Curre Hunt Pony Club Programme AUTUMN/WINTER 2010

Date / Description / Venue / Time / Fee / Slips to or Contact for further details
Weds Sept 29 / Dressage Training / Woolaston
Devauden / From 4.30pm, ½ hr slots, 2 per grp
6.30pm / £7 / Hannah (see note at bottom)
Weds Oct 13 / Dressage Training / As above
Sun Oct 17 / Paddy’s Ride / Howick Farm / Start 10am-2pm / Alison Jones-Griffiths
01633 400072
Mon Oct 18 / Rally (all ages) / Severnvale
EC / From 4.30pm
1 hour sessions / £10 / Hannah
07831 584823
Sat Oct 23 / Newcomers’ Meet
C & L Hunt / The Kennels, Itton / 11am / Hannah
07831 584823
Weds Oct 27 / Dressage Train & Compete / Woolaston / Start 10am, all day / £15 / Hannah (see note at bottom)
Thurs Oct 28 / Beach Ride / Kenfig / 11am / Free / Hannah
07831 584823
Sat Nov 6
/ Opening Meet
C & L Hunt / Fiddlers Cottage, Itton / 11am / £15 for u18s / Hannah
07831 584823
Sun Nov 14 / Curre Triathlon / Chepstow Leisure Centre / PLEASE ENTER &/OR OFFER TO HELP / Jackie
01291 641547
or 07981 702263
Mon Nov 15 / Rally / Severnvale EC / From 4.30pm
1 hour sessions / £10 / Hannah
07831 584823
Mon Dec 20 / Tinsel Ride / Cadira Beeches, Wentwood / 11am / Free / Hannah
07831 584823

Dressage training at Woolaston is for anyone wishing to improve their flatwork or test riding. They are ½ hr sessions with only two riders per session. Few spaces left. For info on Devauden sessions, contact Chris.

Dressage Train & Compete is a training competition where you ride a test (am), have some training, then ride the test again (pm). This is open to all but priority will be given to those who have attended dressage training through the summer and autumn.

Curre Hunt Pony Programme Spring Summer 2006 1