February 23, 2015

-In attendance: Jeff & Geri Budd, Dale Doner, Ron & Trina Wickstrom, Allen Webber, Dave & Joan Sarsons, Brian & Shari Markert, Lisa Benett, Doug & Brenda McIntyre, Herb Harder, Keith McIntyre,

Duane & Jan Mix, Murray & Lynne Markert, Peter & Wendy Miller, Ken Hartung, Diane Krystalowich, Kari Pentland, Dennis Stretch, Peter Reimer, Max & Betty Kehr, Emmet & Roberta Meehan, Tia Heide, Jay & Karen Humphrey, Joan Grant

-Devotional by Pastor Dave Sarsons, followed by prayer

-Dave Sarsons called for nominations for Chairman of the meeting. Lisa Benett nominated Brian Markert. Brian Markert accepted, seconded by Ken Hartung, carried.

-Brian Markert called for nominations for secretary. Diane Krystalowich nominated Jeff Budd. Jeff Budd accepted, seconded by Dave Sarsons, carried.

-Ron Wickstrom moved the acceptance of the agenda, seconded by Murray Markert, carried.

-Jeff Budd read the minutes from the 2014 Annual Meeting. Emmet Meehan moved their acceptance, seconded by Peter Reimer, carried.

-Diane Krystalowich presented the Financial Report. Peter Miller, moved their acceptance, seconded by Dave Sarsons, carried.

-Diane Krystalowich presented a budget for 2015 for a guideline.

-Trina Wickstrom and Allen Webber audited the books.

-Annual Reports were presented for the congregation’s consideration. Dave Sarsons read his Pastor Report and Ken Hartung gave the Mission Report. Dennis Stretch moved we accept the Annual Reports, seconded by Trina Wickstrom, carried.

-Ron Wickstrom and Dale Doner volunteered to be scrutineers for elections.

-Allen Webber presented the Nomination committee Report

-Murray Markert’s term as Elder is up and he has agreed to let his name stand for a 3 year term. He was elected.

-Brian Markert’s term as Deacon is up and he has agreed to let his name stand for a 3 year term. He was elected.

-Jeff Budd’s term as Trustee is up and he has agreed to let his name stand for another 3 year term. He was elected.

-Emmet Meehan moved that the scrutineers destroy the ballots, seconded by Joan Grant, carried.

-Allen Webber read the list of Nominees for all other positions in the church, they are as follows:

Treasurer: Diane Krystalowich

Church Administrator:

Building Committee: Emmet Meehan, Jim McNiven, Ron Wickstrom

Social Secretary: Norma Daniels

Cradle Roll: Wendy Ramer

Library Committee: Cathie McNiven

Sunday School Superintendent: Geri Budd

Hospitality Coordinator: Trina Wickstrom

Music Committee: Sylvia Budd, Deb Hartung, Rosanne Stretch, Joan Sarsons

Mission Secretary: Ken Hartung

Flower Garden Maintenance: Dale Doner

Church Supplies Purchaser: Trina Wickstrom

Nomination committee: Ken Hartung, Murray Markert, Allen Webber, Dave Sarson, Jeff Budd

-Murray Markert moved the acceptance of the nominees and their positions in the church, seconded by Peter Miller, carried.

-Trina Wickstrom has stepped down from the Nomination Committee for 2015

-there was discussion on the congregational Position for the Nomination Committee

Ron Wickstrom nominated Joan Grant

Roberta Meehan nominated Jan Mix

Geri Budd nominated Wendy Miller

Emmet Meehan moved nominations cease

Joan Grant and Jan Mix will let their names stand, Wendy Miller declined.

-There was a secret ballot vote and Joan Grant was elected.

-Murray Markert moved that the ballots be destroyed, seconded by Diane Krystalowich, carried.

-There was discussion on Missions supported by the Church

-Missions supported with 5th Sunday offerings are:

Carlton & Pansy Mullings

Alberta Bible College

Norm & Jill Weatherhead

Hart Ministries

-Budgeted Missions per Month are:

Dat Nguyen at $100.00/month

Pine Lake Camp at $100.00/month

Jerry & Carol Sherman at $50.00/month

Jack Knight at $100.00/month

-There was discussion on including Freedom Singers to our Monthly budgeted Missions; as well, as increasing our existing Monthly budgeted Missions by $50.00 per month.

-Geri Budd moved that we add Freedom Singers to our monthly budgeted Missions at

$150.00 per month, seconded by Peter Miller, carried.

-Karen Humphrey moved that we increase our monthly budgeted missions:

Dat Nguyen to $150.00/month

Pine Lake Camp to $150.00/month

Jerry & Carol Sherman to $100.00/month

Jack Knight to $150.00/month

seconded by Dave Sarsons, carried.


-Allen Webber presented the revised portion of the Constitution with the approval and input from the

Lawyer. Emmet Meehan moved that we accept the revised portion of the constitution as suggested by the lawyer, and add it to the Constitution, seconded by Lynne Markert, carried.

*Attachment of the revised portion of the Constitution is included in this report.

-Diane Krystalowich moved that the word Pastor be used in the Constitution instead of Minister, seconded by Wendy Miller. This motion is also to include that the word Pastor, Elder & Deacon should be capitalized throughout the entire Constitution, carried.

Allen Webber moved that the Constitution Committee now be disbanded, seconded by Murray Markert, carried.


-Dave Sarsons gave a presentation on the Church Administrator position

-Murray Markert moved that we hire Kari Pentland as the Church Administrator as laid out in the attachment at $15.00 per hour and 10 hours per week, seconded by Ken Hartung, carried.

*Attachment for Church Administrator included in this report.

-Brian Markert gave a report on Dave Sarsons salary of $56,650.00 per year with a suggested increase of 5% for 2015 for a total of $59,482.50 for the year

-Dave & Joan Sarsons left the room for discussion on this matter

-Ron Wickstrom moved that we raise the Pastor salary 5% starting March 1, 2015, seconded by Karen Humphrey, carried.

Other Pastor benefits include:

$300.00 book allowance

3 weeks paid vacation

1 week paid education

Car allowance based on CRA per Km rates

-these benefits remain the same as 2014

-Karen Humphrey adjourned meeting, seconded by Peter Miller, carried.

-Dave Sarsons closed in Prayer.