Members
Location:Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Avenue Tampa, Fl 33605
Of all substances of abuse, alcohol causes the most serious long term effects in a fetus, resulting in permanent brain damage. Many children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome go undiagnosed and suffer lifelong social challenges, serious mental health problems, and involvement with the juvenile justice system. Proper identification and intervention can help prevent many of these challenges. If you work professionally with children or are a foster care parent knowing about the symptoms, developmental challenges, and appropriate interventions for children on the FASD spectrum is crucial.
Presenter(s): Lise Fox & Rochelle Lentini, DARES program / TACSEI, USF
Time: 9:00-4:00pm Cost: $35.00 / ECC Members $50.00 / Non-ECC Members
Location: Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Avenue, Tampa, Fl 33605
Many practitioners are not sure how to respond when a child has an extreme episode of challenging behavior. In this workshop, we will provide training on de-escalation procedures, how practitioners can respond to behavior in a manner that ensures the safety of all children, and the development of program guidelines so that practitioners can respond effectively when confronted by dangerous or extreme behavior. These “safety net” procedures are to be used along with Pyramid Model practices for promoting young children’s social competence and addressing persistent challenging behavior.
Care Options Training
Classes/Workshops offered through Care Options relate to all children, but contain content specific to inclusion of children with “special needs” (e.g., children with behavioral challenges, developmental delays, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, and other conditions which may require accommodations to curriculum or physical environments in early learning and care programs).
Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards 2010 Birth to Four Years
(Instructors: Shabel Hastings and Sheila Zendegui)
Florida’s Early Learning and Developmental Standards is a comprehensive document containing age-appropriate information and reflections about how young children explore, create, and think. They are grounded on Florida’s conviction that children’s early experiences are directly related to later success in school, in the workforce, and in life. This workshop will provide caregivers with an overview of the standards and ideas for how they apply to learning experiences provided for the children they care for. (3 hrs.)
CARA’s Kits (Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities)
(Instructors: Shabel Hastings and Sheila Zendegui)
CARA’s Kit is designed for teachers who are involved in providing early care and education for children, particularly those with developmental differences. The kit provides linkages to Pre-K Learning Standards and curricula, and provides a matrix of adaptations that can benefit all children. CARA’s Kits will be provided to all participants for classroom use. This training is co-sponsored by Care Options and the Early Learning Coalition for VPK teachers and programs participating in Quality Counts for Kids. (3 hrs.) Cost: $10.00.
Beyond Cribs and Rattles:A Training Series Specifically for Infant Toddler Caregivers (Instructors: Shabel Hastings and Sheila Zendegui) Participants may register for entire series or individual workshops. Individual Workshops Cost: $10.00 each. Entire Series Cost: $40.00
NOTE: Participants will earn 1.0 CEU’s through ECA/FL for completing this training series (all 4 classes) on infants and toddlers. Child Care Provider CEU’s will not be available for individual workshops.
Using the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ3/ASQ SE) to Screen Children in Your Center
(Instructors: Shabel Hastings and Sheila Zendegui)
If you’ve completed the 10 hour Behavior Observation and Screening in Child Care training and you want to use the ASQ to screen children in your child care center, then come join us. The workshop will offer tips on creating partnerships with parents, as well as how to use what you learn from the screening to improve your program for all children. An ASQSE Kit will be provided to centers participating (1 kit per center) as long as supply lasts. Call for more information or to schedule a workshop for your site. Cost: $15.00 (limited space)
Please call our “Inclusion Warm Line” for workshop days and times as well as more information on registration: (813) 837-7903 or e-mail us at .
Please complete one form per participant
You can also register online at
Name(First and Last):Title:
Organization/Program Name:
Would you like to be added to our distribution list to keep abreast of activities and programs being offered by the Early Childhood Council and Partners? Yes No
Please check the workshop(s) for which you wish to register.
(Please check all workshop(s) you will be attending)
January 14, 2011 Infant Mental Health & Sensory Processing(CEUs) $35.00/$50.00
February 25, 2011 Infant Mental Health: Principles & Practices(CEUs)$35.00/$50.00
March 25, 2011 Autism 2011: Current Research & Strategies(CEUs TBD)$35.00/$50.00
April 8, 2011 Best Practices in Early Childhood and Infant Mental Health$30.00
April 29, 2011 Domestic Violence & the Effects on Raising Young Children$20.00/$35.00
*June 1, 2011 Florida Association for Infant Mental Health (FAIMH)-One Day Conference………….please check website
June 2, 3, 2011ECC’s“Building Blocks of Early Childhood” Conference………………………… .please check website
June 24, 2011 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Current Research & Practice$35.00/$50.00
September 16, 2011 What Do We Do Now? Responding to Challenging Behavior $35.00/$50.00
Continuing Education Units $10.00
Full Day Workshops typically include lunch ! TOTAL **$______
**Full payment is due at time of registration in order to secure your slot. Registration is non-refundable unless ECC cancels the workshop.
Cancellation Policy
The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County, Inc. reserves the right to cancel workshops due to insufficient enrollment. Should we need to cancel a training. We will refund all registration/CEU Fees.
Please make checks payable to: Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County
Mail to: Early Childhood Council /Manhattan Center 4210 W. Bay Villa Ave., Tampa, FL 33611
For more information contact: Belkis Velasquez, (813) 837-7753 or
For more information about the ECC Training Institute or learn about other ECC programs, please contact:
Stephen C. Martaus, Executive Director(813) 837-7871,
Please visit our website: