Minutes of the Dean’s Council Meeting of April 14, 2009
Present: Anantha Babbili, Moustafa Abdelsamad, Arthur Hernandez, Kelly Quintanilla, Mary Jane Hamilton, Jennifer Smith-Engle, David Billeaux, Harvey Knull, Christine Shupala
Note taker: Cely Smart
I. Call to Order
Dr. Babbili called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of April 7, 2009 will be approved after an amendment to the language.
III. Move up Calendar Dates for Tenure/Promotion to BOR to January
Dr. Babbili reported on the need for faculty to the review the tenure applications in August and September. Several members of the council voiced concerns over the P&T committee meeting time frame in December. The issue will be addressed again at the next meeting of the council.
VIII. IT Security Measures Report
Dr. Babbili reported that Dr. Pezold will present a one page report on breaches of confidentiality at the next meeting.
XI. Midterm Grades
Dr. Billeaux discussed the success of the midterm grade reporting. Over 75% of the undergraduate courses participated. The data has been used by the Academic Advising Transition Center to contact students. Dr. Billeaux reported that WebCt 8 can be used for this process in the future. The Council discussed the need for decentralizing the WebCt support to each college. Dr. Babbili requested that the Deans keep record of how they are using the midterm grades to help students who are not doing well. Dr. Abdelsamad suggested a letter of recognition be sent to the instructors of courses who reported their midterm grades. He further recommended that a letter be sent to those who did not participate and ask if they need assistance with the midterm grade reporting. Dr. Smith-Engle requested that the midterm due dates are released in advance and published in the yearly calendar.
XII. SACS Update
Ms. Shupala reported that the first and second drafts of the SACS principles are being returned now. A generic job description for department chairs has been completed. At this point Associate Deans are not being credentialed. Dr. Orser met with Dr. Nelsen to finalize the faculty credentials spreadsheet. The Deans will be responsible for filling in the credentials and qualifications sections. Ms. Shupala requested that the Deans send the electronic syllabi to her along with samples of faculty evaluations for the past three years. The evaluations will be stored on a secure server.
XIV. Undergraduate Courses for Graduate Credit Guidelines for Credentials
Ms. Shupala reported that there must be a clear distinction between 4000 and 5000 level courses. Dr. Knull has only received information on only one stacked course.
XV. QEP Update
Dr. Billeaux discussed the Communities of Practices and reviewed the First Year Islander Plan.
XVII. Other Issues
Dr. Hamilton voiced concerns regarding Merit Sheets for faculty. Dr. Babbili requested that changes be made in pencil regarding changes. Dr. Knull presented information on the Texas Research Development Fund and advised each Dean to propose potential projects.