Investible projects: identifying and attracting the right investment for Scottish low carbon infrastructure development
Tue 25th Feb 2014
Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor
We would appreciate if you could take two minutes to fill out this short feedback form as it is fundamental to us to ensure we improve in ways you want us.
Please leave your contact name and organisation so we can get back to you directly, if appropriate.
(please print)
Conference Publicity (please tick boxes where appropriate)How did you find out about the conference?
Direct E-mail / Word of mouth
E-mail forwarded by colleague / Personal Invitation
MacKay Hannah Website / Conference Supporters
Direct telephone contact from organisers / Twitter / LinkedIn / Facebook
Other(please specify)
Publicity Frequency / Not enough / About right / Too much
Conference Organisation / Poor / Fair / Good / Very goodBooking arrangements via website or otherwise
Response to pre-conference queries
Registration on arrival
Delegate care on day
Conference Venue / Poor / Fair / Good / Very good
Refreshments at breaks
Main conference suite
Conference Content / Poor / Fair / Good / Very good
Programme content
Speakers’ presentations
Question and answer sessions
Covered my requirements/questions
Exhibitors (if any)
What drew you to the conference initially and did the event meet your needs?
Did any of the speakers stand out for you?
Which topics would you like to have heard more about?
What could we have done differently or better?
Will you be attending another MacKay Hannah event? Yes NoHann
Any further comments?
I am happy for my comments and name to be used for testimonials on the MacKay Hannah website and in publicity material for future events if deemed appropriate.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Please contact us on 0131 556 1500 or with any concerns or issues.