
Commission Chairman Ron Winterton, Commissioner Greg Todd, Commissioner Ken Burdick, Deputy County Attorney Tyler Allred, Public Works Director Glen Murphy, Deputy Clerk-Auditor Connie Sweat, Community Development Director Irene Hansen, Karla Gines and Clerk-Auditor JoAnn Evans taking minutes of the meeting.



Consideration Of Vouchers

The commission reviewed vouchers # 131205 through 131262 dated March 30, 2015, in the amount of one hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred fifty four dollars and forty eight cents ($174,854.48) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the vouchers as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Tax Adjustment – Treasurer

Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the Treasurer Tax Adjustment as presented by the Clerk-Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed

Public Works/Landfill Update

Deputy Attorney Jared Tingey joined the meeting at 9:15 A.M…

Director Murphy reported that they are trying to finish CR195 down by Gateway. They are also working on the Event Center and the Justice Center. There was discussion of land purchase that would be next to a Arcadia county gravel pit. There was discussion on roads that need to be repaired. It was decided that the commissioners would go with Director Murphy on a road trip and observe the conditions talked about on the roads.

Discussion And Consideration With LeVaughn Gines Concerning Placement Of A Powerline In A Road Easement

Mrs. Gines stated that she was at the meeting on behalf of her husband LeVaughn Gines. They are trying to run some electrical lines to put in a water pivot system. The tribe owns property on both sides of the road. It is a dead end road. Commissioner Winterton suggested that when they are on the road trip with Director Murphy they could look to see what would need to be done before they make a discussion. Mrs. Gines stated that it would be an underground line. Director Murphy stated that it is very expensive to put electrical poles up these days.

Discussion With Strata Networks

CEO Bruce Todd, Dave Ryan, Tyler Rasmussen, and Jared Massey joined the meeting at 9:06 A.M…IT Director Kent Ogletree joined the meeting at 9:34 A.M….

Mr. Todd stated that they wanted to meet with the commissioner to show them the strategic planning that Strata Networks is putting in place. We feel that if we give more information to the county and have a good relationship with them, they will be able to help field questions that the people of the county have. Mr. Rasmussen stated that he felt that the presentation they are going to give will be useful as well as beneficial. There was a presentation given to show where there was work being done in the county as well as where they have created loops in the network to keep everything moving if an area goes down. Mr. Rasmussen stated that they are working on increasing the broadband to better fiber. They are trying to replace all of the copper lines; it will just take some time. Mr. Todd stated that they are trying to get broadband to all the Strata Network customers. The Strata Networks team shared information about how things were done in the past and how there are doing things now. They also shared a variety of information that shows the things that they are trying to improve upon. Commissioner Winterton stated that they appreciate Naomi Bird from Strata Networks for all the work she does for and with the county.

Discussion And Consideration Of Tax Deferrals

Teri Carlson joined the meeting at 9:47 A.M…Treasurer Stephen Potter joined the meeting at 10:05 A.M…

Treasurer Potter reported on two tax deferrals; one for Mrs. Teri Carlson and one for Mr. Kelly Young. He stated that Mr. Young works in the oilfield and will not be able to come in for the discussion. After having a conversation with him, he was willing to make payments until November 2015. It would then be paid in full.

Mrs. Carlson stated that she and her husband have been going through some serious medical issues. She could pay off her taxes if given some time. She stated she did not realize she could pay her taxes monthly instead of in one lump sum.

Commissioner Todd motioned to waive the penalty and interest and have this property removed from the May Tax Sale list. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the tax deferral for Mr. Kelly Young on the condition that he make monthly payments and have it paid off before November 2015. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Discussion And Consideration Of NRCS Flood Grant Invoice

Terry Messersmith joined the meeting at 9:25 A.M…Emergency Management Director Mike Lefler joined the meeting at 10:13 A.M…Central Utah Project employee Linda Ivie joined the meeting at 10:20 A.M…

Mr. Messersmith stated that this was a special order piece of equipment that the Central Utah Project requested to go in at the Night Hollow diversion dam. He stated that he sent the invoice to Jones & DeMille back in September. Somewhere along the line it became lost. Jones & DeMille said that they never received it. Director Lefler stated that the flood grant from NRCS has been closed since the end of 2014. There are no more funds available to pay the invoice. Ms. Ivie stated that since the equipment was request by the CUP she will take the invoice back and see how much they would be willing to pay on it.

Entered into recess at 10:30 A.M…

Re-entered commission meeting at 10:43 A.M…

Discussion And Consideration Of Financial Request From Duchesne County Water Conservancy District Scott Wilson joined the meeting at 10:23 A.M… Community & Planning Director Mike Hyde joined the meeting at 10:30 A.M…

Mr. Wilson stated he was here to request one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for support with Duchesne County Water Conservancy District in their water efforts. Commissioner Todd reported that he was in a meeting last week with the water districts legal counsel. He was concerned that they did not come across as having as much knowledge or information that they should have. Commissioner Burdick stated that he felt the same way. Mr. Wilson stated that he appreciated the commissioner’s perspective; however he did not feel the same way. He stated that there are always two sides to this issue. The district has met with the State Water Commission and felt it was a very productive meeting. There is a long history of not being able to get the water the basin deserves. Commissioner Burdick stated that he talked with Mr. Tom Bruton from the CUP and felt like the water district and the CUP needed to work hand in hand with each other instead of being hostile to one another. Commissioner Todd stated that they needed to get together without any legal counsel in the room and try to work things out. It automatically becomes a hostile environment when everyone brings their attorneys to the table. Commissioner Burdick motioned to grant the request for one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for legal bills for Duchesne County Water Conservancy District with the understanding that the commission will be watching to see what happens in the next year. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Stonegate Subdivision/Hancock Cove Special Service District Update

Lynn Snow and Jim Young joined the meeting at 10:55 A.M…Brad and Patty Hancock joined the meeting at 10:57 A.M… Craig Ashby joined the meeting at 10:58 A.M… Andy Adamson joined the meeting at 11:04 A.M… Community & Planning Director Mike Hyde re-joined the meeting at 11:00 A.M…Deputy Attorney Jared Tingey re-joined the meeting at 11:38 A.M…IT Director Kent Ogletree re-joined the meeting at 11:45 A.M…

Mr. Snow reported the following information;

REPORT Duchesne County Septic Committee

This committee was organized by the Duchesne County Commission on about the middle of February 2015. The purpose of the organization was to research possible septic solutions in the Hancock Cove and other areas near the City of Roosevelt in Duchesne County. The Committee first met on February 18, 2015 and developed a goal that would guide the committee. The goal of the Committee is to present to the Duchesne County Commission a single best proposal that is determined by the Committee to be the most effective, efficient and expeditious solution to the septic issues in the Stonegate Subdivision in Duchesne County.

After considerable discussion and valuable input by all the committee members, one single option rose above the several potential options researched by the Committee.

The Single Best Option

The best option agreed to by the entire committee, with no dissent, is for Stonegate Subdivision residents along with Duchesne County and the residents of Vonsville Subdivision to approach the Citv of Roosevelt with an official request for annexation into the corporate boundaries of the City.

The following points are consistent with the Single Best Option and are strongly recommended by the Committee:

• Installation of a major County road along the proposed route of the sewer trunk line into the south border of Stonegate subdivision from Highway 40.

• Construction of a large capacity sewer line from State Street in Roosevelt City west along Poleline Road to Highway 40.

• Duchesne County, Tri-County Health Department and Roosevelt City cooperate and pursue funding for the entire project using the strength of all entities for the best possible terms.

• All entities work together to facilitate any and all aspects of the project including rights-of-ways, groundwater elimination, interlocal agreements, etc. necessary for the success of the project.

• Include Vonsville Subdivision area into the annexation request to resolve any septic issues inherent to that area.

• Duchesne County urge the Tri-County Health Department to rescind its hastily applied moratorium on all future septic systems within the vast area defined by the Tri-County Health Department and allow new septic systems to be constructed that qualify under the same criteria as any other area within the tri-county boundaries.

It is understood by the Committee that this project will involve extreme cooperation and highly skilled professionals. We urge the entities involved to commit the resources necessary to accomplish the goal of resolving the septic issues in these areas of Duchesne County. Public meetings and education to the residences must take place for the project to be successful.

The Committee appreciates the opportunity to be of assistance to the County Commission and offers its gratitude for your service.

There was discussion on leadership rolls and how there needs to be a strong leader to keep the momentum going to help the people on Stonegate Subdivision. There was also discussion concerning the items on the report that was submitted.

Lars Powell, Susan Lemon, Kevin Duncan, Jon Bingham, Bobby Drake from Cedarview/Montwell Special Service District joined the meeting at 12:07 P.M…

Closed Meeting

Commissioner Todd moved to go into and out of closed session for the purpose of discussing litigation issues at 12:10 P.M. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Re-entered into commission meeting at 1:05 P.M…

Consideration To Take Action Discussed Under Closed Meeting

No action necessary.

Discussion With IT Department Onbase Proposal

IT Director Kent Ogletree re-joined the meeting at 1:07 P.M…

Director Ogletree reported that it was time to decide if they wanted to continue to pursue the proposal from Onbase. Onbase used to be called Sire Technologies and there are a lot of other counties around us using it. If we are not interested in pursuing the proposal for on base we should not put any more effort or money towards it. Our hands have been tied with Fortis. It is an old program with no way to upgrade. Most of the employees do not like it. There are quite often hitches in the program that make it hard to search for things. If we were to use Onbase we would be able to streamline the building permit process and the business license process as well. The conversion process would cost around eighty thousand dollars ($80,000). Commissioner Winterton stated that he recommended that we move forward with the Onbase proposal.

Public Lands Use Committee Update

Community & Planning Director Mike Hyde re-joined the meeting at 1:14 P.M…

Director Hyde stated that the Public Lands Use Committee now has all of its board members in place.

Discussion Of Public Lands Initiative

Deputy Attorney Jared Tingey re-joined the meeting at 1:38 P.M…

Director Hyde reported that he was discouraged after talking with Brad Barber. He felt like they were not listening to the needs of Duchesne County. He feels that whatever they give to Carbon County, Daggett County, and Summit County we should receive the same considerations. Director Hyde discussed with the commissioners the willingness we could possibly have for the following items;