Minutes 8 March 2017

Matt Eaton, Chairman
Bill Watts, Vice Chairman
Geoff Hall, Councillor / Ray Jakes, Councillor
David Kerney, Councillor
Donna Linsey, Councillor / John Williams, County Councillor
Tracey Thorby, Parish Clerk
No / Agenda Item / Action
1. / Apologies:
David Hurrell, Councillor
Robert Turner, SC District Councillor
2. / Minutes from January and February meetings
Agreed and signed as a true record.
3. / Matters arising from previous meeting including:
A / Cambridge C.C. Highways matter:
Nicola Burdon her contact is
Tracey contacted Nicola Burdon and advised the following:
1.  Reference: 00260175 (Old Ref: NM-83670) Signpost at top of Albert Road/Newmarket Road still not replaced. Tracey e-mailed Nicola on 3 February 2017 and has received no response so chased 2 March 2017 and Nicola is out of the office returning on 6 March 2017. Nicola responded on 6 March 2017 advising that she is currently in the process of organising a new sign for this location. Tracey to keep pursing.
2.  NM-83671 Footpath by Mr & Mrs Carr very bad. Nicola has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, they will continue to monitor and will action any defects that meet our intervention levels.
3.  NM-83678 Wheatsheaf to offices path in a terrible state. Nicola has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, they will continue to monitor and will action any defects that meet our intervention levels.
4.  Drain outside thatch cottage opposite village hall still blocked. Clarified it is drain outside 15-17 Main Street. Tracey e-mailed Nicola on 3 February 2017 no response. Re-chased on 2 March 2017, Nicola out of office until 6 March 2017, unfortunately her response on 6 March 2017 did not respond to this issue so Tracey to keep pursuing.
5.  Road Sweeping through village. On 15 February 2017 Tracey e-mailed Heidi Duffett and copied Robert in. Mrs Duffett advised her driver on annual leave but back week commencing 19 February 2017 and will get him to sweep Stow-Cum-Quy as a matter of urgency. Tracey saw road sweeper at 8.00am the following morning, 16 February 2017 in Main Street and Herrings Close and advised had already done Station Road etc. Further road sweeper seen in village on 6 March 2017. Agreed remove from agenda.
6.  Grass overflowing the footpaths need cutting back. Tracey e-mailed Nicola on 3 February 2017 no response. Re-chased on 2 March 2017, Nicola out of office until 6 March 2017, unfortunately her response on 6 March 2017 did not respond to this issue so Tracey will chased again. Bill has forwarded map to Tracey on 8 March 2017 marking one of the footpaths, Tracey will seek quotes from Paul Moore and Truelink for information initially.
7.  Reference: 00258695 road surface/potholes between Newmarket Road and the cycle path under the A14, CB25 9AG, Cycle Route 51. Tracey e-mailed Nicola on 3 February 2017 no response received so chased 2 March 2017 and Nicola is out of the office returning on 6 March 2017. Automated response from CCC website received 6 March 2017 informing ‘Urgent works have been ordered for the defect you have reported’. Nicola advised on 6 March 2017 that a works order has been raised for repairs to be carried out. Tracey to keep pursuing.
8.  Leaves in drains, especially down Church and Stow Road as the drains are not working as they should. Tracey e-mailed Heidi Duffett from SCDC on 16 February 2017 who confirmed it is CCC Highways who deal with the drains. Tracey e-mailed Nicola on 2 March 2017, Nicola out of the office returning on 6 March 2017. Responded on 6 March 2017 but did not respond to this issue so Tracey to keep pursuing. / Tracey
B / Speeding in the village:
Matt has not heard back from panel.
C / Jackdaw:
Jackdaw Award Committee have decided on the best article written over the past twelve months in the Jackdaw Chatter. Mr Chapman was chosen so Tracey to arrange £10.00 cheque.
One of the allotments being given up. Nobody on waiting list Bill who was able to put an advert in the next addition of the Jackdaw Chatter.
Ray informed that Richard Cox has borrowed the litter picker as he walks once/twice a day round the village and has been picking litter on his way and felt the Parish Council need to be aware and Mr Cox required a thank you. Due to being unable to include in Jackdaw Chatter Tracey to write thank you letter. / Tracey
D / Internet:
Tracey had website training with Matt on 13 February 2017. Parish Council Contact page updated. Agenda and Minutes page and subpages set up for 2015, 2016 and 2017. Tracey has uploaded 2017 agenda and minutes and October, November and December 2016 but further uploads to take place.
The whole website needs updating but need to concentrate on updating the Parish Council pages initially and then will update further pages. Presently keep the website updates with the people trained but in the future a relevant committee member or volunteers may be able to help with the upkeep with relevant pages. / Tracey
E / Rec maintenance:
Colin will start to cut and roll this month, it has been too wet. First cricket match is on 1 April 2017.
Ray has purchased the Perspex shield cut to template to put up behind the tractor for safety when using against stones etc flicking up. Will attach shortly.
Have not tested rotary mower yet. / Colin/
F / Accounts:
Transparency Funding:
David completed spreadsheet and Tracey submitted to CAPALC on 10 February 2017 before the closing date of 13 February 2017. Received confirmation of receipt from CAPALC on 14 February 2017 advising this will processed in the March funding. If successful £970.50 will paid directly in to our C/A Account.
Online Banking:
Tracey went to Barclays on 2 March 2017 to arrange being able to view the accounts online as advised in Barclays letter. As it is a business account Tracey needs to call and arrange over the telephone. / Tracey
G / Allotments:
Matt has started fixing rabbit wire but requires more cable ties. Ray reoffered to help.
Allotment advertisement for one plot will be in the next addition of the Jackdaw Chatter.
Tracey advised yearly agreements need sending out. Felt the agreement wording may need to be update. David volunteered, Tracey will forward copy to David who will check/rework and Tracey will send out. / Matt/
H / Parish Clerk:
David has updated spreadsheet, reworked and cheque written for £507.96 which is clerks wages up to 28 February 2017. / Tracey
I / Station Road sign:
On 18 February 2017 the floor mounted nameplate for Station Road was erected. Tracey advised send e-mail thanking Diane Duncan and contractor. Ray advised from further discussions with Gillian was concerned that contractor was coming back in few weeks regarding putting sign on wall and removing nameplate, Tracey will contact Diane and reiterate happy with floor mounted nameplate and the contractor does not need to come back as wall mounted sign not being reattached. Agreed remove from agenda. / Remove
J / Cemetery:
Bench Request:
Donna has received letter from Matt. Has been unwell so has not managed to deliver. Donna will deliver shortly. Mr Gaskin’s daughter has mentioned about a headstone, Donna has got a copy of the headstone specification which she will pass to Mr Gaskin. Donna will explain the decorations need to be around the headstone area rather than covering the grave and spreading to the wall. Donna raised they are a big travelling family and from time to time due to their culture there will be flowers put along the grave, on significant dates which feels the Parish Council should be aware of and have to accept.
Sunk graves which require raising:
Tracey advised Richard Watts the Parish Council would be grateful if he could fill in the sunken graves but Donna is going to speak to Mr Gaskin first regarding Mrs Gaskin’s grave decoration and about removing some of the soil which could be used to fill the other graves. Tracey will advise Richard once Donna has spoken with Mr Gaskin. / Donna
K / Church Farm/Fable Farm:
Tracey e-mailed Mr Trotter, Planning Enforcement Officer for SCDC copying in Robert on 21 February 2017 raising concerns on behalf of the Parish Council regarding lorries which have been seen entering the site and dumping soil, reservations about what is actually being dumped (substandard soil) and a massive bank around the farms surrounding boundary/perimeter fence has been formed and the disappointment with the progress so far to deal with this issue.
Mr Trotter responded on 24 February 2017 advising the reason for any perceived delay in relation to this enquiry is two fold. As the Parish Council are aware, the land is owned by Cambridgeshire County Council, with whom Mr Trotter has been in contact in the hope that as owners of the affected land they could persuade their tenant to comply with Mr Trotter’s initial request for removal of the earth bunds or submission of a planning application. Any enforcement action in relation to this enquiry will include the owner as well as the tenant.
Also enforcement action on the part of the Council is a discretionary power which must pass an expediency test. Any perceived premature enforcement action could lead to criticism of the Council or, in some cases, financial penalty against the Council.
As, to date, Mr Trotter has had no response from Mr Jones, Mr Trotter will be discussing the matter with the Planning Team Leader for the area, that afternoon, 24 February 2017, for a decision regarding the issuing an enforcement notice. If an enforcement notice is issued, the owner and/or the tenant have 28days, from the date of issue, to lodge an any appeal against the notice. If no appeal is lodged, then the owner/tenant must comply with the terms of the notice within a compliance period contained within the notice.
Church Farm is owned by CCC and Mr Jones is a tenant and John advised Tracey to try contacting Edward Tabner at County Farms at CCC. Email address: .
Robert e-mailed on 4 March 2017 to advise he had just been informed by Cllr Mark Howell, Environmental Services Portfolio Holder that there could/will be a Rave at Fable Farm this weekend.
Police and Highways have been informed and will be monitoring any issues. Robert will be taking this up with officers on Monday.
Concern raised by Parishioner on 5 March 2017:
“I have concerns regarding regular late night music/parties at Fable Farm. The most recent being yesterday (4th March) when the loud music didn't stop until around 2:30am.
Due to such high noise levels coming from Fable Farm my husband and I went outside to investigate. Upon doing so we could see that the people playing the music where also hanging around outside the Church (opposite the farm).
I appreciate the fact that everyone is entitled to have parties and make a bit of noise now and again but this has happened on several occasions and isn't an isolated incident.
Please find attached photos taken from the wooden bench outside the church and the bus stop at Church Road that I believe to be linked to the incident last night.”
Tracey forwarded the concern to Robert who has raised with Mr Trotter, Planning Enforcement Officer for SCDC and awaiting a response. Parishioner requested to be kept anonymous if possible.
Parishioner attended meeting to reiterate concerns. The parishioner has been over to see Mr Jones on at least 3 occasions because of the music, volume and time of hour. The parishioner has previously called Environmental Agency and was laughed at and contacted the police and nothing was done.
What is believed to be illegal highs have been found in the bus stop near the church! Cups and empty bottles of alcohol found around the outside of the church wall. Was suggested that Mr Jones is trying to make money whilst he can before he vacates the farm.
Councillor had been advised it was £10.00 a ticket. Concerns raised regarding had the appropriate licences been acquired, alcohol, health and safety etc?
It was also raised that MrJoneshas previously failed to address improvement notices, advice and guidance provided by Cambridgeshire County Council Trading Standard Officers relating to animal welfare and by-products and subsequently, after a period of monitoring and inspections he was prosecuted on 2breaches of the Animal Welfare Act and 2under the Animal By-Products, pleaded guilty and was fined.
Matt going to write Edward Tabner at County Farms at CCC, SCDC Planning, Environmental and Police. Tracey will provide Mr Tabner’s contact details.
John thought Mr Jones would be in breach of tenancy. Tracey to pass John Mr Trotter’s details as John also wishes to follow up these issues. / Robert
Matt/ Tracey
John/ Tracey
L / Minter Close sign:
Tracey e-mailed Diane Duncan at Address Management Officer at 3C Shared Services on 6 February 2017 seeking an update. Tracey further e-mailed on 21 February 2017 to thank Diane for her assistance with the Station Road nameplate and ask if she was aware of update regarding ‘Leading to Minter Close’. Tracey to pursue. / Tracey
M / Hedge Church Road:
Geoff has spoken to Steve regarding Jim Watts’ hedge. That section of path does require the owners to keep the hedge cut back constantly. Agreed to remove from agenda. / Remove
N / Grass Cutting:
Contract with Truelink for two years, 2016-17 and 2017-18. Fee’s have slightly increased due to inflation.
Ray seeking quotes for grass cutting for Churchyard, Cemetery, Allotments and Village Sign area. Quotes provided by Richard Watts (£1,750.00) and Lloyd Clarke (Lloyds Gardens) (£4,950.00) and a further quote from Napier Garden Planning (NGP) who should be attending tomorrow, 9 March 2017, previously cancelled due to storm ‘Doris, agreed will give NGP until Monday to provide a quote.