Chapter 2: Marine Ecology
- Which would you expect to find closer to the beach? Buckshot barnacles, crabs, mussels
- What habitat are you likely to find lugworms? (sediment covered shore like mudflats)
- What is the min temp for coral? (18C)
- What kind of habitat would you find kelp? (rocky bottom)
- What part of the kelp organism keeps it upright by floating? (bladders)
- Put hadal zone, bathyl zone, and abyssal zone in order from deepest to surface. (hadal, abyssal, bathyl)
- What is the depth of the mesopelagic zone? (200m-1000m)
- What is the depth of the oxygen minimum zone? (700-1000m)
- What is missing in the oxygen minimum zone that is present at 200m? (producers)
- What is the term for a relationship between two organisms that is ongoing and at least one of the organisms is helped? (symbiosis)
- What causes the sonar pattern found in the deep scattering layer? (many organisms)
- What does DMS (dimethyl sulfide) do for the sea? (gives it smell)
- Which is larger gross primary production or net primary production? (gross)
- What accounts for the difference between gross and net? (respiration)
- What is the total plant biomass in a certain area of the sea? (standing crop)
- What is the primary limiting factor in the tropics? (nutrients)
- What are the two primary limiting factors of the ocean? (nutrients and light)
- What process changes nitrogen gas to ammonia? (nitrogen fixation)
- What organisms account for much of the nitrogen fixation in the ocean? (cyanobacteria)
- What cells in cyanobacteria are specialized to do N fixation? (heterocysts)
- What is the relationship between a clown fish and a sea anemone? (mutualism)
- What element accounts for the black in “black smokers”? (sulfur)
- What is the primary energy source for chemosynthetic organisms? (hydrogen sulfide)
- What is the term for the open ocean water not over the shelf? (pelagic)
- What is the term for the ocean over the continental shelf? (neritic)
- How deep does the neritic water generally get? (200m)
- What zone be dysphotic? (mesopelagic)
- When does the sublittoral zone become exposed to air on a typical day? (never)
- What is another name for the spray zone? (supralittoral)
- Is the biodiversity of rocky shores high or low compared to others? (high)
- What does green or yellow water color in coastal areas indicate? (organic materials)
- Where might you find turtle grass, fiddler crabs, and eel grass? (mud flats)
- What phylum do sea urchins belong to? (echinoderms)
- What class do sea urchins belong to? (echinoidea)
- What is meant by the oxygen compensation depth? Oxygen production = oxygen consumption
- Which can exist farther from the equator- salt marshes or mangrove swamps? (salt marshes up to 65N)
- What is meant by hypoxic waters that mangrove swamps have? (low oxygen)
- What is the youngest type of coral reef? (fringing)
- What is typical of water that has oligotrophication? (low nutrients/low productivity)