May 2017

Pet Adoption Day

Please join us Thursday May 4th from 4:30-6:30 if you’re interested in adopting a pet.

We will have cute puppies!!!

Pre-K/Kinder Graduation

Our graduation will take place at Willow Creek Elementary on Friday, May 12th at 7:30 p.m. Please have your student

arrive at 7 pm.

May Community Service:

Box Tops for Education

This month we will be collecting Box Tops for local schools. Did you know that Box Tops for Education was created in 1996 when General Mills wanted to help support education and benefit America’s schools? Simply by clipping these box tops you are helping schools earn cash to buy things they need such as books, computers, playground equipment,

and much more.

Today, America’s schools have earned over $719 million, and you can find Box Tops on hundreds of products throughout the grocery store. Each classroom will receive a collection sheet to make

collecting Box Tops fun.

Thank you for helping us with this community service project.

Summer Camp Registration

If your school age child will be here during the summer, please sign him or her up at the front desk along with their shirt size. We have a great summer program planned and you can find a copy of all field trips posted on the summer camp bulletin board in the gym and online. Your child won’t want to miss our activities this summer!

Parent’s Night Out

Each month we offer a night where you can go out and leave your children with us. This month PNO will be held on May 19th.

Sign up is required and payment must be paid in cash at pick up. The children are given dinner, get to play games, play outside and watch a movie.

Spring Recital

Our Spring “Disco” Dance Recital will be held at Kids R Kids Tuesday, May 16th at 9:00 a.m.

Early Bird Registration

Fly on in and save a spot for your child. Early Bird Registration will begin this month, where you can register your child for the next school year at a discounted rate. Early Bird will be $75 for one child and $100 for the family; this will hold your child(s) spot for the next school year. Registration fees in the fall will be $100 for one child and $150 for the family, unless you completed early bird registration.

Medicine Policy

Medicine is administered at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. by a member of our management. If your child is to have medicine at any other time, families must make arrangements to come by the school and administer the medicine themselves.


National Teacher

Appreciation Week

We are so very thankful for our amazing teachers. This week is our teacher appreciation week. It is a week to show them how much we truly love and appreciate them. Thank you for all of the wonderful goodies you have been providing our teachers.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conference will be held May 22-26th. Conferences will be available in person and on the phone. Conferences will be held for suite 300-Kinder. You may sign up for a conference time by the front desk.

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to YOU!

Haley S. 5/2

Lynley S. 5/3

Rebecca L. 5/3

Ms. Sue 5/3

Emma S. 5/5

Tucker I. 5/5

Mr. Robert 5/6

Brayson A. 5/7

Shawn M. 5/7

Joaquin D. 5/10

Cole O. 5/14

Lila W. 4/14

Clarke H. 5/15

Elijah T. 5/15

Ms. Veronica 5/16

Ms. Brittney 5/17

Dylan S. 5/20

Ava S. 5/21

Aiden R. 5/23

Ms. Sonya 5/25

Chandler F. 5/26

Britton B. 5/27

Ms. Meghan 5/27

Kameron L. 5/28

Jonathan H. 5/29

Bennett C. 5/29

Evelynn M. 5/29

Ms. Cindy 5/29

Melanie S. 5/30

May 1-5th

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 4th

Star Wars Day

(wear your Star Wars tee)

May 12th

Pre-K/Kinder Graduation 7:00 p.m.

May 14th

Mother’s Day

May 16th

Spring Dance Recital

9:00 a.m.

May 19th

Parent’s Night Out

May 29th

Memorial Day
