New Horizon 2017 Year to Date Financial Report (January 1 – June 30)

July 17, 2017

Dear New Horizon Supporters,

Thank you for your dedication and financial support for the ministry of New Horizon Church. Because of your generosity, New Horizon is able to continue our mandate of Connecting Others With Jesus Through Worship, Groups and Serving.

Below is the year-to-date financial update for 2017. This report includes our current financial position with the general budget, mortgage debt, City on the Hill capital campaign, cash assets along with our 10 year general budget history including 2017 - YTD.

Our City on a Hill five-year mortgage reduction campaign that began in June, 2016 has $1.296 million pledged towards our goal of raising $1.5 million by 2021. To date we have received $317,489. The great news is that in May, New Horizon hit a major milestone. Through your faithfulnessthe mortgage was reduced to under $2 million. Thank you, Lord.

2016 proved to be a challenging year for New Horizon’s General Budget. With the 2017 General Budget adjustments, NH currently has a year-to-date surplus of $15,996. Praise God.

If you have any further questions, the Finance Team and I are available and happy to help.

Your continued giving is very important for our church’s ministries to proclaim the Good News. Thank you for your giving and support.

Blessings and Peace,

Mike Potts

Executive Pastor


General Budget (January 1 – June 30, 2017)


Regular Offering$363,226

Other Revenue $ 3,887

Total Revenue $367,113



Operations$ 73,300

Apportionments $ 57,520*

Programs/Ministries$ 9,171

Missions$ 8,100

Total Expense$352,117

Surplus $15,996

*New Horizon UMC is connected to the worldwide UMC denomination. Apportionments is money received from local UMC churches and distributed for global UMC ministry. Through your financial support, New Horizon participates in Kingdom ministry and mission both locally and around the world.

City on the Hill Five Year Mortgage Reduction Campaign

Goal $1,500,000

Pledged $1,296,645

Received through June 30, 2017$ 317,482

New Horizon Mortgage Balance (Mortgage at 3.5% Interest)

January 1, 2016$2,244,398

June 30, 2017 $1,985,851

New Horizon 2017Giving – General Budget and Mortgage Combined

General Budget$ 367,113

City on a Hill Debt Reduction 2017 Giving $ 99,083

Total New Horizon 2017 - YTD Giving $ 476,196

Current Cash Assets
Cash – General Fund

Checking$ 88,953

Money Market Rainy Day Fund $ 85,853

Total General Fund$ 174,806

Cash – Capital Fund

City on a Hill – Mortgage Reduction and Parking Lot Campaign $ 92,754*

Capital Improvement – Building & Campus Fund$ 88,108

Total Capital Fund $ 180,881

* Mortgage reserve = $27,754 - Parking lot repair = $65,000

Total Current Cash Assets $ 355,687

10 Year General Budget History


2007$767,991$762,969$ 5,022

2008$741,820$761,118 ($ 19,298)

2009$707,001$707,001$ 0.00

2010$738,292$725,686$ 12,606

2011$836,346$808,137$ 28,209

2012$851,207$822,716$ 28,491

2013$834,191$824,873$ 9,318

2014$853,532$835,553$ 17,979

2015$851,831$887,144 ($ 35,313)

2016 $860,580$882,931 ($ 22,351)

2017 - YTD$367,113$352,117$ 15,996