Christopher V. Kelly, Ph.D.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University
283 Physics Research Building, 666 West Hancock Street, Detroit, MI 48201
, (313) 577-8471
Current Position:
Wayne State University, Assistant Professor 2013-present
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Postdoctoral Training
Cornell University, School of Applied & Engineering Physics & 2009 - 2013
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Observing the IgE and FcεRI signaling pathway via dielectric-filled nanoapertures
Advised by Professors Barbara A. Baird and Harold G. Craighead
PhD University of Michigan, Applied Physics 2009
Thesis title: Perturbations of cellular membranes with ultrafast lasers and synthetic polymers
Advised by Professors Bradford G. Orr and Mark M. Banaszak Holl
MSE University of Michigan, Electrical Engineering 2007
Optics and Photonics Major, GPA: 3.81/4.00
BA Oberlin College, Physics 2003
High Honors, GPA: 3.84/4.00
Thesis title: Magnetic Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized via the Polyol Method
Advised by Professor Yumi Ijiri
Awards and Fellowships
· Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship* 2010-2013
· Certificate in Nanoscience and Technology, University of Michigan 2009
· Chair’s Fund Fellowship, Gordon Conference in Polymer Physics* 2008
· Best Poster in Polymer Synthesis, 31st Annual Symposium of Macromolecular Science and
Engineering, University of Michigan 2007
· NSF Workshop Fellowship, University of Montana Center for Ethics* 2007
· Doctoral Candidacy with Highest Distinction 2006
· Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute Graduate Fellowship* 2006
· Biophysics Training Grant, University of Michigan* 2005-2007
· High Honors in Physics, Oberlin College 2003
· Sigma Xi, Associate Member 2003
· Carl E. Howe Prize in Physics, Oberlin College 2003
*Denotes funding support for my research for which I personally applied and was awarded
Research Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow 2009 - 2013
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
· Developed a near-field optical technique to observe nanoscale diffusion on living and model cellular membranes with 60 nm and 1 µs resolution.
· Designed and fabricated <50 nm diameter, glass-filled apertures in a thin aluminum film.
· Utilized nanofabrication processes in Cornell Nanoscale Science & Technology Facility (CNF), such as photolithography, e-beam lithography, numerous wet and dry etches, metal evaporation and sputtering, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), etc.
· Designed and constructed a two-objective microscope for simultaneous two-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy through nanoapertures with significant computer automation in LabVIEW.
· Utilized advanced optical techniques such as confocal fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), single particle tracking (SPT), etc.
· Designed and wrote numerous simulations and data analysis routines in MATLAB for FCS, FRAP, and SPT.
· Modeled and characterized nanoscale illumination profile with COMSOL finite element analysis and near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM).
· Collaborated with engineers, physicists, biophysicists, chemists, and immunologists.
Graduate Research Assistant 2004 - 2009
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
· Studied the interactions between synthetic nanoparticles and cellular membranes.
· Measured the supramolecular complexes formed upon interaction of nanoparticles with phospholipids.
· Utilized Physical Chemistry techniques such as isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, etc.
· Utilized nanoscale techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), etc.
· Calculated the detailed energetic and structure of nanoparticle-phospholipid interactions with molecular dynamics simulations.
· Determined the relative contribution of charged, polar, and uncharged moieties within the nanoparticles and phospholipids to their binding.
· Determined the enthalpic and entropic contributions of nanoparticles binding to phospholipids.
· Measured the cellular response to local irradiation with a pulsed laser.
· Utilized Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser to selectively ablate living cells at the membrane.
· Monitored the blistering response of individual cells to laser ablation and the physical properties of the blisters.
Research Consultant 2003 - 2004
NASA Glenn Research Center, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH
· Developed a non-vacuum chemical vapor deposition of CuInS2 from a single-source precursor.
· Characterized the resulting photoelectric properties of the CuInS2 film for use in thin-film solar cells.
· Controlled the crystalline structure of CuInS2 films through post-deposition annealing
· Utilized scanning electron microscopy (SEM), profilometry, small-angle x-ray diffraction, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and UV–vis transmission spectroscopy
· Fabricated and characterized transparent, conducting indium tin oxide thin films.
· Fabricated and characterized the photoelectric properties of solar cells created from CuInS2 and ITO films.
Undergraduate Honors Researcher 2002 - 2003
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
· Fabricated Fe3O4 nanoparticles via a reflux polyol synthesis.
· Optimized nanoparticle synthesis conditions for variations in particle size, monodispersity, and magnetic properties
· Characterized the magnetic susceptibility and temperature dependence of superparamagnetic nanoparticles
Students Mentored in Research
Graduate Students Current or Subsequent Position Dates Mentored
Parisa Bashiri Physics and Astronomy Ph.D. Student, Wayne State University 2013-Present
Abir Maarouf Physics and Astronomy Ph.D. Student, Wayne State University 2013-Present
Taral Shah Biomedical Engineering Masters Student, Wayne State University 2013
*Devin Wakefield Chemistry and Chemical Biology Ph.D. Student, Cornell University 2010-Present
*Laura Devon Triplett Applied Physics Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan 2007-2009
Undergraduate Students
Rebecca Meerschaert Undergraduate Student, Wayne State University 2014-Present
Anthony Khashola Undergraduate Student, Wayne State University 2013-Present
EvelinaDulgheru Undergraduate Student, Wayne State University 2013-Present
Shahera Begom Undergraduate Student, Wayne State University 2013-Present
Matthew Kiok Undergraduate Student, Tulane University 2011
*Meghan Liroff Medical Student, Wayne State University Medical School 2008-2009
*Paivo Kinnunen Applied Physics Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan 2006-2007
*Mary-Margaret Kober Medical Student, University of Michigan Medical School 2005-2007
Timothy Sullivan Alumni, University of Michigan 2005
High School Student
Joshua Stein Student, Yale University 2008
* co-author on manuscript
Classes Taught
Optics and Optics Laboratory WSU Phys 5340/5341 Winter 2013
Optics and Optics Laboratory WSU Phys 5340/5341 Winter 2014
Professional Activities
Scientific Outreach
· Mentor for Camp Cosmos, an Astronomy Summer Camp for students age 12-15, sponsored by the WSU Planetarium
· Presenter for Science Under the Dome in WSU Planetarium
· Volunteer at Ithaca Sciencenter’s Nanodays, a festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering
· Research mentor for numerous undergraduate and graduate students, including students from the Research Experience for Undergraduates program through the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Funded Grant Applications
· Postdoctoral Fellow, Kirschstein National Research Service Award, NIH
· Graduate Fellow, Biophysics Training Grant, University Of Michigan
· Graduate Fellow, Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan
Departmental Service
· Member of Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention Committee, WSU Physics
· Elected co-chair of the Oberlin College Physics Majors Committee
· Invited Representative of Physics Majors to the Faculty at Oberlin College
· Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Early Carrier Fellowship
· Analytical Chemistry
· Molecular Simulation
· ChemPhysChem
· PLOS One
Society Memberships
· Optical Society of America (current)
· Biophysical Society (current)
o Co-chair of "Membrane Structure I" platform at the 2011 Biophysical Society 55th Annual Meeting
· American Chemical Society
Peer-Reviewed Works Published
15. D. R. Latulippe, K. Szeto, A. Ozer, F. M. Duarte, C. V. Kelly, J. M. Pagano, B. S.White, D. Shalloway, J. T. Lis, and H. G. Craighead, “Multiplexed Microcolumn-Based Process for Efficient Selection of RNA Aptamers“ Analytical Chemistry,2013, 85, 6, 3417–3424
14. C. V. Kelly, H. G. Craighead, “Nanofabrication for the Manipulation and Analysis of Membranes.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 40, 6, 1356-1366.
13. C. V. Kelly, B. A. Baird, H. G. Craighead, “An Array of Apertures for Near-Field Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.” Biophysical Journal, 2011, 100, 7, L34-L36.
12. D. G. Mullen, D. Q. McNerny, A. Desai, X. M. Cheng, S. C. DiMaggio, A. Kotlyar, Y. Zhong, S. Qin, C. V. Kelly, T. P. Thomas, I. Majoros, B. G. Orr, J. R. Baker, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “Design, Synthesis, and Biological Functionality of a Dendrimer-Based Modular Drug Delivery Platform.” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2011, 22, 4, 679-689.
11. C. V. Kelly, M. G. Liroff, L. D. Triplett, P. R. Leroueil, D. G. Mullen, J. M. Wallace, S. Meshinchi, J. R. Baker,B. G. Orr, M. M. BanaszakHoll, “Stoichiometry and Structure of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer-Lipid Complexes.” ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 7, 1886-1896.
10. C. V. Kelly, M.-M. T. Kober,, P. Kinnunen, D. A. Reis, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “Pulsed-laser creation and characterization of giant plasma membrane vesicles on living cells.” Journal of Biological Physics,2009, 5, 3, 279-295.
9. C. V. Kelly, P. R. Leroueil, E. J. Nett, J. M. Wereszczynski, J. R. Baker, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, I. Andricioaei, “Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers on lipid bilayers I: Free energy and conformation of binding.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 31, 9337-9345.
8. C. V. Kelly, P. R. Leroueil, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, I. Andricioaei, “Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers on lipid bilayers II: Effects of bilayer phase and dendrimer termination.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112 (31), 9346-9353.
7. D. G. Mullen, A. M. Desai, J. N. Waddell, X. Cheng, C. V. Kelly, D. Q. McNerny, I. J. Majoros, J. R. Baker, Jr., L. M. Sander, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “The Implications of Stochastic Synthesis for the Conjugation of Functional Groups to Nanoparticles.” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2008, 19,9, 1748-1752.
6. K. J. Landmark, S. DiMaggio, J. Ward, C. V. Kelly, S. Vogt, S. Hong, A. Kotlyar, J. E. Penner-Hahn, J. R. Baker, M. M. Banaszak Holl, B. G. Orr, “Synthesis, Characterization, and In Vitro Testing of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Targeted Using Folic Acid-Conjugated Dendrimers.” ACS Nano, 2008, 2 (4), 773-783.
5. B. Erickson, C. V. Kelly, P. R. Leroueil, S. A. Berry, J. R. Baker, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “Interactions of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers with Survanta Lung Surfactant: The Importance of Lipid Domains.” Langmuir, 2008, 24, 19, 11003-11008.
4. D. F. Farrell, Y. Ijiri, C. V. Kelly, J. A. Borchers, J. J. Rhyne, Y. Ding, S. A. Majetich, “Small angle neutron scattering study of disordered and crystalline iron nanoparticle assemblies.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 303 (2), 318-322.
3. C. V. Kelly, M. H.-C. Jin, K. K. Banger, J. S. McNatt, J. E. Dickman, A. F. Hepp, “Parametric study on non-vacuum chemical vapor deposition of CuInS2 from a single-source precursor.” Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2005, 116 (3), 403-408.
2. Y. Ijiri, C. V. Kelly, J. A. Borchers, J. J. Rhyne, D. F. Farrell, S. A. Majetich, “Detection of spin coupling in iron nanoparticles with small angle neutron scattering.” Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86 (24), 243102.
1. M. B. Haider, C. Constantin, H. Al-Brithen, H. Yang, E. Trifan, D. Ingram, A. R. Smith, C. V. Kelly, Y. Ijiri, “Ga/N flux ratio influence on Mn incorporation, surface morphology, and lattice polarity during radio frequency molecular beam epitaxy of (Ga,Mn)N.” Journal of Applied Physics, 2003, 93 (9), 5274-5281.
Conference Proceedings
17. C. V. Kelly, "Near-Field Spectroscopy And Polarized Localization Microscopy For Observing Nanoscale Membrane Clustering And Curvature" Biophysical Journal, 2014, In Press.
16. S. A. Shelby, C. V. Kelly, S. L. Veatch, D. A. Holowka, B. A. Baird, “Super-Resolution Imaging Of Ige Receptor Clustering Initiated By Structurally-DefinedLigands In Rbl Mast Cells”Biophysical Journal, 2013, 104(2) 118a
15. K. Szeto, D. Latulippe, A. Ozer, J. Pagano, C. V. Kelly, B. White, D.Shalloway, J. T. Lis, H. G. Craighead, “Optimized Multiplex RNA Aptamer Selections inMicrocolumns via RAPID (RNA Aptamer Isolation via Dual Cycles) and High-throughput Sequencing”Pittcon Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, PA, March 17-21, 2013
14. K. Szeto, D. Latulippe, A. Ozer, J. Pagano, C. V. Kelly, B. White, D.Shalloway, J. T. Lis, H. G. Craighead, “RNA Aptamer Isolation via Dual-cycle (RAPID) Selection withMultiplexed Micro-Columns” 8th Oligonucleoide Therapeutics Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA,October 28-31, 2012
13. D. Latulippe, K. Szeto, A. Ozer, J. Pagano, C. V. Kelly, J. T. Lis, H. G.Craighead, “Advanced characterization of a novel multitarget microscale fluidic device for the selectionof RNA aptamers” 244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA,August 19-23, 2012
12. C. V. Kelly, D. A. Holowka, B. A. Baird, H. G. Craighead, “Nanoapertures for 60nm Resolution of Membrane Organization and Dynamics.”Biophysical Journal,2012, 102(3), 207a
11. C. V. Kelly, D. Holowka, B. Baird, H. G. Craighead, “Arrays of Nanoapertures for Examining Membrane Organization and Dynamics.” Biophysical Journal 2011, 100(3), 20a
10. C. V. Kelly; D. A. Holowka, B. A. Baird, H. G. Craighead, “An array of nanoapertures for superior resolution of membrane organization and dynamics.” Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010, 113(1) 14-15
9. C. V. Kelly, D. A. Holowka, B. A. Baird, H. G. Craighead, “Microscopy with Nanoapertures to Reveal Membrane Organizationwith 1 Microsecond and 100 Nanometer Resolution.” Biophysical Journal, 2010, 98(3), 283a
8. C. V. Kelly M. G. Liroff, L. D. Triplett, D. G. Mullen, J. R. Baker, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “Stoichiometries and Energetics of Cationic Nanoparticle-Membrane Complexes.” Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96(3), 19a
7. M. M. Banaszak Holl, J. Chen, B. W. Erickson, C. V. Kelly, P. R. Leroueil, M. G. Liroff, B. G. Orr, “Polymer nanoparticle interactions with cell membranes.” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 235, 291-COLL
6. C. V. Kelly, M. G. Liroff, P. R. Leroueil, D. G. Mullen, B. W. Erickson, B. G. Orr, I. Andricioaei, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “Poly(amidoamine) dendrimer binding, pore formation, and supramolecular structure with phospholipids.” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 2008, 458-POLY.
5. M. G. Liroff, C. V. Kelly, P. R. Leroueil, D. G. Mullen, B. W. Erickson, B. G. Orr, M. M. Banaszak Holl, “DMPC and dendrimer aggregates examined by ITC and DLS.” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 235, 118-POLY.
4. C. V. Kelly, E. K. Janus, J. M. Wereszczynski, T. W. Sullivan, J. R. Baker, M. M. Banaszak Holl, B. G. Orr, I. Andricioaei, “Nanoparticle-membrane interactions: the effects of dendrimer terminal chemistry on targeted drug delivery, gene therapy, and, toxicity.” Biophysical Journal, 2007, 192A-192A.
3. M, H.-C. Jin, K. K. Banger, C. V. Kelly, J. McNatt, J. E. Dickman, A. F. Hepp, J. H. Scofield, “Solar Cells Fabricated with CuInS2 Films Deposited Using Single-Source Precursors.” Proceedings of the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2004.