Parent Permission Form

Bridges 2016 Career Exploration Day

Central Lakes College, Brainerd Campus

March 4, 2016

The Bridges Career Exploration Day is designed for high school students to learn about careers. Students will be able to attend presentations, see demonstrations and have some hands on experiences from women and men who work in a variety of career fields. The following is a partial list of careers that will be represented: Nursing / Healthcare, Financial Advisor/Banking, Commercial Art (Graphic Design), Photography, Welding / Manufacturing, Drafting, Heavy Equipment, Computer Technology, Engineering, Broadcasting/News Reporting, Machine Trades and Construction, Marine/Small Engine, Law Enforcement, Massage Therapy, Robotics, Automotive Service Technology, Journalist/Reporter,DNR, Floral Design, Daycare Professional, Dental and Small Business Entrepreneur.

Career Exploration Day is by sign up only. If your student does not wish to attend, they will be expected to attend their regular scheduled class times. Students will meet at ______. They will be dismissed for departure to Central Lakes College by bus. Students will then return to the high school for their_____ hour classes. No transportation to Central Lakes College or back to the high school by a parent or guardian will be allowed.

Students who wish to attend must return this form to Student Services no later than ______. We need to plan for transportation; therefore applications will not be accepted after this date. A parent or guardian must sign the bottom of this form, giving students permission to ride the bus to the event and for the media release. Please return only the bottom of this form.


Yes! I give my son/daughter permission to attend the Career Exploration Day at Central Lakes College March 4, 2016. I understand that bus transportation will be provided for my student. The entire event is free.

Media Release

I agree to allow my child’s photograph, video tape or motion picture image that includes his/her name or likeness or any recording that includes his/her voice to be used in marketing materials to promote the Bridges Career Academy and Workplace Connection and I understand that my child’s photo/image will only be used in a positive manner in publications, print advertising, promotional materials or any other medium to inform others about the career exploration activities coordinated by Bridges Workplace Connection for K-12 students throughout the Bridges Career Academy and Workplace Connection.

Student signature ______


Parent Name Printed Here Daytime phone Cell phone


Parent Signature (required) Date