
ontario regulation 148/03

made under the

social housing reform act, 2000

Made: April 9, 2003
Filed: April 11, 2003
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: April 26, 2003

Amending O. Reg. 369/01

(Transfer of Administration for Housing Programs and Projects)

1.Paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 6 of Ontario Regulation 369/01 are revoked and the following substituted:

1. The memorandum of understanding in respect of dedicated supportive housing entered into between the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, signed on July 9, 2002.

2. The memorandum of understanding in respect of dedicated supportive housing entered into between the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Community, Family and Children’s Services, signed on June 14, 2002.

2.(1)Items 530 and 858 of Schedule 1 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

858. / 4 / Account Number 008185373, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. / May 1, 2002

(2)Item 1021 of Schedule 1 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

1021. / 5 / 29 South Station Street, Toronto — Ashprior Charitable Foundation / April 1, 2003
1022. / 4 / 346 - 348 Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto — Palmerston Conscious Community Corporation / April 1, 2003
1023. / 5 / 989 Eglinton Avenue W., Toronto — Southover Charitable Foundation / April 1, 2003
1024. / 5 / 31 Tichester Road, Toronto — Yarford Charitable Foundation / April 1, 2003
1025. / 5 / 7 Alamosa Drive, Toronto — Mens Sana — Families For Schizophrenics / April 1, 2003

3.Schedule 2 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:

92. / 6 (a) / 114 Concession Street E., Bowmanville — The Participation House Project (Durham Region) / April 1, 2003
93. / 5 / 108 Liberty Street N., Bowmanville — Canadian Foresters Project (Eastern) Group / April 1, 2003

4.Schedule 5 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:

210. / 6 (a) / 1220 Upper Wentworth Street, Hamilton — ITCA Community Involvement Incorporated / April 1, 2003
211. / 5 / 820 Limeridge Road E., Hamilton — ITCA Community Involvement Incorporated / April 1, 2003

5.(1)Item 163 of Schedule 7 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

163. / 6 (a) / Group Number E00038, Gloucester — Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation / April 1, 2002

(2)Schedule 7 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:

284. / 6 (a) / 951 - 959 Wellington Street, Ottawa — OCISO Non-Profit Housing Corporation / April 1, 2003
285. / 5 / 20 Cleary Avenue, Ottawa — Unitarian House of Ottawa/Maison Unitarienne d’Ottawa / April 1, 2003

6.Schedule 10 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:

139. / 6 (a) / 10 Westwood Drive, Kitchener — Slavonia-Croatian Non-Profit Homes Inc. / April 1, 2003
140. / 5 / 560 Greenfield Avenue, Kitchener — The Hellenic Community of Kitchener-Waterloo and Suburbs Housing Inc. / April 1, 2003

7.Schedule 13 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:

42. / 6 (a) / 228 - 240 Charing Cross Street, Brantford — Brant Community Place Homes / April 1, 2003

8.Schedule 34 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:

88. / 8 / 2, 13, 14 and 17 Woodgrove Trail, Barrie — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003
89. / 8 / 10 Mowat Crescent, 246, 252, 258 and 266 Browning Trail, Barrie — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003
90. / 8 / 2, 17 and 24 Ashdale Court, 25, 29, 35, 81, 91 and 95 Carlton Road, 13, 25, 29, 33, 37, 39, 53 and 79 Maplehurst Crescent, 21 Chaucer Crescent, 12 and 75 Christie Crescent, 251 Cundles Road W., 19 Scott Crescent, 22 Shaw Crescent, 36 Wild Place, Barrie; 1043 and 1073 Glen Bogie Crescent, Midland; 91 Katharine Street, Collingwood — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003
91. / 8 / 12 Blue Jay Road., 46, 48, 290 and 326 Browning Trail, 8 and 26 Chaucer Crescent, Barrie — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003
92. / 8 / 28 and 36 Christie Crescent, 229 Cundles Road W., 57 and 69 Kipling Place, 1 and 40 Mowat Crescent, 10 and 26 Scott Crescent, Barrie — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003
93. / 8 / 288 Browning Trail, Barrie — S.U.N. Housing Incorporated / April 1, 2003

9.Schedule 35 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:

43. / 4 / 1376 Mary Street, Cornwall — Brookdale Terrace Tenants Association Inc. / April 1, 2003

10.This Regulation comes into force on the later of April 1, 2003 and the day it is filed.


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