GFMD Evaluation 2018 – Draft Questionnaire for Member States


  1. How long have you been the GFMD focal point for your Government?


  1. Which Government entity do you represent?


  1. Which Government entities are regularly involved in the GFMD process?


  1. Which other Government entities have contributed to the completion of this questionnaire?


  1. How frequently do you attend which kind of GFMD meetings?



  1. What has been the main added value of the GFMD for your Government?Please choose all answer choices that apply and/or add your own.

Networking: Builtrelationships with government counterpartsand other stakeholders at the GFMD

Partnerships: Learned more about interests and priorities of partner countries;

Trust building: GFMD has allowed for easier, more honest interaction on migration & development with other governments

Cooperation: Established new partnerships and cooperation agreements with countries & other stakeholders

Knowledge: Gained new insights and learned about new ideas and concepts

Traction: The GFMD helped elevate the topic of migration & development at the national level

Coherence: More dialogue & cooperation among ministries and agencies at the national level

Inclusion: More dialogue with other stakeholders (migrants/diaspora, civil society, private sector) at national level

Implementation: Participation in the GFMD has led to new policies /programmesbeing adopted and rolled out at national level

Agenda-setting: Participation in the GFMD has allowed my Government to influence how migration & development are being discussed at the global level

Other (please elaborate):


Please give concrete examples to support your answer(s) above:


  1. Has the GFMD addressed relevant themes throughout the years, including in response to newly emerging issues or problems?Please see annex for an overview of GFMD topics addressed since 2007. Please provide examples with your answers.


  1. Do you see any gaps or biases in the selection of topics over the years?Please specify.


  1. Which themes, critical issues or problemsshould the GFMD address in the future?



  1. UN Member States are expected to adopt theGlobal Compact for Migration this year.What role should the GFMD play inthe implementation, review and follow-up of the GCM?


  1. How would the GFMD need to adapt to be “fit for purpose” going forward? What changes (if any) might be required? Please choose all answer choices that apply and/or add your own. Please specify your proposals.

GFMD governance structures


Support Unit

GFMD summit structures: Organization and style of Round Tables & Workshops, “Common Space” of Governments and Civil Society

Sustainable financing

Platform for Partnerships

Relationship with the United Nations

Links with data and knowledge generation on migration & development

Links with a GCM capacity-building mechanism

Dialogue and cooperation with other levels of governance (local, regional)

Dialogue and cooperation with other stakeholders (including civil society & business)

Other (please elaborate):


  1. Any other comments or suggestions regarding the role, the performance and the future of the GFMD?
