Appeals Support Action Steps
Below are the series of action steps being implemented to improve communication and enhance customer services of the appeals process.
- Customer Support: A special appeals support team of appraisers, customer service, and management staff has been established. The team will handle the phone calls, faxes and email correspondence with the taxpayers regarding appeals.
- Appeal and Board of Equalization and Review (BER) Communication:Changes in correspondence are being made to avoid misunderstandings regarding the filing times and other of appeals deadlines. Additional clarification of process such as BER convention, adjournment and hearings will be available in print and on the new appeals website (see below).
- Phone Support: A new phone line is being installed and will be published. The number will be answered by four “Appeals Support” experts. Calls to 311 for appeals-related requests will also go to this line.A staff appraiser will be designated each day to accept phone referrals for appraisal expertise in answering customer contacts.Themechanics of this new team and phone support line are ongoing and are being coordinated with the deployment of an appeals website. BSSA-IT staff is assisting with the deployment of the phone line.
- BSSA-IT Customer Relationship Management: A relationship manager is assigned to coordinate the technology and communication resources needed to implement and sustain enhanced service delivery.
- Website Support:A website (Appeals.Charmeck.Org)devoted specifically to appeals is being created. This website is currently under construction and not ready for release. The site will contain information on a description of the appeals process, how property was valued, instructions for filing appeals, FAQs, etc. Content will be continually updated for outstanding 2011 appeals as well 2012 appeals. Board of Equalization and Review information and activities will be available on this site. Additional web sites and/or dedicated web pages are being considered as well, including for the Board of Equalization and Review, Valuation and Appeals Reporting, Homestead and Tax Exemption/Exclusion, etc.
- 311 Support:Assessor’s Office staff will coordinate any necessary information changes with 311, such as the new phone numbers, new websites, necessary script changes, etc., to ensure existing 311 capabilities are maintained.
- Public Information: BSSA-PI (public information) staffis assisting with developing various communication, including public service announcements and advertising to raise awareness of the key action steps above.
- Customer Service Response:Customer surveys are being created and deployed with the services to generate quantifiable feedback on satisfaction with these services. This feedback will be used to evaluate performance and to identify further improvements in service.
- Go-Live Date: A “Go-Live” date has been established for early April, dependent on the phone connectivity.