Region 5 DMG Webportal Meeting – Spring 2012
Moderator: Darren Malinoski, MD
Review of current data (10 min)
Discussion of outstanding items or issues (30 min):
- In reference to the data reports
1. The referral data columns are listed last (alphabetically - after consent, hours,
prior to or) rather than chronologically (first). Also, they are labeled “referral_or_”, which is why there may have been some confusion. They should just be “referral_”, which represents the time period before consent.
2. The consent pf ratio “met” cells are all “N” (column CG), regardless of the
actual number – met range is >/= 300
3. For the urine output data, the total for the previous four hours that is entered
on the dashboard is listed in the report, but not the calculated amount per kg per hour. Can the calculated amount that is used to meet the DMG (>/= 0.5 cc/kg/hr) be listed as well? I think the autopopulated “DMG met” column is correct, but I cannot tell without the actual rate sitting next to it.
a. After columns CN, DH, EB, and EV
4. The actual sodium value for hrs into case, prior to OR, and referral is not listed, just whether the dmg was met. Consent sodium is listed.
a. Prior to columns DE, DY, and ES
b. I had a question to submit to you both for discussion. We had a donor at CTDN that was completed in about 13 hrs from authorization to OR entry. How do we fill out the measurements section? I tried to skip the 12-18 hr time frame and just enter the at referral, at consent and prior to OR but the system wouldn’t let me submit it. Also the reference points was not allowing me to skip the 12-18 hr timeframe. So I just double documented in order to get the case accepted.
c. I know that in the past we were only reporting on donors that were age 13 and greater and also brain dead. I haven’t been reporting any DCD donors from our DSA. When did we start reporting DCD donors? Is there still an age criteria of 13?
d. the DMG portal…my request was for a slight change in the page lay-out. After
entering the reference points it would help greatly if they actually appeared on the top of the Measurements and DMG benchmark pages with the date/time for each point. I am just asking merely for ease of data entry.
e. One item that came up for me on this donor was the dosages of vasopressin he
was on was 0.04 and 0.01 and the system would not allow me to enter those dosages. In reviewing the user guide it appears the range for vasopressin is 0.1-9 but all the other medications have a lower range of 0. Is this an error or did we purposely want vasopressin like that? One final question that I can’t seem to find any email documentation on is are we all doing the ABG on 100% or the baseline level?
Path Forward for items
Fiscal responsibilities (10m)
Tom Mone and OneLegacy are the guarantors of the contract with Tii and they paid the upfront costs and will pay the annual maintenance fees ($75,000 and $25,000, respectively). Currently, this contract is for a three-year period (total $120,000). Tom Mone will handle invoicing the other seven OPOs based on the market-share agreement (see attached).
The HRSA grant (hypothermia study) that UCSF, cedars-sinai, OL, and CTDN received also contains funding to support the web portal. The money in the grant is divided up into several sub-awards and UCSF pays them all:
1. Onelegacy – 0.5 fte for a study coordinator as a formal sub-award – will invoice ucsf directly
2. Ctdn – same as OL
3. The other six OPO’s in the region will get the equivalent of either 0.1 or 0.2 fte for a study coordinator in a non-official sub-award, meaning that UCSF has this money in their budget and just needs to send payments to each of the other OPO’s based on our previous agreements. The contact people for each OPO are listed in the second attachment. Formal invoices from each OPO to UCSF need to be sent and Claire Harmon is the contact at UCSF for this ().
4. Here is the text from the grant, page 81:
Data Entry Fees for OPOs: A total of $36,000 per year will cover the cost of fees for data entry into the regional organ donor database to be paid to the remaining six OPOs within UNOS Region 5: Donor Network of Arizona, Nevada Donor Network, Golden State Donation Services (Sacramento), Intermountain Donation Services (Utah), Lifesharing (San Diego), and New Mexico Donor Services. These fees-for-service will be paid based on standard rates for data analyst time at each OPO and will range from 10-20% of an FTE, or 1.2-2.4 months of calendar time, to ensure consistency and quality in the data entry process. These staff members will also participate in training sessions with Tii Informatix representatives and the leadership of the grant team as well as attend the regional UNOS collaborative meetings three times per year to provide updates and review results.
5. The amount is $36,000 per year, or $108,000 for three years
6. Here are the amounts per OPO per year and the contact people for each OPO for the web portal:
a. CTDN (covered in separate 0.5 fte, don’t need to be in this loop) – megan Shaughnessy:
b. OL (same as CTDN) – scott bunting:
c. 0.6 FTE overall, about 0.2 FTE for these three OPO’s, each get’s 2/9ths of the $36,000, or $8000
i. Donor Network of Arizona
ii. Lifesharing (San Diego)
iii. Intermountain Donation Services (Utah)
d. 0.3 FTE overall, about 0.1 FTE for these three OPO’s, each get’s 1/9th of the $36,000, or $4000
i. Golden State Donation Services, now called “Sierra Donor Services” (Sacramento)
ii. New Mexico Donor Services
iii. Nevada Donor Network
7. The web portal is funded separately from the HRSA grant, as it was created before we received the grant. In fact, it helped us get the grant, because it represented a resource for our region. The OPO’s pay for the web portal independent of the funding mentioned above, but that funding helps them recuperate their costs (the total amount received from UCSF over the three years will be greater than the amount paid for the portal and takes staff time into account). Claire Harmon has contacted each of the OPOs regarding their invoices and payments.
Additional New Business (10min)