Tips on Having a Great Marriage

The way I met my husband was in the most unusual way. We actually were friends and were in a car together that crashed. Now after five years and my husband Jonathan nursing me back to health after the car crash, we are still happily married.

With this experience of marriage, I believe that I have learned some important things about how to keep a relationship together. Here are some of my top nine thoughts about how to keep a relationship together.

The number one thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always to be supportive of one another. I think the reason why I knew my husband Jonathan was the one for me is because he was supportive right from the beginning about nursing me back to health and making sure that everything was fine for me. Through this supportive environment our love grew stronger and I knew that he was the one that had my heart for eternity.

The second most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always apologize to each other sincerely when things go wrong. Even when I first became closer to Jonathan, he constantly and repeatedly apologized for any role that he played in the accident that we got into on a rainy night. Due to the weather conditions the car accident was not Jonathan’s fault at all. This accident could have happened to anyone and it did happen to many people on that rainy night. I, too, when I know that I have done something wrong, I quickly apologize to my husband in order to make everything better again.

The third most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always make sure that you laugh together. I strongly believe that a loving couple that laughs together will definitely stay together! This is very important and there also needs to be fun in the relationship that will be discussed later on.

The fourth most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always make sure that their home and the organization of their relationship affairs such as financial accounts, etc. are well-organized. Many couples can end up fighting needlessly because there is a lack of organization amongst the aspects of the relationship which they share together. Jonathan and I do our best to make sure that our relationship is organized and fun at the same time too!

The fifth most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always make sure that they make time to have fun together. Work is of course important; however it is also important that a couple does fun things together. The wedding day of a marriage should not be the most fun that a couple has ever had together. The wedding day I had with Jonathan was absolutely beautiful and I even had my dress custom-made because I could not find what I wanted and Jonathan looked so dashingly handsome. We have had many special moments together since.

The sixth most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind is to always make sure that they are spending good time to be intimate with one another. Intimacy does not always need to equate to sex. This could also mean making sure that you are a good listener to your mate, and that your mate is also a good listener for what you have to say. Knowing what is going on in the inner recesses of each other as a couple is important.

The seventh most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind to always make sure that are being faithful to one another and honoring their wedding vows. If there are any problems in the relationship, each person in the relationship should be willing to seek outside help in order to solve the problems whether it be through religious pastors, priests, rabbis, etc., and/or marriage counsellors.

The eighth most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind to always make sure of is that they are spending wisely as a couple and living within their means. Money is one of those evil things that can destroy and/or help a couple. It is important that the money that exists within the relationship is helping the couple to develop, grow and to prosper, rather than to create constant fighting.

The ninth and final most important thing that a married couple needs to keep in mind to always make sure of is that they are helping out in their community, or giving back to their children and providing a positive, constructive influence on the world around them. Many ways that a couple can do this is by participating in volunteer events together, having children and teaching them good ways of the world plus being a good influence on their children, respecting others and learning new things such as I am doing by going back to school .