L.H. Mason Curriculum Vitae

Linda H. Mason, Ph.D.

George Mason University


Ph.D.2002University of Maryland, College Park, Special Education/Learning Disabilities

M.Ed.1994University of Maryland, College Park,Special Education

B.S.1976University of Texas, Austin, Home Economics Education

Professional Work Experience

2017-presentEndowed Director Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities, George Mason University

2017-presentProfessor, Division of Special Education and Educational Psychology Program

George Mason University

2013-2017Professor of Special Education, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Fellow

2008-2013 Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Fall 2011 Visiting Professor, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

2005-2008 Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

2002-2005 Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Summer 2002 Lecturer, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

2001-2002 Editorial Assistant, Journal of Educational Psychology

2000-2002 Faculty Graduate Assistant, Project Coordinator, Center for Accelerating Student Learning, University of Maryland, College Park,MD

Spring, 2001 Inclusive Education Program Evaluator, United States District Court, Baltimore, MD

1999-2000 Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

1998-2000Special Education Team Leader, Atholton Elementary School,Howard County Public School System, Columbia, MD

1994-1998 Special Education Teacher, Atholton Elementary School,Howard County

Public School System, Columbia, MD

1992-1994Graduate Assistant, Department of Special Education, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Honors and citations

2016Institute of Educational Sciences Working Group on Adolescent Writing -Participant

2014 Article listed as “Must Read,” Synthesis of Research Symposium InternationalConference on Learning Disabilities (see +Mason, 2013)

2011-2012 Fulbright Scholar Award to Hungary

2011 Distinguished Early Career Research Award, Division for Research, Council for Exceptional Children

2004 Distinguished Finalist for International Reading Association Dissertation of the

Year Award

2003 University of Illinois Scholars’ Travel Award. Travel to University of London

2002Graduation Commencement Speaker, University of Maryland

2001-2002Distinguished Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland

1998-2002Graduate Assistant Award, University of Maryland

1992-1994Graduate Assistant Award, University of Maryland


Mason, L.H., Reid, R., & Hagaman, J. (2016). L’enseignement explicite de la lecture et de l’écriture: 40 leçons pour hisser les élèves vers la réussite. Adaptation: Lyne Legault. Quebec: Cheneliere Education

Mason, L.H., Reid, R., & Hagaman, J. (2012). Building comprehension in adolescents: Powerful strategies for improving reading and writing in content areas.Baltimore, MD: Brooks Publishing Co. Inc.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Mason, L. H., & Friedlander, B. (2008). Powerful writing strategies

for all students. Baltimore, MD: Brooks Publishing Co. Inc.

JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS – (*student first author/mentored)

Ciullo, S., & Mason, L.H. (in press). Prioritizing elementary school writing instruction: Cultivating middle school readiness for students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic.

Gersten, R., Harris, K.R., & Mason, L.H. (2017). Beyond reading: The less addressed aspects of

research in learning disabilities: Introduction to the special issue. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 32, 137-139.

Mason, L.H., Mong Cramer, A., Garwood, J., Varghese, C., Hamm, J., & Murray, A. (2017). The efficacy of SRSD instruction for developing writers with andwithout disabilitiesin rural schools: A randomized controlled trial. Rural Special Education Quarterly.Online

First DOI: 10.1177/8756870517723617

Foxworth, L.L., Mason, L.H., & Hughes, C.A. (2016). Improving narrative writing skills of secondary students with disabilities. Exceptionality. On-line DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2016.1196452

Li, M., Murphy, P.K., Wang, J., Mason, L.H., Firetto, C.M., Wie, L., & Sun Chung, K. (2016).

Promoting reading comprehension and critical-analytic thinking: A comparison of three approaches with fourth and fifth-graders. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 46, 101-115.

*Sennott, S., & Mason, L.H. (2015). AAC modeling with the iPad during shared storybook reading pilot study. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36, 1-13. Online DOI: 10.1177/1525740115601643

*Datchuk, S.M., Kubina, R.M., & Mason, L.H. (2015). Effects of sentence instruction and frequency building to a performance criterion on elementary aged students with behavioral concerns and EBD. Exceptionality, 23, 34-53.

Benedek-Wood, E., Mason, L.H., Wood, P., Hoffman, K., & MacGuire, A. (2014). SRSD for quick writing in four middle school science classrooms. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 12, 69-92.

Ennis, R. P., Harris, K. R., Lane, K. L., & Mason, L. H. (2014). Lessons learned from implementing self-regulated strategy development with students with emotional and behavioral disorders in alternative educational settings.Behavioral Disorders,40, 68.

*Mong Cramer, A.M., & Mason, L.H. (2014). The effects of strategy instruction for writing and revising persuasive quick writes for middle school students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavior Disorders, 40, 37-51.

*Valasa, L.L., Mason, L.H., & Hughes, C.A. (2014). Essay-writing interventions for adolescents with high incidence disabilities: A review of research. International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities, 2, 72-97.

Mason, L.H., Dunn Davison, M., Hammer, C.S., Miller, C.A., & Glutting, J. (2013). Knowledge, writing, and language outcomes for a reading comprehension and writing intervention. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26, 1135-1158.

Mason, L.H., Kubina, R., & Hoover, T. (2013). Effects of quick writing instruction for high

school students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Journal of Emotional and

Behavioral Disorders,21, 163 – 175.

Mason, L.H., Kubina, R.M., Kostewicz, D., Mong Cramer, A., & Datchuk, S. (2013). Improving quick writing performance of middle school struggling learners. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 236-246.

+Mason, L.H. (2013). Teaching students who struggle with learning to think before, while, and

after reading: Effects of SRSD instruction. Reading and Writing Quarterly29, 124-144.

Mason, L.H., Meadan, H., Hedin, L, & Taft, R.A. (2013). Self-regulated reading comprehension: Perceptions of students who struggle with reading. Exceptionality,

21, 69-86.

Perin, D., Hare Bork, R., Peverly, S.R., & Mason, L.H. (2013). A contextualized curricular supplement for developmental reading and writing. Journal of College Reading and Learning.43, 8-38.

*Berry, A., & Mason, L.H. (2012). The effects of self-regulated strategy development on the

writing of expository essays for adults with written expression difficulties: Preparing for the GED. Remedial and Special Education, 33, 124-136.

*Hoover, T., Kubina, R., & Mason, L.H. (2012). Effects of quick writing instruction for high

school students with learning disabilities. Exceptionality, 20, 20-38.

*Johnson, J., Reid, R., & Mason, L.H. (2012). Improving recall of high school students

with ADHD. Remedial and Special Education, 33, 258-268.

Kubina, R.M., Mason, L.H., Vostal, B.R., & Taft, R.A. (2012). Self-regulated strategy

development instruction: Effects of lesson structure on a teacher’s behaviors. Learning

Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 17,131-138.

*Hedin, L., Mason, L.H., & Gaffney, J. (2011). TWA plus prompted discourse: Reading

comprehension effects for two students with ADHD. Preventing School

Failure, 55,148-157.

Mason, L.H., Harris, K.R., & Graham, S. (2011). Self-regulated strategy development for

students with writing difficulties. Theory in Practice, 50, 20-27.

Mason, L.H., & Hedin, L. (2011). Reading science text: Challenges for students with

learning disabilities and considerations for teachers. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 26,214-222.

Mason, L.H., Kubina, R., & Taft, R. (2011). Developing quick writing skills of middle

school students with disabilities. Journal of Special Education, 44, 205-220.

Mason, L.H., & Reid, R. (2011). In this issue. Theory in Practice, 50,1-3.

*Taft, R., & Mason, L.H. (2011). Examining effects of writing interventions: Spotlighting

results for students with primary disabilities other than learning disabilities.Remedial and Special Education,32, 359-370.

Mason, L.H., Kubina, R., Valasa, L.L., & Cramer, A. (2010). Evaluating effective writing

instruction of adolescent students in an emotional and/or behavioral support setting. Behavioral Disorders, 35,140-156.

Mason, L.H. (2009). Effective instruction for written expression. Perspectives on Language

and Literacy, 35,21-24.

Mason, L.H., Benedek-Wood, E., & Valasa, L. (2009). Quick writing for students who

struggle with writing.Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy,53,313-322.

Graham, S., Harris, K.R., Mason, L.H., Fink, B., Moran, S., & Saddler, B. (2008). Teaching

handwriting in the primary grades: A national survey. Reading and Writing: An

Interdisciplinary Journal, 21,49-69.

Graham, S., Harris, K.R., Morphy, P., Fink, B., Saddler, S., Moran, S., & Mason, L.H. (2008) Primary grade teachers’ adaptation for poor spellers: A national survey.American Education Research Journal, 45,796-825.

Kulikowich, J.M., Mason, L.H., & Brown, S.W. (2008). Evaluating middle-grade students’

expository writing: Prompts, rubrics, and psychometric issues.Reading and Writing: An

Interdisciplinary Journal, 21,153-175.

Mason, L.H., & Cramer, A.M. (2008). Rarely had the words poured: Teaching persuasive

writing. Learning Disabilities Worldwide, 5,25-39.

Mason, L.H., & Graham, S. (2008). Writing instruction for adolescents with learningdisabilities: Programs of intervention research. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 23,103- 112.

Mason, L.H., & Shriner, J. (2008). Self-regulated strategy development instruction for six

elementary students with emotional behavioral disorders. Reading and Writing: An

Interdisciplinary Journal, 21,71-93.

Meadan, H., & Mason, L.H. (2007). Reading instruction for a student with emotional disturbance:Facilitating understanding of expository text. Beyond Behavior, 16,18-26.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2006). Self-regulated strategy development for

2nd-grade students who struggle with writing. American Educational ResearchJournal, 43, 295-340.

Mason, L.H., Hickey Snyder, K., Sukhram, D.P., & Kedem, Y. (2006). Self-regulatedstrategy development for expository reading comprehension and informative writing: Effects for nine 4th-grade students who struggle with learning. Exceptional Children, 73,69-89.

Mason, L.H., Meadan-Kaplansky, H., Hedin, L., & Corso, L. (2006). Self-regulated strategy development instruction for expository text comprehension. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 38,47-52.

Graham, S., Harris, K.R., & Mason, L.H. (2005). Improving the writing performance,knowledge, and self-efficacy of struggling young writers: The effects of self-regulated strategy development. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30,207-241.

Mason, L.H. (2004). Explicit self-regulated strategy development versus reciprocal questioning: Effects on expository reading comprehension among struggling readers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96,283-296.

Mason, L.H., Harris, K.R., & Graham, S. (2004). POW + WWW, What=2, How=2 equals fun

and exciting stories. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 36,70-73.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2003). Self-regulated strategy development in the classroom: Part of a balanced approach to writing instruction for students with

disabilities. Focus onExceptional Children, 35,1-16.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2002). Accelerating writing performance in 3rd grade:

Self-regulated strategies for stories and opinion essays. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 34,74-77.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Mason, L.H., & Saddler, B. (2002). Developing self-regulated writers. Theory into Practice, 41,110-115.

Mason, L.H., Harris, K.R., & Graham, S. (2002). Every child has a story to tell: Self-regulated

strategy development for story writing. Education and Treatment of Children, 25, 496 506.


Mason, L.H., Mamlin, N., & Stewart, K. (accepted). Evidence-based writing intervention: Three tiers of instruction for elementary students. In M. Kennedy, S. Al Otaiba, & J. Wanzek (Eds.), Handbook on response to intervention.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Mason, L.H., McKeown, D., & Olinghouse, N. (in press).

Self-regulated strategy development in writing: Aclassroom example of developing executive functioning and future directions. In L. Meltzer (Ed.), Executive functioning in education.

Mason, L.H. (in press). Writing to Learn Instruction that Works. Fidalgo, R., Harris, K. R., Braaksma, M. (Eds.), Design principles for teaching effective writing. Amsterdam: Brill Editions.

Mason, L.H., & Haspel, D.P. (in press). SRSD for RAFT writing. Fidalgo, R., Harris, K. R., Braaksma, M. (Eds.), Design principles for teaching effective writing, E-book. Amsterdam: Brill Editions.

*Valasa, L.L., & Mason, L.H. (in press). Effective instruction for reading and writing to learn. Fidalgo, R., Harris, K.R., Braaksma, M. (Eds.), Design principles for teaching effective writing. Amsterdam: Brill Editions.

Dunn Davison, M, & Mason, L.H. (2017). A road less traveled: Writing research for diverse

students with disabilities, In M.T. Hughes & E. Talbott (Eds.). The handbook of research on diversity in special education (pp. 277-298). Hoboken, NY: John Wileyand Sons, Inc.

Mason, L.H., & Reid, R. (2017). Individual and group differences in self-regulation of learning and performance self-regulation: Implications for individuals with special needs. In D. Schunk & J. Greene (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge.

Klinger, J., Brownell, M., Mason, L.H.,Sindelar, P.T., & Benedict, A. (with Griffin, C., Lane, K., Israel, M., Pia Oakes, W., Mariah Menzies, H., Germer, K., & Park, Y.) (2016). Teaching Students with Special Needs in the New Millennium. In D.H. Gitomer C.A. Bell (Eds.) AERA handbook of research on teaching, 5thEdition (pp. 639-716). Washington D.C.: American Educational Research Association.

Mong Cramer, A., & Mason, L.H. (2015). “Thank you for helping me write a better paper:” Peer support in learning to write. L. Meltzer, & K. R. Harris (Eds.). Thepower of peers. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Mason, L.H., & Benedek-Wood, E. (2014). Writing instruction for the inclusive classroom. J. McLesky, N.L. Waldron, F. Spooner,B. Algozzine (Eds.) Handbook of research and practice for effective inclusive schools(pp. 247-260). Danvers, MA: Routledge.

Mason, L.H., & Mong Cramer, A. (2014). Linking classroom assessment to written language interventions. S. G. Little & A. Akin-Little (Eds). Academic assessment and intervention, (pp. 241-251).Danvers, MA: Routledge.

Mason, L.H. (2013).Best practices and current trends in written instruction for students with learning disabilities. In J. P. Bakken, F. E. Obiakor, A. F. Rotatori (Eds.)Learning disabilities: Practice concerns and students with LD (Advances in special education, Volume 25, pp.45-63). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Mason, L.H., Harris, K.R., & Graham, S. (2013). Strategies for improving student

outcomes in written expression. Reprinted in D. Chard, B. Cook, & M. Tankersley (Eds.), Research-based strategies for improving outcomes in academics, pp. 83-94. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Mason, L.H., Harris, K.R., & Graham, S. (2013). Strategies for improving student

outcomes in written expression. In M. Tankersley & B. Cook (Eds.), Effective practices in special education, pp. 86-97. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Reid, R., Mason, L.H., & Asaro-Saddler, K. (2013). Self-regulation interventions for students

with autism. In S. Goldstein & J.Naglieri (Eds.), Interventionsfor autism spectrum

disorders, pp. 257-282.New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Mason, L.H., & Hagaman, J.L. (2012). Highlights in reading comprehension intervention research for students with learning disabilities. In B.Y.L. Wong & D.L. Butler (Eds.), Learning about learning disabilities, 4th Ed, pp. 191-215. Oxford: Elsevier.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., MacArthur, C., Reid, R., & Mason, L.H. (2011). Self-regulated learning processes and children’s writing. In B. Zimmerman & D. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance, pp. 187-2010. Danvers, MA:Routledge.

Mason, L.H., & Kubina, R.M. (2011). Developing writing fluency for adolescents with

disabilities. In T.E. Scruggs & M.A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Intervention and assessment: Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (vol. 2, 296-319). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Mason, L.H. (2010). Literacy instruction for students with special needs. In E. Baker, B. McGaw, & P. Peterson (eds.),International encyclopedia of education, 3rd edition(pp. 759–766). Oxford: Elsevier.

Mastropieri, M.A., Scruggs, T.E., Cuenca-Sanchez, Y., Irby, N., Mills, S., Mason, L.H., &

Kubina, R. (2010). Persuading students with emotional disabilities to write: Findings from a design experiment. In T.E. Scruggs & M.A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Literacy and learning: Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (vol. 23). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2005). Self-regulated strategy development in the

classroom: Part of a balanced approach to writing instruction for students with

disabilities. In Skirtic, T.M., Harris, K.R., & Shriner, J.G. (Eds.) Special education policy and practice: Accountability, instruction, and social challenges.Denver, CO: Love Publishing.

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Mason, L.H., & Zito, J. (2003). POW plus TREE equals powerful

opinion essays: Improving writing in the early grades. In A. Pincus, E. Dickman, A.

Mahnkopt, F. Mathew, H. Scarborough, & J. Shapiro (Eds.), Tips for the experts. Rutgers, NJ: NJIDA.

Electronic Media and Newsletters

Mason, L.H., & Costa, L. (2015). Self-regulated strategy development for improving writing performance. Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group (SSRL SIG), American Educational Research Association. ult.aspx

Mason, L.H., Benedek-Wood, E., & Wood, P.H. (2014). Quick write instruction for the content classroom.TeachingLD. Retrieved from writing-instruction-for-the-content-classroom.

Mason, L.H. (2012). A five-day lesson plan for writing instruction. RTI Action Network. Retrievedfrom

Perin, D., Bork, R.H., Peverly, S.T., Mason, L.H., & Vaselewski, M. (2012). A contextualized

intervention for community college developmental reading and writing students. CCRC Working Paper No. 38. New York, NY: Community College Research Center,

Teachers College, Columbia University. Retrieved from

Mason, L. (2008). Answering essay questions. TeachingLD.org Expert Connection. Retrieved

08/16/2008 from

Mason, L.H. (2004) TWA + PLANS. Retrieved 8/6/2008 from

Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2002). Accelerating writing performance in 3rd grade:

Self-regulated strategies for opinion essays. National Center on Accelerating Student


Harris, K.R., Graham, S., & Mason, L.H. (2001). Self-regulated strategy development in writing.


Murphy, P.K., & Mason, L.H. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2012). Promoting Struggling Readers’ Comprehension through Critical-Analytic Text Engagement (Project CATE).Children, Youth, and Families Consortium, The Pennsylvania State University. Awarded $4,980.00.

Perkins, D., Aronson, K., & Mason, L.H. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2010). Expansion of Penn State Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness and the addition of the Exceptional Family Member Support Program Library. U.S.Department of Defense.Awarded $1,000,000.00.

Kubina, R., & Mason, L.H. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2008). Developing writing fluency

measures for students with and without disabilities. Children, Youth, and Families Consortium, The Pennsylvania State University. Awarded $1,400.00.

Mason, L.H. (Principal Investigator), & Kubina, R. (2007-2012).Writing instruction for

adolescents with behavior disorders: Scaffolding procedural learning to extended discourse (Project SPLED). National Center for Special Education Research, Institute of Education Science, U.S. Department of Education, 84.324C. Awarded $1,795,462.00.

Mason, L. H. (2006). Writing instruction for students with behavior disorders. Research

Initiation Grant Program (RIGP), The Pennsylvania State University. Awarded $6,690.00.

Mason, L.H. (Principal Investigator), Hammer, C., Miller, C., Murphy, P.K., Kulikowich, J., &

Sperling, R. (2006). Effects of expository reading comprehension and writing instruction on language outcomes for fourth-grade students who struggle with learning. Children, Youth, and Families Consortium, The Pennsylvania State University. Awarded $4,975.00.

Shriner, J., & Mason, L.H. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2005). Improving skills for thinking and

writing of students with emotional/behavioral disorders. Research Scholars Program, University of Illinois. Awarded $13,336.00.

Mason, L.H. (2004-2006). A multi-component self-regulated strategy approach for expository

reading comprehension and writing for students with and without disabilities who struggle with reading and writing: Examination of effects in reading and content classrooms. Office of Special Education, U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Research, 84.324C. Awarded $539,584.00.

Mason, L.H. (2003).Strategic expository reading comprehension for students with and without

disabilities who struggle with learning from text. Research Scholars Program, University of Illinois. Awarded $24,528.00.


Mason, L.H. (Principal Investigator), Garwood, J., & King-Sears, P. Building Cohesion between

Special Education Teachers and Paraprofessionals: Project Co-STEP. Submitted to National Center for Special Education Research, Institute of Education Science, U.S. Department of Education, 84.324A, Goal 2. August 2017.

Mason, L.H. (Principal Investigator), Berkeley, S., Ciullo, S., & Collins, A. Writing in Middle

School Science and Social Studies: Exploring Instruction and Support for Students with Disabilities(Project Explore).Submitted to National Center for Special Education Research, Institute of Education Science, U.S. Department of Education, 84.324A, Goal 1. August 2017.

Brown, E.L. (Principal Investigator), Spillane, J., Frank. K.,Mellin, L, Betteni, L., & Mason, L.

(CO-PI).Collaborative communities in special education: exploring how social networks and special educators’ social and emotional competencies inform effective teacher-student relationships and positive student outcomes. Submitted to National Center for Special Education Research, Institute of Education Science, U.S. Department of Education, 84.324A, Goal 1. August 2017.


2012-2014LINCS Resource Collection. Kratos Learning Solutions.Office of Adult and Vocational Education (OVAE) (Resource Reviewer)

2009-2013 Training Interdisciplinary Educational Scientist (TIES). The Pennsylvania State University. Institute of Education Science Training Grant (Faculty Mentor)

2009-2011 Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (TEAL). American Institutes for Research. Office of Adult and Vocational Education (OVAE) Center (Subject Matter Expert)