(Assigned by Accounts Payable)
This form must be approved for ALL individual travel that will be reimbursed by the College.
Traveler’s Name: / Conference/Event:College-wide ID #: / Employees Traveling with you:
Department: / Destination (city/state):
Phone Number: / Departure Date:
Budget Code: / Return Date:
Purpose of Travel & Justification for Mode of Travel:
Estimated Expenses
See State of Louisiana Travel Guide for allowable expenses. / Special Circumstances:
Choose one: NO
YES. Authorization for SpecialTravel Circumstances (Form 1380/004)
is attached.
$ / Mileage (estimated # miles @53¢/mile) / Routine Field Travel:Annual Certification of Employee Routine Field Travel Form
is required to reimburse forfield travel under 30 mile radius of regular work domicile.
$ / Vehicle Rental for days
$ / Lodging for days / CONFERENCE SCHEDULE/AGENDA MUST BE ATTACHED to show days/times of conference activities, meals provided, and conference hotel information.
Upon receipt of Accounts Payable Office email confirming travel approval, make hotel reservations followingDelgado Travel Procedures.
For in-state travel, travelers should ask for the State Government Rate, bring a tax exempt form to avoid paying sales tax, and present the form to the hotel upon arrival.
$ / Meals for days
$ / Air Fare / Upon receipt of Accounts Payable Office email confirming travel approval, make flight reservations following Delgado Airfare Reservation Steps.
$ / Registration
(ATTACH Registration Form regardless ofPayment Method) /
Personal vehicle mileage is reimbursed at a rate set by the Office of StateTravel.
Current rate is 53 cents per mile, maximum of 99 miles per round trip and/or day.
$ / Other Allowable Expenses / Pre-Paid expenses: Lodging, Air Fare, Vehicle Rentals, and Registration/Dues are
pre-paid by the College.
$ / TOTAL Estimated Cost /
Sponsored Organization: Pursuant to L.R.S. 42:1123(41), a Complimentary Admission, Lodging, and/or Transportation Disclosure Statement (Form 413F) must be filed with the State’s Ethics Board within 60 days of acceptance if expenses are paid for by a civic, nonprofit, or educational organization, or a political group/organization.
Traveler’s Signature______Date____/____/____
I approve the professional leave and travel for this employee as described above, and I certify that I have determined these expenses to be the most cost beneficial method and mode of travel. I understand that the estimated expenses listed above may change when travel arrangements are finalized, and therefore, I hereby approve an additional $200 in estimated expenses in the event changes are necessary.
Dept. Head/Supervisor ______Date____/____/___
Appropriate Vice Chancellor______Date____/___/____
Authorization to Travel/ Verification of Funds:
Assistant Vice Chancellor,
Financial Services ______Date____/____/___
Form 1380/001(2/18)