Stock Market Competition: Reflection Paper
Now that the stock market competition is over, I’d like you to write a short reflection paper based on your experience. The paper should be in 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1-2 pages in length, and should cover the following:
- What strategy(s) did you use during the competition? Using specific examples, discuss some of the stocks you bought or shorted, why you chose them, and if you profited from them or not.
- If you were to do this competition again, would your strategy change? If so, how? If not, explain why. How would your strategy change in you were investing for a more long term goal (like retirement)?
- What have you learned about investing in the stock market from this competition? If a relative was thinking about investing in the stock market, what would you tell them about how to know whether it’s the right type of investment for them, what to expect, and how to maximize their chances of success?
Other Questions
-How can ratios help you invest?
Give an example: Google vs. Yahoo. Is there a correlation between their Return on Owner’s Equity ratio and their stock price?
-High priced stocks vs. Low priced stocks
-Short sales vs. Regular investing
-Short term vs. Long term investing
Was your portfolio diversified? Why diversify.
Include a screen shot/list of your stocks.
ELEMENT / Level 1(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
(80-100%) / Mark
Knowledge & Understanding / Report demonstrates poor understanding of concepts and terms / Report demonstrates adequate understanding of concepts and terms / Report demonstrates good understanding of concepts and terms / Report demonstrates superior understanding of concepts and terms / /10
Communication / Several spelling and grammar errors, instances of copied wording, poorly organized / A few spelling and grammar errors, mostly in own words, adequately organized / Minimal spelling and grammar errors, in own words, well organized / Nearly professional in content and appearance / /5
Thinking & Inquiry / Reflection and Advice are minimal, show little evidence of thinking / Reflection and Advice make some sense, adequate evidence of thinking / Reflection and Advice are logical and show good insight / Reflection and Advice are logical and show excellent insight / /10
Class Rank Bonus Marks
Top 6: 3
Top 12: 2
Top 18: 1