You Deserve The Lion’s Share!

Basic Program Card – example 1

Client Name:Initial Program Date:

Today’s Date:

Client’s No 1 Goal:Follow-Up: weeks

Program Goals: StrengthSpecial Considerations:


 StaminaTime Allocated:1 hour

Warm Up (Preparation Phase):

5 min Jog around oval. Start walking, then easy pace, building to brisk jog.

Work Out (Conditioning Phase):
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Weight / Comments
Walking Push-ups (Sideways)– Timed
Clap push-ups / 4 (2 ea side) / 30 sec / BW / To see how far “” could get in 30 sec, then beat that distance (Plyometric Training)
5 min with Medicine Ball – throwing, catching and running / 4kg Medicine Ball / Plyometric Training
Partner Seated Row
(Superset with Thigh-work) / 2 / 15 / Trainer BW (approx 80Kg)
Thigh-work with Band
(Supersets with Row) / 2 / 15 / Band (20Kg equiv)
Hoola-Hoop Hips / 4 / 30 sec / Try to maintain for 30sec - good core workout
Rotator Cuff Medial and Lateral Rotation with Band / 2 (1 ea arm) / 15 / Band (5Kg equiv) / Strengthening exercise
10 min Boxing session – incorporating drills and combinations

Cool Down (Recovery Phase):

5 min Groove-Down

5 min partner stretch

2 min massage

Recovery Time (Adaptation Phase):

2 – 3 days between sessions

Kept session flowing smoothly using super sets


Basic Program Card – example 2

Client Name:Initial Program Date:

Today’s Date:

Client’s No 1 Goal:Follow-Up: weeks

Program Goals: StrengthSpecial Considerations:


 StaminaTime Allocated:1 hour

Warm Up (Preparation Phase):

5 – 10 min boxing session to warm up. Start with basics, then add combos.

Work Out (Conditioning Phase):
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Weight / Comments
Walking / Running Push-ups – Timed
(Superset with Crab Walks) / 4 / 30 seconds / BW / To see how far “” could get in 30 sec, then beat that distance (Plyometric Training)
Crab Walks – Timed
(Superset with w. push-up) / 4 / 30 seconds / BW / To see how far “” could get in 30 sec, then beat that distance
5 min with Medicine and BOSU – throwing, catching, balancing, squats / 4kg Medicine Ball / Plyometric Training for Power and Balance (Core Strength)
Lunges – Static, then Dynamic - Forwards, then Backwards, alternate leg / 2 / 15 / 6Kg (2 x 3Kg DB) + BW
Bicep curl / Squat combo
(Superset with Triceps) / 2 / 15 / 6Kg (2x 3Kg DB); BW
Tricep Push Downs with Band
(Supersets with Bicep / Squat) / 2 / 15 / Band (20Kg)
Hamstring Curls / 2 (1 each leg) / 15 / Band (5Kg) / Strengthening exercise
10 min Aerobic session – incorporating drills and combinations

Cool Down (Recovery Phase):

5 min ROM cool-down

5 min partner stretch

2 min massage

Recovery Time (Adaptation Phase):

2 – 3 days between sessions

Kept session flowing smoothly using super sets


Basic Program Card – example 3

Client Name:Initial Program Date:

Today’s Date:

Client’s No 1 Goal:Follow-Up: weeks

Program Goals: StrengthSpecial Considerations:


 StaminaTime Allocated:1 hour

Warm Up (Preparation Phase):

5 min Aerobic Warm-up

Work Out (Conditioning Phase):
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Weight / Comments
15 min Agility training* / 20 sec / Using: Agility Ladders, Frisbee, Skipping Rope, Agility Poles
Animal Walks - Timed
(Supersets with Squat-Jumps) / 4 / 30 sec / BW / To see how far “” could get in 30 sec, then beat that distance
Squat-Jumps with Medicine Ball
(Supersets with Animal Walks) / 3 / 12 / 4kg Medicine Ball + BW / Plyometric Training
Push-ups off BOSU Ball
(Supersets with Lat Pull-down) / 3 / 12 / BW
Lat Pull-down with Band
(Supersets with Push-up) / 3 / 12 / Band (20Kg equiv)
Adductor Side Swipes / 2 (1 each leg) / 15 / Band (5Kg) / Strengthening exercise
10 min Boxing session – incorporating drills and combinations

Cool Down (Recovery Phase):

5 min jog around oval

5 min partner stretch

2 min massage

Recovery Time (Adaptation Phase):

2 – 3 days between sessions

Kept session flowing smoothly using super sets


Agility Training example
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Weight / Comments
Agility Ladder / 2 / 20 sec / BW / Running – knees up
Agility Ladder / 2 / 20 sec / BW / Hopscotch
Agility Ladder / 4 (2 ea leg) / 20 sec / BW / Hopping
Agility Ladder / 4 (2 ea side) / 20 sec / BW / Side Gallop
Frisbee Throwing / 12 / 10 sec / Frisbee (negligible)
Skipping / 2 min
Agility Poles / 4 / 20 sec / BW / Weaving between poles
Skipping / 2 min
Agility Poles / 4 / 20 sec / BW / Weaving between poles
NOTE: With Dynamic Stretching Between Sets
Boxing Training example
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Speed / Comments
Jab, Cross / 20 / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Build intensity
Uppercuts / 20 / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Build Intensity
Hooks / 20 / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Building Intensity
Combo – Jab, Cross, Uppers / 10 / 15 sec / Medium / Building Intensity
Combo – Jab, Cross, Uppers, Duck / 10 / 20 sec / Medium - Fast / Gaining Intensity
Start on spot, then try moving
Combo + Run / 5 / 1 min / Fast / Full Intensity
Combo + Run + Push-upsx 5 / 5 / 2 min / Fast / Full Intensity
Jab Cross + Star Jumps x 5 / 10 / 2 min / Fast / Full Intensity
Uppers, Hook + Run (hurdles) / 5 / 40 sec / Fast / Full Intensity
NOTE: With Dynamic Stretching Between Sets
Kick Boxing Training example
Exercise Selection / Sets / Reps / Speed / Comments
Front Kick / 20 (10 each leg) / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Build intensity
Side Kick / 20 (10 each leg) / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Build Intensity
Round-House Kick / 20 (10 each leg) / 10 sec / Slow - Medium / Building Intensity
Combo – Front Kick, Back Kick / 10 / 15 sec / Medium / Building Intensity
Combo – Side Kick, Jab, Cross / 10 each leg / 20 sec / Medium - Fast / Building Intensity
Combo – Round-House Kick + Lunge / 10 each leg / 30 sec / Medium / Full Intensity
Combo – Round-House Kick + Lunge + Jenga + Esquiva / 5 – 10 each leg / 45 sec / Medium / Full Intensity
Combo – Front Kick + Lunge / 10 ea. leg / 30 sec / Fast / Full Intensity
NOTE: With Dynamic Stretching Between Sets

Amy S. Tyers

Ph: 0402 001 371