WVCEA State Category Rules

The following pages contain the rules for

(State Categories only)


Category 7: Bible Sword Drill

Category 8: Bible Preaching with Technology:

Expository, Evangelistic and Topical

Category 9:Bible Teaching with Technology


Category 19:Youth Choir

Category 20:Sacred Multiple Keyboards

Category 21:Classical Multiple Keyboards

Category 22:Percussion Ensemble

Category 23:Handbell Solo

Category 24:Organ Solo

Category 25:Recorder Solo

Category 26:Hymnplaying

Category 27:Composition—Original

Category 28:Composition—Arranged

* Category 29:Instrumental String Solo (Non-Orchestral Instruments)


There are no additional State Categories


Category 18: Team Mural Painting

Category 19:Experimental Photography

Category 20:Animation

Category 21:Desktop Publishing

Category 22:Cinema—Original Video Production

Category 23:Design Construction

Category 24:Scratch Art


Category 21: Microsoft Office

Category 22:Human Anatomy

Category 23:Chess


Category 1:Bible QuizzingSRJR/EL

Category 2:Bible MemorySRJREL

Category 3:Bible TeachingSRJR

Category 4:Expository PreachingSR

Category 5:Evangelistic PreachingSRJR

Category 6:Topical PreachingSR

(State Categories only)

Category 7:Bible Sword DrillEL

Category 8:Bible Preaching with Technology;

Expository, Evangelistic & TopicalSRJR (evangelistic only)

Category 9:Bible Teaching with TechnologySRJR


The AACS & WVCEA will use the KJV Bible for judging Bible competition categories. The King James Version will be the only authorized translation used in any competition category.


Category 7: Bible Sword Drill

Judges needed: 5; the Moderator, the Scorekeeper, and 3 Line Judges

1. Students should be divided into rounds of no more than 8 students per round. They can draw numbers for the rounds or be pre-assigned for the rounds.

2. Tape should be placed on the floor or platform where the students are standing. All participants should stand behind the tape facing the moderator and the audience. Then moderator should sit at a table or in the first pew and use a microphone (if needed).

3. Bibles (supplied by WVCEA) shall be held straight up (elbows unbent) over the head with one arm, having the other arm down at the side. The moderator shall give the Scripture reference twice, then say “CHARGE.” The students then look up the verse, and step over the tape, line, or other marker with their finger on the verse.

4. There should be at least 3 line judges on the floor or platform with the students, but they should stand off to the side each time a Scripture reference is given. One line judge will be assigned to watch for the first person over the line. That judge will then position him/herselfnext to that student and verify that the student’s finger is on the verse just called. Another line judge will be assigned to watch for the second person over the line, and the 3rd line judge will watch for the 3rd person over the line. Each judge will then stand by that person, verify that the student does have his/her finger on the correct verse, then give that person’s name (and indicate 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, to the scorekeeper.

5. The student’s finger must be on the verse, not moving to it. If the student is on an incorrect verse or is moving to the verse and not on it, 10 points will be deducted.

6. 10 points are given to the 1st person, 5 points given to the 2nd person, and 3 points to the 3rd person finding the correct verse. The students do not read the verse.

7. A round is complete whenever one person reaches 70 points. The 1st place person will have 70 points, whoever has the next most points will be considered 2nd, and the next person with the most points will be considered 3rd. The final round will consist of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from each preliminary round. The final round will conclude when someone reaches 100 points. That person will be the winner, the next person with the most points will be 2nd, and the person with the 3rd highest points will be 3rd.

Category 8: Bible Preaching with Technology; Expository, Evangelistic & Topical

All the rules of categories #4, 5 & 6 apply to this category; however, different technology mediums may be used to enhance the content of the sermon subject or illustrate. Never should technology replace the speaker.

Category 9: Bible Teaching with Technology

All the rules of category #3 apply to this category; however, different technology mediums may be used to enhance the content of the lesson or illustrate. Never should technology replace the teacher.


Category 1:Female Vocal SoloSRJREL

Category 2:Male Vocal SoloSRJREL

Category 3:Instrumental Brass SoloSRJREL

Category 4:Instrumental Woodwind SoloSRJREL

Category 5:Instrumental String SoloSRJREL

Category 6:Instrumental Percussion SoloSRJREL

Category 7:Sacred Piano SoloSR JREL

Category 8:Classical Piano SoloSRJREL

Category 9:Small Vocal EnsembleSRJREL

Category 10:Large Vocal EnsembleSRJREL

Category 11:Choral GroupSRJREL

Category 12:Small Instrumental EnsembleSRJREL

Category 13:Large Instrumental EnsembleSRJREL

Category 14:Orchestra/BandSRJREL

Category 15:Handbell/Handchime EnsembleSRJREL

Category 16: Handbell/Handchime ChoirSRJREL

Category 17: Sacred Piano DuetSRJREL

Category 18:Classical Piano DuetSRJREL

(State Categories only)

Category 19: Youth ChoirSRJREL

Category 20: Sacred Multiple KeyboardsSRJREL

Category 21: Classical Multiple KeyboardsSRJREL

Category 22: Percussion EnsembleSRJREL

Category 23: Handbell SoloSRJREL

Category 24: Organ SoloSRJREL

Category 25: Recorder SoloEL

Category 26: HymnplayingSRJR

Category 27: Composition - OriginalSRJR

Category 28: Composition - ArrangedSRJR

Category 29: Instrumental String Solo (Non-Orchestral)SRJREL


1.Vocal and instrumental selections will be from the following types of music: sacred,spirituals, patriotic, folk, semi-classical, or classical.

a. The term “classical” will not be limited to denote music from that period of history, but will apply to selections of a classical nature as opposed to those of popular music.

b. Piano selections must be sacred or classical according to the rules of the category.

c. Folk music is the body of literature that identifies with a culture or a country in the form of ballads, religious songs, work songs, cowboy songs, patriotic and political songs, and love songs. Many such folk songs have been taught by one generation to another generation and may not bear any composer identification. However, no protest songs, songs of any subversive cultural movement, or modern pop-related folk songs of any type are permissible.

d. Semi-classical music is that which is like classical music in form, style and quality, but is generally less complex in nature and has a more immediate appeal. Discretion should be used in selecting semi-classical music for competition. It must meet high standards of quality in both words and music.

2.Medleys will be acceptable.

3.No rock style, gospel country, jazz, or music in like vein will be permitted. A “night club” sound, or “contemporary” sound is not acceptable. Participants are to avoid contemporary movie themes, though the music itself may be acceptable, and are not to use songs produced and/or popularized by current pop or rock stars even though the song itself may be acceptable.

4.Competition officials shall have full authority for making any determination in this

regard. Music determined to be inappropriate for this competition will be penalized or disqualified.

5. No student or group will perform the same selection in two consecutive years. In

addition, the same selection is not to be used by multiple groups from the same school in the same year.

6. Refer to specific rules for each category for questions about entrants’ qualifications.

7.No choreography, planned or unnecessary bodily movement (including hand clap-

ping, foot stomping, deaf signing, finger snapping, etc.) may be used even if scored by the composer or arranger. For soloists, gestures that are a natural expression of the piece will not be penalized.

8. Memory is required of piano solos, vocal solos, and vocal groups. Memory is not required of instrumental solos (except piano) or instrumental groups. Failure to memorize when required will result in disqualification.

9.Only live piano accompaniment will be permitted for all music categories which

need accompaniment.

10.Each student or group may provide an accompanist who will not be considered as

part of the group in size determination or grade level requirements.

11. No competitors are permitted to use page turners; accompanists may use a page


12.No electronically amplified musical instruments except the organ will be


13. All sound equipment will be provided and supervised by the host school and its

designated aides.

14. Refer to the AACS website for instruments provided by the host campus for these

Categories: Percussion Solo, Large Instrumental Ensemble, and Orchestra/Band.

15. Contestants will need 3 originals of each selection of music performed for judges to reference. If the contestant(s) or accompanist will be using music for any performance, those will also need to be originals. Photocopies are not permitted.

Photocopies of music may be used only under the following circumstances.

1.The music is in the public domain—either it is not copyrighted or the copyright date is 1922 or earlier.

2.The copyrighted music has been ordered but not yet received, and the contestant presents a note from a music store stating that he has ordered and paid for the music.

3.The contestant presents a letter from the publisher or the copyright holder giving permission to copy the music.

4.The contestant or accompanist may reproduce single pages to facilitate page turns. The original published score must also be present on the music stand and/or music rack.

5.An emergency copy may be made to replace previously purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance. The purchased replacement copies must be substituted at the earliest opportunity.

6.If the contestant is using digital sheet music or something similar printed from an online download, he/she will need to provide proof of purchase of a “permission to use letter” with the music.

Please note further the following copyright considerations.

1.Copyrighted music may be edited or simplified provided that the fundamental character—melodically and harmonically—of the work is not distorted. Minor deviations from the printed music must be clearly marked on the music given to the judges.

2.Copyrighted lyrics may not be changed without permission of the copyright holder.

3.Personal arrangements of a copyrighted work must have the written permission of the copyright holder.

16.The contestant must number at least every fifth (5th) measure on the music given to judges. Numbers must be very clear and legible. Numbers may be written in pencil. Judges are instructed not to mark on music. Failure to clearly number at least every 5th measure will result in an automatic penalty of three (3) points per selection.

17.Personal arrangements and deviations from printed music should be clearly marked on the judges’ copies or disqualification will result after the performance is finished.

18.Warm-up rooms will be available throughout the day.

19.Instrumentalists may tune their instruments with the piano before performing.

20.Either the soloist, one member of a duet or small ensemble, or the director of a large ensemble or group shall announce the name of the participant/group, the school, the title, and composer/arranger of the selection. Timing will then begin.

21.Students will be penalized for going over or under time in any category of competition where time limits are established. When a student violates his time limit by more than 1 minute, the student will be disqualified. However, if he is over time or under time, but not by 1 minute, points or a fraction of a point will be deducted which will prevent an otherwise first-place winner from placing 1st, a second-place winner from placing 2nd, or a third-place winner from placing 3rd.

22.The student or director will be responsible for securing furnished music from the judges following the performance.

23.Recording is absolutely prohibited except for the recording of a single entry by representatives of the participant’s school for personal use. The recording of all or portions of the performance of more than one entry in an event is prohibited. In any case, the head judge of a competition may prohibit recording. No recording made by anyone other than competition officials may be considered for adjudication purposes.


Category 1: Female Vocal Solo

  1. Junior High and Elementary will perform 1 selection.

Category 2: Male Vocal Solo

  1. Junior High and Elementary will perform 1 selection.

Category 19: Youth Choir

1. A youth choir consists of 25 or more singers. It may be directed.

2. Each youth choir will perform two numbers within 15 minutes. At least one selection must be sacred and in English. The intent is that the piece be 100% in English. Incidental use of a foreign word or phrase would be accepted. An entire verse in a foreign language would result in penalty.

3.Memory is required of vocal groups. Failure to memorize when required will result in disqualification.

Category 20: Sacred Multiple Keyboards

1. Sacred Multiple Keyboards consists of two or more students playing two or more keyboards. Only sacred music is acceptable.

Category 21: Classical Multiple Keyboards

1. Classical Multiple Keyboards consists of two or more students playing two or more keyboards. Only classical music is acceptable.

Category 22: Percussion Ensemble

1.Students will perform one selection or medley within 8 minutes.

2. Students will not be required to memorize the selection for competition.

3. If the ensemble has 2-6 members, it may not be directed; if the ensemble

has 7-12 members, it may be directed.

4. Music for the percussion ensemble must be from“standard concert literature”

and must conform to the General Rules for Music. Since much of this literature

is unaccompanied, and accompaniment is optional this category does not have

to be memorized.

5. No electronic devices are permitted. No drum sets are permitted.

Category 23: Handbell Solo

1.A student will perform one selection or medley within 8 minutes.

2. A student will not be required to memorize the selection for competition.

Category 24: Organ Solo

1.A student will perform one selection or medley within 8 minutes.

2. A student will not be required to memorize the selection for competition.

3. A page turner will be permitted to stand by the organist to assist in

turning pages.

4. Repertoire is limited to sacred and classical selections.

Category 25: Recorder Solo

1.A student will perform one selection or medley within 8 minutes.

2. A student is required to memorize the selection for competition.

Category 26: Hymn-Playing (Improvisation on Hymn Tunes for Congregational Singing)

1. Contestants will perform two selections from the list of 6 hymn tunes.

The first selection is the contestant’s choice and he/she will play that hymn without a song leader. The second selection will be the judge’s choice from the list of the 6 hymn tunes; this selection will be directed by a seasoned song leader designated by the WVCEA Fine Arts Office. The judges will observe the contestant performing under the direction of the song leader.

2. Contestants may play from the hymnbook of their choice; however, they

must provide two identical hymnbooks for the judges in case the harmonization is different. All the hymns listed below are available in the hymnbookMajesty Hymns from Majesty Music (Greenville, SC; phone: 800.334.1071). Memory is not required.

3. The performance will be judged according to standard rules of hymnplaying;

i.e., chord structure and chord progression, theory rules, harmonization rules,

and appropriateness of style used for congregational singing.

4. Both selections must be played with an introduction.

Selections of hymns for the following eight-year cycle by school year are listed below:

2016And Can It Be

At the Cross

Be Strong in the Lord

Grace Greater Than Our Sin*

Rejoice in the Lord*

To God Be the Glory*

*Denotes JH selections

2017A New Name in Glory

Crown Him with Many Crowns*

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Like a River Glorious*

Lead On, O King Eternal*

Our Great Savior

2018All the Way*

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing*

Glory to His Name*

Holy, Holy, Holy

Lord, Send Me Anywhere

Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It

2019Higher Ground*

How Can It Be

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

It Is Well with My Soul*

Rejoice, the Lord Is King

When I Survey*

2020Blessed Assurance

He Lives

I Sing the Mighty Power of God*

I Stand Amazed in the Presence

O Worship the King*

The Solid Rock*

Category 27: Composition - Original

1. Every musical portion of the composition must be original (an existing text or poem may be used).

2. The composition may be for any medium.

3. The composition must have been composed since the previous year’s WVCEA Competition.

4. The composition must be performed at the WVCEA Competition. (The performer(s) will not be the object of adjudication; only the composition will be judged.) You may pre-record the performance on a CD and present that at the WVCEA Competition as that also represents a live performance.

5. The composition will be judged according to standard rules of composition;i.e., part-writing rules, theory rules, instrumental and vocal ranges, chord structure and progression, appropriateness for the performance genre intended.

6. The composition must be one of the acceptable styles of music listed in the general music rules.

Category 28: Composition - Arranged

1. An existing melody and harmonization may be used.

2. The arrangement may be for any medium.

3. The arrangement must have been created since the previous year’sWVCEA Competition.

4. The arrangement must be performed at the WVCEA Competition. (The performer(s) will not be the object of adjudication; only the arrangement will be judged.) You maypre-record the performance on a CD and present that at the WVCEA Competition as that also represents a live performance.