The Rocklin HS Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra will be competing in the Heritage Festival in Anaheim! The Spring Tour is from March 17th to 20th and the total cost for the trip is $600. This price includes: festival competition, charter bus transportation, hotel accommodations, entry into Disneyland, insurance, most meals, and other activities. I would like to see every student be a part of the spring tour because we want to represent our entire group in the competition. If you need more information at this time, please email me or call and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
The 1st payment and permission slip are both due by Thursday, October 1st. We have many fundraisers set up throughout the year and it is possible to raise the entire cost of the trip. When payments are due, students may use their fundraising profit to make part or all of each payment. Contact me when you need an update of student accounts.
We will need chaperones for the trip and the cost is also $600. The chaperones price includes double occupancy in the hotel and all activities that are included for the students. (Students are four to a room.) If you would like to be a chaperone, please email to reserve a spot and submit the first payment by October 1st.
Estimated itinerary (There will be a final itinerary about 4 weeks before trip.)
Thursday, March 17th – Travel to Southern California, check into hotel, pool party
Friday, March 18th – College tour, Perform in competition, Downtown Disney
Saturday, March 19th – All day in Disneyland, Awards Ceremony
Sunday, March 20th – Travel home
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RETURN permission slip with $150 first payment
Checks are made payable to: Rocklin HS Music
Student name (print): ______
Parent signature: ______