The economy has become a topic of national concern.


  • The Economy
  • National (not local) concern
  • in the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
  • as a way of arguing the prompt
  • remain on the “national” throughout the essay
  • in the Introduction
  • as a way of introducing the subject, but moving to personal
  • segue from the national to the personal in the Introduction and focus on the personal in the Body

Prompt = Opening generalization OR part of your thesis / “HOW-TO”
Prompt = Opening generalization / “TYPES OF”
Prompt = Opening generalization
  • Prove/disprove prompt
  • Reasons for the crisis
  • Examples of “nat’l concern”:
  • Elections (pres., congress)
  • Media coverage
  • Examples of “fallout”:
  • Stock market fluctuations
  • Examples of higher prices
  • Tougher to get loans
  • Harder to get Credit cards, higher interest rates on CC
  • Housing crisis
  • Reasons against Gov’t bailout
  • Reasons for gov’t regulations
  • Examples of marketing changes
  • Examples of your economizing during this economic crisis
  • Reasons President-Elect Obama will help our economy
  • How to fix the economy
  • How to deal with crash
  • How to “cut back”
  • How to manage money, save money
  • How to invest safely, wisely
  • How to buy wisely
  • How to live within your means
  • How the Gov’t could help: regulate college, housing, brokerages/Wall Street; cut the pork; cut the waste; make the brokerages pay
  • How to make a budget
  • How to Christmas shop in this economy
  • Types of investors, bankers, stock brokers
  • Types of Accounts
  • Types of Safe investments
  • Types of Shoppers (Christmas shoppers or day-to-day shoppers)
  • Types of Commercials
  • Types of Sales events, promotions
  • Types of Marketing strategies
  • (all related to the crisis)


How to save money in GENERAL: / How to save money at SCHOOL: / How to save money at WORK, in SOCIAL LIFE:
  • Need vs. want
  • Go generic
  • Get basic
  • Switch plans (roll over minutes)
  • Use what you already have
  • Repair, not replace
  • Cut back
  • Shop locally
  • Walk, not drive
  • Don’t speed
  • Car pool
  • Ride bus
  • Get healthy (quit expensive habits)
  • Buy bulk
  • Bargain hunt
  • Skip fast food
  • Attend community college (vs. expensive 4-yr. school)
  • Move back home
  • Ride the bus
  • Car pool
  • Bring a lunch
  • Stay all day (vs. come, go, come, go)
  • Buy used books (online)
  • Take online courses
  • Use school’s facilities:
  • Computer lab
  • Gym
  • Showers
  • Library
  • Dental clinic
  • Bldg. 2 leftovers
  • Bldg. 14 video games, TV
  • Heat, water, electricity, garbage, medical (?)
  • Bargain hunt (for school supplies, for food, for beverages)
  • Avoid fast food (see bring lunch)
  • Same principles as “school”
  • Bag a lunch/supper
  • Stay local
  • Don’t shop on break
  • Limit dining out
  • Skip fast food
  • Borrow movies, swap with friends
  • Watch what you own
  • Tape off DVR, HBO, TV
  • Car pool, bus
  • Go to second-run theatres
  • Stay at home


  • “The Case Against the Bailout” <
  • “Question That: For-Against” <
  • Ron Paul Against <
  • Wall Street Journal <
  • Invest wisely <
  • NBC Today Show - How to live with less <
  • One man’s explanation (8 parts) <
  • 60 Minutes show <