Page 1 07 February 2018
February 14, 2018
7pm – NGA Social Hall
The day of hearts is fast approaching. Its time to grab a hot date and make plans to attend our yearly village Valentines day celebration! The details for this event are as follows:
Date:February 14, 2018
Venue:Social Hall
As with our previous Valentines day event , there will be an exciting program which include games, live music and a lot of dancing, and best of all there will be FREE food and drinks! It will be a perfect fun-filled and enjoyable occasion for you and your date….
There will be dance instructors present for those who want to hit the dance floor and shake it up !
See you there !!!! Please come in your RED ATTIRE
FREE chocolate and stuffed toys will be given away for the first 100 guests.
1)Keeping North Greenhills clean & green
Keeping our surrounding clean specially the areas fronting our own homes is primarily the homeowner’s responsibility. We have made a lot of progress towards cleaning and maintaining our surroundings that we could compare or even surpass our neighboring villages in this regard may we remind our dear residents of the following:
- NO littering
- NO garbage outside the house
- NO dumping of garbage at vacant lots
- Dogs must be on Leash
- NO dog POOPING in open lots, streets, sidewalks, parks and in other public areas. Please be a good neighbor Clean up after your dog.
2)Misting & Drainage pouring
In line with continuous endeavor to clean up the village and as part of the services given by the NGA Admin, we will continue the monthly misting of your surrounding/backyard & drainage pouring to eradicate mosquitoes & crawling insects.
You may coordinate with NGA Admin Office for misting schedule inside your houses.
3)Security Matters
- Vehicles without NGA green sticker & unserviceable vehicle/s
We will strictly enforce the clamping/towing of vehicles with NO NGA green sticker and unattended/unserviceable vehicle/s parked inside the village.
There will be warnings issued beforehand to properly notify the concerned residents and give them enough time to bring their vehicles inside their parking areas. If you have such vehicle/s and have no more space inside your property, you may park the vehicle at Johnson Parking area for a minimal fee. You may coordinate with NGA Admin Office.
- RED sticker for 1oversized and commercial vehicles
School buses, mobile houses, commercial trucks, delivery vans and utility vehicles owned by NGA residents will only be issued NGA RED stickers. As such, these vehicle/s are not allowed to park along the streets. However they can parked at Johnson Parking area for a minimal fee.
- Endorsing Sticker
We would like to remind all homeowners to be responsible in informing your guest/s whom you have endorse to secure NGA sticker to strictly observe, understand and follow the NGA Rules & Regulations ( copy attached).
You may secure additional copy at the NGA Admin Office .
NGA Security personnel reserves the right to confiscate or cancel unauthorized sticker/s found on any vehicle entering the village and may also deny entry.
In order to be fair to all residents, this policy will be STRICTLY ENFORCED throughout the village without dispensation or special consideration to any residents.