Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Tuesday, 21st February, 2012 at 7.45 p.m.,

Edmondthorpe Community Centre

In attendance : Councillor Lorraine Watkins, Chairman LW

Councillor Mary Bray MB

Councillor Howard Gresham HG Councillor Pat Peters PP

Councillor Chris Semmens CSS

Councillor Christian Semmens CSJ

Borough Councillor Malise Graham MG

* * * * * * * *

The Chairman (LW), before departing the hall (having previously declared a prejudicial interest), welcomed sixteen parishioners to public forum prior to commencement of Parish Council meeting at 7.45; parish councillors noted their concerns re. proposed plans for development at Old Manor Gardens.

8.15 p.m., following departure of parishioners, LW opened the Parish Council Meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence

None received.

2. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of 10th January, 2012.

Approval of minutes of the meeting of 10th January, 2012 was proposed by

Councillor Bray (MB) and approved by all. The minutes of the meeting were duly approved and signed by LW as a true copy.

3. Declarations of Interest

All declarations of interest as previously noted, together with amendment received from LW re. prejudicial interest in connection with planning application re. Old Manor Gardens and MB re. personal interest in connection with planning application re. Edmondthorpe Estate.

4. Matters Ongoing from Previous Minutes if any

i. Defibrillator - Edmondthorpe

Councillor Semmens (CSS) confirmed that he had undertaken an initial external cleanup, and it was agreed that any queries re. electrical installation would be addressed to Martin Fagin direct.

ii. Allotments - erection of fence

Councillor Gresham (HG) estimated that timber to a value of £100 would be required for the erection of fence 1mt. high, plus cost of one day's labour.

Councillor Peters (PP) to obtain quotes for this job from Coppice Fencing and Richard Wakelin.

5. Proposed Installation of Underground Electrical Cables in Parts of Wymondham

Clarification as to siting of footpath lighting and street lighting still awaited.

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6. Police Report

There was nothing to report.

7. Planning

i. Permissions Received

11/00959/FUL: Mr. W. Ashmore, 2, Wrights Lane, Wymondham,

11/00945/REM: Mr. G.A. Bottom, 2, Main Street, Wymondham,

ii. Applications Recieved

12/00061/CL: Mr. A.J.P. Pochin for Edmondthorpe Hall,

12/00098/GDO AGR: Mr. B. Glenn, Glebe Road, Wymondham,

12/00043/FUL: Campbell Buchanan for Old Manor Gardens, Wymondham.

LW declared a prejudical interest and left the meeting whilst this application considered.

iii. Application received re. new build at Strawberry Farm

Councillor Peters (PP) and CSS confirmed their attendance at forthcoming site meeting.

8. Reports from Representatives

a. Borough Council

Councillor Graham (MG) reported:

i. that the core strategy was now out for consultation.

ii. the monies received from sale of site to Sainsbury would be spent on capital items.

iii. the new arrangements re. collection of waste are in order to minimise costs connected with collection of green waste.

LW thanked MG for his report.

b. County Council

There was nothing to report.

9. Accounts

i. Payments for authorisation

The following payments were authorised by the Parish Council:

ch.no.463: Brobot, oil to Village Hall, £667.80

ch.no.464: JS Stevens, administration/expenses January, £221.84

dd. E.ON electricity to Wymondham Village Hall, November, 2011/February, 2012, £108.30

ii. Invoice pending Authoristion

Community Heartbeat Trust: defibrillator Edmondthorpe, £1,030.

iii.a. Other - Access to safety Deposit Box, NatWest Bank

Clerk confirmed that she was awaiting written confirmation of the charges for delivery/collection before making date for inspection by Councillors.

iii.b. Funding of parish council website by LCC

Clerk instructed to agree formally to accept charge of £325 + VAT as annual contribution to the costs of funding the parish council website. This charge to be fixed 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.

10. Correspondence Received

26th January, Ramon Selvon, MBC., changes t0 waste management services as from

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2nd April, 2012.

13th February, Tina Britt, LCC Community ICT, funding proposals parish council website.

17th February, Mike J. Ball, Post Office, Edmondthorpe Temporary Closure - Update.

11. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 20th March, 2012,

in Edmondthorpe Community Centre, 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40 pm.
