January 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0008r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Miscellaneous Beam Comment Resolutions
Date: 2008-01-07
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
John Ketchum / Qualcomm Incorporated / 9 Damonmill Square Suite 2A Concord, MA 01742 / +1-781-276-0915 /

CID 5054

5054 / 290.31 / 20.3.11 / Like the vectors are bolded in this subclause, all matrices of >1 rows or col'ns should be bolded in typeface. / Like the vectors are bolded in this subclause, all matrices of >1 rows or col'ns should be bolded in typeface. / Reject


The use of boldface type to represent vectors and matrices is a common stylistic choice in mathematical texts that involve matrices and vectors, in order to clearly distinguish between vector and scalar quantities. However, in this document these distinctions are made clear in the text, and it is unnecessary to take the additional step of bolding matrices and vectors throughout the document. Also, limitations of the Framemaker equation editor may make it difficult to set matrix and vector variables in bold in a consistant manner.

Suggested resolution: Reject

CID 5057

5057 / 291.04 / 20.3.11 / In Fig 20-14, what is the meaning of the ";" between A_TX and A_RX, etc. / Clarify or replace them with ellipses. / Counter. Replace the semicolons with commas


ATX, ARX, BTX, and BRX are in this figure to indicate the amplitude and phase response of the transmit and receive chains at STA A and STA B, respectively, as described in Ellipses would not be appropriate here, since the intent is not to indicate a range of values are objects, but rather to indicate two independent quantities: the transmit chain and receive chain gain matrices.

Suggested resolution:

Replace the cited semicolons with commas.

TGn Editor: in 20.3.11, page 298, line 34, Figure 20-14,(D3.02) change “ATX; ARX” to “ATX, ARX”, and “BTX; BRX” to “BTX, BRX”.

CID 5056

5056 / 291.04 / 20.3.11 / There should be eillipses b/w the antennas to illustrate multiple number of them in Fig 20-14. Otherwise, say in the caption that this is only an example. / There should be eillipses b/w the antennas to illustrate multiple number of them in Fig 20-14. Otherwise, say in the caption that this is only an example. / Counter. Edit caption as suggested.

Suggested resolution:

TGn Editor: in 20.3.11, page 298, line 36, Figure 20-14,(D3.02), change the caption to read:

Figure 20-14—The beamforming MIMO channel model (3×2 example)

CID 5059

5059 / 293.35 / / Sometimes the subscript "k" is used to denote the kth element of a vector/matrix, but sometimes (k) is used. Should we unify the notation? / Should we unify the notation? / Reject


Subscripts are used consistently throughout the text to indicate position in a matrix or vector, as well as to index subcarriers, with the exception that in cases where there are multiple indices involved, such as in, where both superscripts and subscripts are used for other indices or quantities, and it is necessary to use parenthetical notation to accommodate an additional index. There is no obvious alternative to this approach.

Suggested resolution: Reject

Submission page 1 John Ketchum, Qualcomm Incorporated