ZI – 12/21/10 Ref #: 2010-0222; 2010-0140


Note to Reader: This is the instrument used in the IBOPE Zogby International survey, designed by Zeljka Buturovic and Daniel Klein, and written about by Klein and Buturovic in the May 2011 issue of Econ Journal Watch. The data from the survey is available online: Link.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this online survey about a variety of topics.

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements

ZOGBY101. A dollar means more to a poor person than it does to a rich person.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY102.Overall, the standard of living is better today than it was 30 years ago.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY103.Minimum wage laws raise unemployment.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY104. Making abortion illegal would increase the number of black-market abortions.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY105. Rent-control laws lead to housing shortages.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY106. Restrictions on housing development make housing less affordable.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY107. Legalizing drugs would give more wealth and power to street gangs and organized crime.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY108. Mandatory licensing of professional services increases the price of those services.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY109. Drug prohibition fails to reduce people’s access to drugs.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY110.Third-world workers working overseas for American companies are being exploited.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY111. Gun-control laws fail to reduce people’s access to guns.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY112. By participating in the marketplace in the United States, immigrants reduce the economic well-being of American citizens.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY113.Free trade leads to unemployment.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY114. When a country goes to war its citizens experience an improvement in economic well-being.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY115.A company that has the largest market share is a monopoly.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY116. When two people complete a voluntary transaction, they both necessarily come away better off.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

ZOGBY117. When two people complete a voluntary transaction, it is necessarily the case that everyone else is unaffected by their transaction.

1.Strongly Agree 2.Somewhat Agree 3.Somewhat Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree 5. Not sure 6. Other 7. Refuse

Thanks, we’re almost done. I just need some statistics.

701. What is your age?

702. Which of the following best represents your race or ethnic group?

1. White

2. African American

3. Asian/Pacific

4. Other/mixed

0. Refuse

703. Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure

903. Which of the following best describes your highest level of education?

1. Less than H.S. graduate 2. H.S. graduate 3. Some college 4. College graduate or more 0. Refuse

905. Which of the following best represents where you live?

1. Large city (100,000 or more)

2. Small city (less than 100,000)

3. Suburbs

4. Rural area

5. Not sure

0. Refuse

906. Which description best represents your political ideology?

1. Progressive/very liberal

2. Liberal

3. Moderate

4. Conservative

5. Very conservative

6. Libertarian

7. Not sure

0. Refuse

907. Which of the following best represents your religious affiliation?

1. Roman Catholic

2. Protestant/other non-denominational Christian

3. Jewish

4. Muslim

5. Atheist/Realist/Humanist

6. Other/no affiliation

0. Refuse

908. (Only if 907=2) Do you consider yourself to be a born-again, evangelical, or fundamentalist Christian?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

909. Are you or is anyone in your household a member of a union?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

910. Are you a parent or guardian of a child under 17 who is living at home?

1. Yes 2. No 0. Refuse

9140. Which of the following best describes your marital status?

  1. Married
  2. Single, never married
  3. Divorced/separated
  4. Widowed
  5. Civil Union
  6. Not sure
  1. Refuse

926. Do you consider yourself to be mostly a resident of: your city or town, America, or the planet earth?

1. My city or town 2. America 3. The planet earth 4. Not sure/refuse

940. Are you or is any member of your family a member of the Armed Forces?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

946. Do you consider yourself a NASCAR fan ?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

970. How often do you attend church, mosque, synagogue, or other place of worship?

1. More than once a week

2. About once a week

3. Once or twice a month

4. Only on religious holidays

5. Rarely

6. Never

7. Not sure

972. Would you consider yourself to be a member of the “investor class?”

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

757. How often do you shop at Wal-Mart?

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ZI – 12/21/10 Ref #: 2010-0222; 2010-0140


1. Every week

2. A few times a month

3. A couple of times a year

4. Never

5. Other

6. Not sure

0. Refuse

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Client Name – Date Ref #: 2008-0000

998. Do you currently have a valid passport?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure 0. Refuse

921. Which of the following best represents your household income last year before taxes?

1. Less than $25,000

2. $25,000-$34,999

3. $35,000-$49,999

4. $50,000-$74,999

5. $75,000-$99,999

6. $100,000 or more

0. Refuse

922. Gender

1. Male 2. Female

Thank you for taking time to complete the survey.

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