An Open Championship of Draughts Compositions – 100 solution of Lithuania in 2008 will take place in Šiauliai on 20th – 21st of September, 2008. We invite to participate! The Championship will take place in Chess and Draughts Tournament Hall (Aušros al. 15, Šiauliai). The participants of the Championship will stay in the three-star hotel “Šiauliai” (Draugystės pr. 25, Šiauliai). The price per person for one day (with breakfast) – 95 LTL (27,5 EUR), for further information about the hotel refer to
Arbiter of the Championship: Antanas Gimbutas.
Director of the Championship: Algimantas Kačiuška, e-mail: , address: A.Kačiuška, Architektų 38-21, 78263 Šiauliai, Lithuania, telephones: +37068799537, +37041462306.
Assistant manager of the Championship: Arūnas Bučinskas.
More comprehensive information is in annexes:
1. Programme.
2. Regulations of the Championship.
Šiauliai. 16-04-2008
20th of September, 2008, Saturday.
13.00. – 14.30. Conference of LDCAU reports and polls.
15.00. – 16.00. Opening of the Open Championship of Draughts Compositions – 100 solution of Lithuania.
16.00. – 19.00. Round I of the Championship.
19.30. – 21.30. Entertainment.
21st of September, 2008, Sunday.
9.00. – 11.00. Round II of the Championship.
11.00. – 13.00. Seminar of draughts composers.
13.00. – 13.30. Closing of the Championship.
Šiauliai. 16 – 04 - 2008
Certified by LDCAU EC conference decision, dated
on 02-04-2008 (conference protocol No. 40)
Open Championship of Draughts Compositions – 100 solutions of Lithuania, 2008
1. General guidelines:
1.1. The Draughts Compositions solution Championship of Lithuania in 2008 is organized by Lietuvos šaškių kompozicijos mėgėjų sąjunga - LŠKMS (Lithuanian Draughts Composition Amateurs’ Union - LDCAU) on 20th – 21st of September.
1.2. The Championship will take place in the Chess and Draughts Tournament Hall of Sports School “Dubysa”, by address: Aušros al. 15, in Šiauliai. The beginning of the Championship – on 20th of September, at 15 p.m.
1.3. LDCAU members, members of clubs and organizations of Lietuvos šaškių federacija – LŠF (Lithuanian Draughts Federation - LDF), if their clubs and organizations had paid their annual membership dues to LDF till 15th of January, 2008, and also draughts composers from foreign countries can participate in the Championship. The amount of the Championship participants – 20, therein -14 – from Lithuania, 6 – from abroad. Applications for the registration of participants are acceptable till 30 – 08- 2008 (date of receiving of the applications for participation) by e-mail or by mail to the address: A.Kačiuška, Architektų 38 – 21, 78263 Šiauliai, Lithuania. The registration by phone is not acceptable. If the amount of participants registered from Lithuania (or from abroad) would be less than provided in quota (14 and 6, respectively), thus the quota can be increased for account of foreign (or Lithuanian, respectively) participants. If there would be more willing participants than the quotas allow, the preference in registering of participants will be, as a rule, rendered for: from Lithuania – for LDCAU members, from abroad – for those, who registered primarily. LDCAU EC makes the definitive decision concerning this question. The list of participants will be published before 20-07-2008 in the website of LDCAU The participants of the Championship themselves or their organizations have to pay for all travel-nutrition-bed expenses.
1.4. There is no (participation) start payment. The monetary prize fund – 1000 LTL (290 EUR): 1st place – 300 LTL (87 EUR), 2nd place – 250 LTL (72,5 EUR), 3rd place – 200 LTL (58 EUR), 4th place – 100 LTL (29 EUR), 5th place – 80 LTL (23 EUR), 6th place – 70 LTL (20,5 EUR).
1.5. The Executive Committee of LDCAU appoints an arbiter, his assistant, director of the Championship and his assistant. The arbiter chooses creations for the Championship and presents them for participants of the Championship in each round. After each round, the arbiter and his assistant evaluate in points the solutions provided by the participants.
1.6. A Dispute Commission is constituted of three members. The arbiter conducts the Dispute Commission. The other two members from solution-makers are elected by solution-makers before the beginning of the Championship.
1.7. Those Regulations can not be changed neither before the beginning of the Championship nor during it.
1.8. Participation in the Championship implies acceptance of the Regulations or at least toleration of them.
2. Performance of the Championship:
2.1. The Championship proceeds during 2 days in 2 rounds:
2.1.1. On the 1st day of the Championship – Round I (3 hours) – solution of 18 draughts compositions (100) (13 problems, 5 fins de partie - etudes).
2.1.2. On the 2nd day of the Championship –Round II (2 hours) – solution of 12 draughts compositions (100) (4 miniatures, 4 king problems, 4 closing tasks – “zadachi”).
2.2. Aim of solution: indication (finding) of an authorial compositional solution. And/or indication (finding) of a supplementary solution, partial secondary solution or insolubility, if such feasible.
2.3. Evaluation of solution:
2.3.1. A comprehensive solution of a problem (indication of an authorial compositional solution) in I and II rounds can be evaluated from 1 to 5 points: Evaluation of a task is indicated beside a diagram. In solutions, a judge notes in advance how much points are given: For a finding of combination and indication of fins de partie - etudes variants in the problems. For each variant in multi-variant problems. For indication of fins de partie - etudes variants. For indication of variants of a closing task.
2.3.2. Additional evaluation of: comprehensive supplementary solution, partial secondary solution and insolubility: The same amount of points as for indication of authorial compositional solution of the composition is given for each comprehensive supplementary solution or insolubility indicated correctly. Penalty points are given for each comprehensive supplementary solution or insolubility indicated mistakenly; their value is equal to points given for indication of authorial compositional solution of that composition. One point is given for each partial secondary solution indicated correctly. The amount of points for each correct secondary solution just in one of some possible compositional variants of that task is given according to the evaluation of that authorial variant. The amount of penalty points for each incorrect secondary solution just in one of some possible compositional variants of that task is given according to the evaluation of that authorial variant. No points are given for supplementary solution or insolubility indicated incomprehensively.
2.3.3. The total amount of points collected for solution of the composition can not be less than zero. It means that, if a solution-maker has collected -2 points, he gets 0 points for the solution of the composition.
2.4. During solution of compositions, it is allowed to switch round draughts on the board.
2.5. Solution of the composition must be written in short or full annotation indicating the numbers of draughts moves.
2.6. A solution-maker can appeal to the Dispute Commission concerning incorrect evaluation of the rounds within 30 min. after announcement of results of the round II.
2.7. The Dispute Commission inspects the appellation and produces a final and unquestionable decision within 30 min.
2.8. The places in the Championship are ascertainable according to the sum of points collected in the two rounds (the more points, the higher place). In the event of equal amount of points, the higher place in the Championship is given to:
2.8.1. The person, who collected more points solving compositions of 5 points in the round I of the Championship.
2.8.2. The person, who collected more points solving compositions of 5 points in the round II of the Championship.
2.8.3. The person, who collected more points solving compositions of 4 points in the round I of the Championship.
2.8.4. The person, who collected more points solving compositions of 4 points in the round II of the Championship.
2.9. Besides the monetary prizes, prizemen of the Championship are awarded medals and diplomas.
3. Additional information:
3.1. The selection of LDF members for the next official international presence draughts (100) competitions (if such) will be done according to the results of this Championship.
3.2. According to regulations of qualification requirements, the qualifying scores are given to LDF members considering the results of the Championship.
Chairman of LDCAU Compositions Solution Commission J.Leišys
Translation from the Lithuanian language.