The South Carolina State Department of Education is providing PowerSchool training opportunities online through Pearson School Systems’s ‘Distance Learning’ courses and ‘Mastery in Minutes’ mini videos. These learning resources cover topics for PowerTeacher, PowerGradebook and PowerSchool. All district employees may utilize these online resources at any time and as many times as needed. The user, though, must be registered on Pearson’s PowerSource web site to utilize the course and videos.
On Tuesday, July 21, 2009, Technology Services attempted to import district’s employees information into the registration database to allow district users to begin using the learning courses/videos bypassing the registration procedures. That import was not entirely successful. Employees may have received an email indicating that their registration was complete, but the login may not work. While Pearson is looking at the issue, you can do the following to register and access the training courses/videos:
Self Registration: http://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com/signup/1006489
Fill out information: First name, Last name, email address and Position (Role). (The email address will become the user login.)
Once information is completed, submit.
User will receive a registration email. This email will contain the user login ID and password along with instructions to utilize a link to activate the PowerSource account. User will see on
the screen if activation is successful. User can close link.
Training Access
Once registration and account activation is completed, users can open Pearson’s PowerSource training site by using the following web address (URL):
Once Pearson’s web page opens, the user will be required to log in.
After login, PowerSource home page will open. Looking at the bottom right of the home page screen, the user will see:
Distance Learning: (Longer, more thorough courses) click distance learning, SC distance learning (on left gray bar) then choose View all courses for teachers or View all courses for administrative staff
Mastery in Minutes: (These are VERY short videos) click on mastery in minutes, mastery in minute tutorials (on left gray bar) then choose from the following categories: administrative staff, counselors, office staff, teachers, technical staff, view all by topics.