Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Miami; Miami, Florida 33124
Phone (305) 284-6881, Fax (305) 284-3039
Ph.D. with Honors, Department of Development and Genetics, Columbia University, NY (2000)
- Committee: Claudio Stern (chair), Tomas Jessell, Gary Struhl, Jan Kitajewski, and Sergei Sokol
- Dissertation: Axis formation in the avian embryo
M. Phil. Department of Development and Genetics, Columbia University, NY (1996)
M.Sci. Department of Development and Genetics, Columbia University, NY (1995)
B. Sci. Biomedical Research (Distinction), Institute of Basic Biomedical Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico (1994)
- Committee: Jesus Aguirre (chair), William Hansberg, Alicia Gonzalez
- Dissertation: Nutritional stress modulation of the Aspergillus nidulans brlA regulatory gene
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, 2017-present
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2008-2017
Post-doctoral Research, Dept. Organismal Biol. Anat., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2001-2008
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, NJ 2000-2001
Biology Educator Award, University of MiamiBiology students (2014)
Best Post-doctoral Presentation, Society for Developmental Biology 45th Midwest Meeting (2005)
Gabino Barreda Medal for Top Undergraduate Student, Nat’l Auto. Univ. Mexico (UNAM, 1994)
‘A New Day” Leadership Training, Disney Institute (8/2015)
Southeast Regional Learning Assistant Workshop, Florida International University (3/2014)
Summers Writing Institute, University of Miami (5/2010)
Midstates Consortium for Math and Science (MCMS) 2007 New Faculty Workshop: Charting a Meaningful Scholarly Career Laurence University (7/2007)
Embryology: Concepts and Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology. Marine Biology Laboratories (Summer 2000)
NOTES: 1undergraduate student, 2graduate student,3equal contribution, *reviewed in F1000
[14] Li,S.3, Skromne, I.3, Peng, Z., Dallman, J., Al-Youbi, A. O., Bashammakh, A., S.,El-Shahawi, M. S.,and Leblanc, R. M. (2016) “Dark” Carbon Dots Specifically “Light-up” Calcified Zebrafish Bones. J. Mat. Chem. B.4: 7398-7405.
[13] Cheng, J., Skromne, I., and Ho. R. K. (2016) Cdx4 and Retinoic Acid interact to position the hindbrain-spinal cord transition. Developmental Biology. 410:178-189.
[12] 2Hayward, A. G., 2Joshi, P., and Skromne, I. (2015) Spatiotemporal analysis of zebrafish hox gene regulation by Cdx4. Developmental Dynamics 244:1564-1573.
[11] 1Lee, K. and Skromne, I. (2014) Retinoic acid regulates, size, pattern and alignment of tissues at the head-trunk transition. Development 141:4375-4384.
[10] Yariz,K., Duman, D., Zazo-Seco, C., Dallman, J., Huang, M., Peters, T., Sirmaci, A., Lu, N., Schraders, M., Skromne, I., Oostrik, J., Diaz-Horta, O., Young, J., Tokgoz-Yilmaz S., Konukseven, O., Shahin, H., Hetterschijt, L., Kanaan, M., Oonk, A. M. M., Edwards, Y. J. K., Li, H., Atalay, S., Blanton, S., DeSmidt, A., L., X.-Z., Pennings, R. J. E., Lu, Z., Chen, Z.-Y., Kremer, H., and Tekin, M. (2012)Mutations in OTOGL, encoding the inner ear protein Otogelin-like, causes moderate sensorineural hearing loss. American Journal of Human Genetics 91:872-882.
[9] Skromne, I. and Prince, V. E. (2008) Current perspectives in Zebrafish reverse genetics: Moving forward. Developmental Dynamics 237, 861-882.
[8] *Skromne, I., Thorsen, D., Hale, M., Prince, V. E. and Ho, R. K. (2007) Repression of the hindbrain developmental program by Cdx factors is required for the specification of the vertebrate spinal cord. Development 134, 2147-2158.
[7] *Bertocchini, F., Skromne, I. and Stern, C. D. (2004) Determination of embryonic polarity in a regulative system: evidence for endogenous inhibitors acting sequentially during primitive streak formation in the chick embryo. Development 131, 3381-3390.
[6] Skromne, I. and Stern, C. D. (2002) A hierarchy of gene expression accompanying induction of the primitive streak by Vg1 in the chick embryo. Mech Dev. 114, 115-118.
[5] *Skromne, I. and Stern, C. D. (2001) Interactions between Wnt and Vg1 signalling pathways initiate primitive streak formation in the chick embryo. Development 128, 2915-2927.
[4] Foley, A. C., Skromne, I. and Stern, C. D. (2000) Reconciling different models of forebrain induction and patterning: a dual role for the hypoblast. Development 127, 3839-3854.
[3] Bachvarova, R. F., Skromne, I. and Stern, C. D. (1998) Induction of primitive streak and Hensen’s node by the posterior marginal zone in the early chick embryo. Development 125, 3521-3534.
[2] Shah, S. B., Skromne, I., Humme, C. R., Kessler, D. S., Lee, K. J., Stern, C. D. and Dodd, J. (1997) Misexpression of chick Vg1 in the marginal zone induces primitive streak formation. Development 124, 5127-5138.
[1] Skromne, I. Sanchez, O. and Aguirre, J. (1995) Starvation stress modulates the expression of the Aspergillus nidulans brlA regulatory gene. Microbiology 141, 21-28.
Conference Presentations (as presenting author)
- Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology
(Speaker; 2006; Poster; 1999, 2002, ‘03, ‘05, ‘11, ‘14, ‘15,‘16)
- Annual Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology
(Speaker; 2010, ‘16; Poster; 2009, ‘11, ‘16)
- Annual Midwest Developmental Biology Meeting (Speaker; 2004, ‘05, ’08;Poster, 2007)
- International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics
(Speaker; 2006; Poster; 2002, ‘04, ‘10, ‘12, ‘14)
- Gordon Research Conference in Developmental Biology (Poster; 2015)
- Tales of Discovery: Zebrafish Symposium, University of Miami (Speaker; 2015)
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology(Speaker; 2015)
- Mexican Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting (Speaker; 2011)
- The 4th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators (Poster; 2011)
- University of Miami Neuroscience Program Retreat(Speaker, 2010)
- The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Poster, 2005)
- The 18th Fungal Genetics Conference (Poster, 1995)
University Seminars
- University of Richmond, Dept. Biology (2016)
- West Chester University, Dept. Biology (2016)
- Eastern Michigan University, Dept. Biology (2016)
- Mount Holyoke College, Dept. Biology (2015)
- University of Miami, Dept. Biology (2008, 2014)
- McDaniel College, Dept. Biology (2014)
- Barry University, Dept. Biology (2014)
- University of Toronto, Dept. Cell and Systems Biology (2013)
- University of Miami, Dept. of Cell Biology (2012)
- National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Cellular Physiology (2009)
- Loyola University, Dept. Biology (2008)
- Chicago State University, Dept. Biology (2008)
Under Review (top 6 percentile)
R21: Testing the therapeutic potential of carbon nanodots in bone mineralization diseases
Funding Organization: NIH
Award Requested: $401,836.00
Project Duration: 2 years
Role: PI
IOS RUI: Elucidating the signaling interactions that control spinal cord fate specification
Funding Organization: NSF
Award Requested: TBD
Project Duration: 4 years
Role: PI
Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship
Funding organization: Gordon Research Conference
Award Amount: $6,500
Project Duration: Summer 2015
Role: Fellow
Meeting Grant Award: Symposium: Answering cutting-edge research questions with zebrafish
Funding Organization: Society for Developmental Biology
Award Amount: $1,000
Project Duration: Winter 2015
Role: PI
Role of negative feedback regulation between Retinoic Acid signaling pathway and Cdx transcription factors in spinal cord specification
Funding Organization: University of Miami Provost Research Award in the Natural Sciences
Award Amount: $10,500
Project Duration: 2010-2011
Role: PI
RIG: Role of Cdx transcription factors in the control of neural plate competence to FGF patterning signals
Funding Organization:NSF
Award Amount: $200,000
Project Duration: 2009-2012
Role: PI
The role of Bozozok in organizer formation in zebrafish
Funding Organization: The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Award Amount: $110,000
Project Duration: 2000-2003
Role: Fellow
Embryology Course Fellowship
Funding Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory
Award Amount: $5,000
Project Duration: Summer 2000
Role: Fellow
Development Traveling Fellowship: Cultivation of chick embryonic stem cells
Funding Organization: Company of Biologists, Ltd.
Award Amount:$2,000
Project Duration: Summer 1998
Role: Fellow
Undergraduate Senior Research Fellowship: Role of nutrition on sporulation in the fungus A. nidulans
Funding Organization: National Autonomous University of Mexico
Award Amount: $1,000
Project Duration: 1993-1994
Role: Fellow
BIL162 – Evolution and Biodiversity Laboratory (average enrollment =50 students)
BIL255 – Cell and Molecular Biology (average enrollment=120 students)
BIL365 – Comparative Physiology (guest lecturer; average enrollment=90 students)
BIL367 – Biology of Cancer (average enrollment=40 students)
BIL 612 – Graduate Core (Cell Biology section; average enrollment=12 students)
BIL 675 – Patterning in biological systems (with Dr. Don DeAngelis; average enrollment=10 students)
NEU663 – Developmental Neuroscience (guest lecturer; average enrollment=12 students)
Neuroscience Program Journal Club (Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, team lead)
First Year U Leadership Program (Center for Leadership and Service, University of Miami, team lead)
BIOS-20193 Developmental Biology (U. Chicago; guest lecturer; average enrollment=90 students)
BIOS-213506 Vertebrate developmental biology (U. Chicago; guest lecturer; av. enrollment=20 students)
State of the art experiments in zebrafish developmental biology. Institute for Sea Sciences and Limnology, Nat’l Autonomous University of Mexico; 2015
Workshop on model organisms in cell and developmental biology. Institute for Cellular Physiology, Nat’l Autonomous University of Mexico; 2013.
Undergraduate students
Notes: 28 students, reverse chronology; 1Thesis; 2Competitive Funding; 3Publication
- 2Esmail Miyanji (Spring 2016-present). Bioavailability of Carbon-dots in zebrafish.
- Gabriel Prado (Summer 2016-Spring 2017). Regionalization of chicken neural explants by cocktail of signaling factors.
- Shamira Gonzalez (Summer 2016-Spring 2017). Silencing of gene expression in chicken embryos using modified Crisper/CAS9 system.
- Heike Stocklein (Summer 2016). Bioavailability of Carbon-dots in zebrafish.
- 2Benny Tom. (Summer 2015-present) Characterization of the Autism spectrum disease gene Shank3 on early embryo development.
- Andrew Masciarella (Fall 2015-Spring 2017). Analysis of Wnt function in hox expression.
- Andres Corona. (Fall 2015) Generation of tissue-specific transgenic zebrafish lines.
- 2Jessica Cothern. (Spring 2015-Spring 2017). Regulation of hindbrain and spinal cord territories by retinoic acid and FGF receptors.
- 1,2Vanessa Feites. (Summer 2012-Spring 2015) Mitotic and apoptotic changes in Cdx deficient embryos.
- Pier Sanchez (Fall 2014) Analysis of Wnt function in hox expression.
- Roshni Bath (Fall 2014) Analysis of Wnt function in hox expression.
- 2Matheus Oliveira (Summer 2014) Wnt regulation of rhombomere cell proliferation and apoptosis in zebrafish
- Teresa Gallina (Spring 2014) Expression characterization of Cdx regulators in zebrafish.
- Thomas Carlino (Spring 2014-Fall 2014) Expression characterization of Cdx regulators in zebrafish.
- 1Stephen Ralph. (Spring 2014) Alcohol induced apoptosis during critical periods of embryonic zebrafish development
- 1,2Spencer Keil (Spring 2013-Fall 2014) Analysis of Wnt function in the regulation of the hindbrain-spinal cord transition.
- Aleeza Ali (Fall 2013-Spring 2014) Characterization of dominant negative forms of Cdx4.
- Brandon Barsky (Fall 2013-Fall 2014) Somite size regulation and patterning by Wnt signaling factors in zebrafish.
- 3Daniel Micklin (Fall 2013) Analysis of somite variation in Cdx4-deficient embryos.
- 2Alexis Alvarez. (Fall 2012-Spring 2013) Effects of BMP signaling on Cdx4 expression.
- Maxwell Okunola. (Fall 2012-Spring 2013) Characterization of Cdx4 de novo transcription sites in zebrafish.
- 2Kody Grizl. (Summer 2011) Characterization of her gene expression in Cdx4 deficient embryos.
- 1,2Aleena Ali. (Summer 2011-Spring 2014) Characterization of Cdx4 window of activity in zebrafish.
- 1,2,3Keun Lee (Fall 2010-Spring 2014). Interactions between Retinoic Acid and Cdx genes in spinal cord specification.
- 1Michale Lazzara (Summer 2010-Spring 2013). Characterization of dorsal and ventral neural progenitor cells in the spinal cord of Cdx4 zebrafish embryos.
- 1Mejdi Najjar. (Spring 2010-Spring 2012) Functional analysis of GDF8/GDF11 signaling factors in zebrafish axial patterning.
- 1Bryant Huang. (Fall 2009-Spring 2012) Transcription analysis of GDF8/GDF11 family of signaling factors in zebrafish.
- Jonathan Macias (Spring 2010-Spring 2011). Interactions between Retinoic Acid and Cdx genes in spinal cord specification.
- 2Danielle Weiss (Spring 2009-Spring 2011). Interactions between Retinoic Acid and Cdx genes in spinal cord specification.
- Stephanie Mlacker (Spring 2010-Summer 2010). Expression analysis of GDF11 in zebrafish.
- 1,2Michael G. Mlacker (Spring 2009-Spring 2010). Role of Cdx1 in spinal cord development in chicken embryos.
Graduate students
Notes: 4 students, reverse chronology; 1Thesis; 2Competitive Funding; 3Publication
- 2,3Piyush Joshi (2011-2017) Conserved and divergent functions of Cdx factors in spinal cord specification and patterning across vertebrates. Advanced to candidacy 2014.
- Kelly McAvoy (PIBS student, Summer 2011 rotation). Expression analysis of Her5 gene family in wild type and cdx4-deficient zebrafish.
- 2Saptaparni Bandyopadhyay (2010-2016). Patterning and segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm by Cdx transcription factors. Ph.D. defense, April 2016
- 1,3Albert Hayward (2009-2014) Molecular analysis of FGF-Cdx4 interactions during spinal cord specification and patterning. Ph.D. defense, November 2014
Graduate student committee member (Advising role)
Notes: 9 students, reverse chronology
- Jason Presnell (1/7/2015) Evolution and function of Klf factors in Ctenophores. Advisor, William Browne, Dept. Biology.
- Marie Maloof (1/7/2015) The transcription factor FoxP2 is needed for cerebellar granule cell differentiation. Advisor, Nagi Ayad, Dept. Psychiatry and Behavior.
- Saloni Metha (3/30/15) Investigating modification of transcription factors in combination to promote axon regeneration after injury. Advisors, Vance Lemmon and John Bixby. Miami Project to Cure Paralysis.
- Shayna Bernstein (11/5/2014) Populations structure by health and age: How mortality, stage switching, and stasis affect vital rates, demographic structure, and variability of individual trajectories in human populations. Advisor, Carol Horvitz, Dept. Biology
- Yuan Liu (11/3/2014) Optogenetic regulation of retinal ganglion cell survival and axonal regeneration. Advisor, Richard Lee. Dept. Cell Biology.
- Wei Wu (3/3/2014) Dishevelled interaction proteins during animal-vegetal axis specification in sea urchins. Advisor, Athula Wikramanayake, Dept. Biology
- Lillian Zamora (12/13/2012) Ethanol effects on zebrafish ear development Advisor, John Lu, Dept. Biology
- Xueting Luo (4/7/2011) Translational repression of nanos1 in Xenopus germline. Advisor, Mary Lou King, Professor, Dept. Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.
Postdoctoral fellows
Notes: 1 students, reverse chronology; 1Thesis; 2Competitive Funding; 3Publication
- Tristan Aguero (2012-2014) Cdx in paraxial mesoderm segmentation.
Institutional service
- Biology Curriculum Committee, Department of Biology, 2014-2017, Member.
- Biology Curriculum Mapping Committee, Department of Biology, 2014. Leader
- Co-director, Zebrafish Core Facility, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Miami, 2013-2015.
- Fellowship Award Committee, Department of Biology, 2009-2014. Chair 2011-2012
- Neuroscience Program Steering Committee, Coral Gables representative, Miller School of Medicine, 2012-2016
- Workshop organizer, Effective Writing Assignments for Teaching, December 1st, 2010, Department of Biology, University of Miami, FL
- Associate Master, Eaton Residential College, Division of Student Affairs, University of Miami, Fall 2008-2015. Commitment: 12-hours per month. Mentor and supervise Resident Associate students in the planning, organization and execution of learning programs at the Residential College.
- Interviewer, Singer fellowships, University of Miami, Spring 2009-present.
- Poster Judge, University of Miami Research, Creativity and Innovation Forum. Spring 2009-present.
- Workshop Co-organizer, Strategic Planning for Career Success, April 4-5, 2008, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
- Panelist, Academia in the Sciences Forum, Career Advising and Planning Services at the University of Chicago, November 13, 2007, The University of Chicago.
- Chair, Seminar Committee, The University of Chicago Biological Science Division Postdoctoral Association; 2005-2008.
- Founder member, The University of Chicago Biological Science Division Postdoctoral Association; 2004.
- Undergraduate student representative to the program in basic biomedical research advisory committee, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 1994-1994.
Research community service
Notes: Reverse chronology
- Grant reviewer:
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Genes, Cells and Molecules Panel;(Winter 2015, ‘16)
- North Carolina Biotechnology Center, United States (2014, ‘15)
- Medical Research Council, United Kingdom(Summer 2012, ‘15)
- NSF, Integrative Organismal Systems (Spring 2010, ‘11, ’12, ‘16)
- NSF, International Research Fellowship Program (Spring 2011)
- Provost Research Award in Natural Science and Engineering, University of Miami (Fall 2010)
- Manuscript reviewer for top journal
- Mechanisms of Development
- PLoS Biology
- Stem Cells
- Open Biology
- MDPI-Biology
- Professional Societies
- Society for Advancement of Chicano/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science(2015-present)
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (2014-present)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (2004-present)
- National Postdoctoral Association (2004-2008)
- Society for Developmental Biology (1996-present)
Notes: Reverse chronology
- Molecular Development of Human Spine. Pint of Science.Gramps Bar, Miami, FL; May 24, 2016.
- Co-organizer of Tales of Discovery: Zebrafish Symposium. University of Miami, Miami, FL; January 12-14, 2015 (with Dr. J. Dallman).
- Early development of vertebrate embryos. K-6 presentations in local schools, 2008-2014
- Developmental biology of model organisms. Coconut Creek High School Visit to the Department of Biology, University of Miami. 2009-2013 (co-organized with A. Wikramanayake,and J. Dallman).
- Science careers for Hispanic minorities. Miami Dade College. February 8, 2012(Host: C. Aristizabal)
- Decisions, decisions: how and embryo develops its parts. Miami Science Museum 2010 Senior Summer Science Series. Miami, FL;June 23, 2010.
English, Spanish, Hebrew
Dr. Claudio Stern (Doctoral advisor)
J Z Young Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology; University College London
Phone: 020 7679 7053
Dr. Robert K. Ho (Postdoctoral Co-advisor)
Professor and Chair
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, The University of Chicago
Tel. (773) 834-8423
Dr. Victoria Prince (Postdoctoral Co-advisor)
Professor and Dean of Graduate Affairs
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, The University of Chicago
Tel. (773) 834-2100
Dr. Athula Wikramanayake (Colleague)
Professor and Chair
Department of Biology, University of Miami
Tel. (305) 284-3988
Dr. Kathryn Tosney (Colleague and Mentor)
Professor and Director of SEEDS program
Department of Biology, University of Miami
Tel. (305) 284-2494
Dr. Michael S. Gaines(Colleague and Mentor)
Professor and Assistant Provost of Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach
Department of Biology, University of Miami
Tel. (305) 284-5058